Death Valley, movie (2021)
image © Death Valley Productions (company dissolved)
The Death Valley (2021) is a contemporary fantasy action / horror film. The movie was reviewed by Kadmon.
Product: Death Valley, movie (2021)
Original title: Death Valley
Series: -
Setting: contemporary fantasy Earth
Product type: Film, Genre: contemporary fantasy action / horror, Features: sci-fi, thriller, fantasy, contemporary fantasy, horror, action, creatures, aliens, Style: ?
Release: 2021.11.18
Reviewer: Kadmon, Type: Male, 40s, Preferences: Immersive, logical story, consistent setting, prefers surprises to spoilers, prefers establishing elements before referencing them
Watched: very recent (2021.12), first time
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Bad (1 out of 3 points)
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This is my review of Death Valley, a contemporary fantasy action / horror movie from 2021. It's about soldiers trying to rescue a woman trapped in a locked down facility. The Death Valley film is watchable, but I don't recommend it to anyone.
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Review (spoiler-free) - Death Valley, movie (2021)
I didn’t know anything about Death Valley, before finding it randomly. The cover and the tagline looked interesting. I didn’t watch the trailer.
The Death Valley movie is about soldiers trying to rescue a woman trapped in a locked down facility.
The concept of the plot is interesting, but the good things are buried in a boring movie. However, the story itself makes no sense. There are plenty of twists, and there are some great ones, but others exists only due to faulty logic. It’s irritating that they try to mislead the audience. There a character arc for the main character. After the beginning, for long stretches of time, the same things keep happening again and again (mostly running through corridors or crawling through vents). At one hour, I started to feel bored. There are major problems with the logic of the story.
The cinematography is good, especially in the beginning. The action scenes are good, and interesting. They are probably the best parts of the movie. The indoors scenes are sometimes badly lit, and it's hard to see what is happening.
We don’t really get to know the characters. The actors are okay.
The music (by Sean Croley, Kevin Wideman, Tony Lind) is a good choice, I enjoyed it.
Death Valley is a watchable contemporary fantasy action movie, that I think only very dedicated fans of the genre could enjoy.
My experience
I was not satisfied with Death Valley (2021). I happen to like stories with well-thought, logical plots, and Death Valley couldn’t deliver that.
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points). Death Valley has some good ideas, but everything else was weak.
Enjoyment: Bad (1 out of 3 points). Death Valley was boring and irritating.
Rewatchability: I'm not sure. I think it's mostly the surprise of the story that makes you feel interested.
Chance of watching it again: No.
Chance of watching a sequel: Unlikely.
Death Valley, movie (2021)
image © Death Valley Productions (company dissolved)
Will you enjoy this?
If you like horror or action thriller movies (Alien, Doom: Annihilation (2019), Splice), you might like the Death Valley movie.
If you enjoyed the Doom: Annihilation (2019) movie, you might be interested in this story.
If you don't mind illogical elements in your movies, you can enjoy this.
If you prefer visuals over story, this movie is not for you.
If you hate zombie movies, Death Valley is a slightly different take on the theme, so you might like this.
Watching for plot points
If you are interested in creature horror stories, I think it's worth watching the Death Valley movie for the plot points. Or you could just read the summary.
Should you watch this on your own screen at home, or is it worth going to the cinema?
The visuals definitely look better if you watch it on a small screen, due to the weak CGI shots.
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Death Valley, movie (2021)
image © Death Valley Productions (company dissolved)
Review with spoilers - Death Valley, movie (2021)
I didn’t like the Death Valley movie.
The action scene in the woods in the beginning was the best part of the movie. Had they stick to that, it could have been an interesting movie. When the creatures started to appear, the movie became ridiculous, partly because there were only two-three characters, and we knew that they are not in danger. So, the creatures just entered, gestured menacingly, then disappeared, letting the characters go.
It was kind of like they wanted to mix Predator with Aliens or the Doom computer game, but it didn't really work.
The cover of the movie practically spoils the movie, leaving no room to wonder what kind of menace will they find in the tunnels.
The trailer
The trailer is good.
Promise of the first scene
A man leaves his companions to die, but a woman escapes from some unseen thing. I assume there’s a monster (maybe more), that’s going to chase the woman, until she defeats it, or finds a way to escape and take revenge on the man.
Execution: Well, we got something like that, but after we see that she stabs the man, we don’t get to know anything about the man’s fate.
Plot summary / Synopsis
A burly man (Matt Daciw as Olek), another man, and a woman (Kristen Kaster as Chloe) are running towards a gate, while a lockdown countdown is running. The burly man shoots at the others, and leaves them to their fates as the gate closes for the next 24 hours. The woman starts to run into another direction, while the wounded man is pulled away by an unseen thing.
The woman sends a message the corporation (Samiyaza Institute) that everyone else is dead, the place is locked down, and if they want the research data, they need to rescue her. When the lockdown ends, they will lose the research forever.
A blind, humanoid creature approaches the woman.
We see a soldier (Jeremy Ninaber as James Beckett), a funny soldier (Ethan Mitchell as Marshall “Junior”), and a female soldier (Jacqueline Ninaber as Rachel) preparing for a mission to rescue the woman. The soldier tells his wife on phone that this is his last mission, and he’ll be back home soon. They take off on a plane. The debriefing says that a hostile militia was trying to storm the bio-research facility, and now they are trying to force their way through the locked gates. The soldiers need to go undetected. They will go in two teams, and join at the landing zone in 24 hours.
After landing, the four soldiers of Beta Team captures a militia member, and tie him up to a tree, but he gets away, and alerts to militia. Beta Team gets attacked in the woods, one of them gets killed, another one injured, so they leave him. The two remaining soldiers escape by jumping into a river.
Alpha Team, including the female soldier enters the facility, but they are attacked by a strange human with superhuman strength.
Beta Team decides to enter the facility, so they can hide from the pursuing militia.
The militia captures the injured soldier Beta Team left behind, and tell him that they want to prevent anyone entering the facility, as there’s an infection, and anyone getting inside will turn into a creature. They say they need to work together to defeat the creatures.
Beta Team finds the woman, and gets attacked by a creature. They shoot at the creature, until it escapes. They see militia members inside, so they try to hide. The woman tells the soldiers that the burly man was in the facility to guard the hybrid they’ve created. The burly man killed the hybrid, and wants to use the creature.
They find the female soldier from Alpha Team, but she is infected. The woman agrees to stay with her, while the soldiers are away, but she kills her when they leave. They get attacked by a creature, and they get separated.
The woman and the soldier gets attacked by the militia, but they kill them. The funny soldier gets bitten by a creature, then captured by the militia. The soldier wants to free the funny soldier, but the woman reminds him that they should get the research safe, as if the burly man will get it, they will all die. They find a flamethrower.
The militia tied up the funny soldier, and they want to know where’s the hybrid. The funny soldier’s infection makes him see memories of the hybrid, and it’s revealed that it’s the woman. A creature attacks the militiaman, and leaves the funny soldier, as he is infected now.
They also find a satellite phone. The soldier sends the woman to find the exit with the phone, and use when she’s outside, so they’ll find her. However, when they are in the hybrid’s room, the soldier finds a crib, and realises that the hybrid must be a female, and it must be the woman. The woman tells her that she is pregnant, that’s why she wanted to break free. The soldier tells her that he won’t kill her, but can’t let her out. Their stand-off is interrupted by a creature’s attack. The funny soldier arrives. The woman escapes. The soldier kills the creature with a flamethrower.
The woman gets out of a hatch. There’s the burly man with a pistol, but he doesn’t want to shoot her. She stabs him, but she also gets stabbed. The soldier and the funny soldier arrive, and they get attacked by the woman. They punch each other for a while, but they manage to kill the hybrid, who is luckily prone to strangling. The funny soldier is left in the facility, as he’s about to turn. The soldier gets out, and falls unconscious due to his wounds.
A rescue team arrives, and we see that the soldier is infected, and attacks them.
The setting
It’s set on contemporary fantasy Earth, where alien creatures exist.
Death Valley, movie (2021)
image © Death Valley Productions (company dissolved)
What really happened
Scientists created a hybrid girl, whom they named Adam, for some reason.
The girl grew up to be a woman, and was kept in the facility for 30 years. She got pregnant, and decided to break out of the facility. She broke though the walls of her room, and somehow caused the infection that took the people of the facility.
The woman sends a message to the corporation, referring to herself in third person, for some reason, threatening them that their research will be destroyed unless they rescue her. For some reason, the corporation decides to comply, and sends a couple of soldiers. However, for some reason, they don’t inform them about the situation.
Her caretaker, Olek, loved her enough that he wasn’t able to kill her, so he locked her inside the facility. Then, Olek gathered a militia to contain the infection, and probably to kill the creatures inside the facility. When they meet soldiers sent by the corporation, they want to ask for their help, so they attack them with full force, for some reason. Then they execute one of them for some reason, then convince the injured survivor to help in their cause.
When the hybrid meets the soldiers sent to rescue her, she decides that from then on, she’ll act like a damsel in distress, and not use her control of the creatures to make a clear way, for some reason.
When the hybrid leaves the facility, Olek, who gathered that large militia just to stop her from escaping, meets her alone for some reason. Then, when she tries to kill Olek, the man just wanders away, allowing her to escape. It takes the soldiers they’ve sent to rescue her, to kill her, as they are not very good at following orders, for some reason.
The infection
The scientists found something in a glacier, they called Subject N. They experimented on humans, but it attacks the human DNA. 30 years ago they created a successful hybrid, they called Adam. The only way to create a hybrid is through an embryo.
The hybrid is the source of infection. The hybrid has superhuman strength, but it seems to be get damaged and killed like a regular human. It seems that the hybrid is able to command the creatures, either through telepathy or facial expressions (it’s not entirely clear). Or the creatures are more clever than they look, and understand what’s going on around them.
If someone gets infected, it will turn into a creature. A bite or clawing can infect a human. The blood of the infected start to feel like it’s on fire. Then they start to have memories that aren’t theirs. During the infection, the infected loses its hair, and the eyes start to bleed. They can be killed, until the infection totally takes over. Even if they are not taken over, they act aggressively, and they have superhuman strength. It seems that cold makes it longer for the infection to take over.
The creature is blind, but attracted to sound. It can jump really high. They don’t attack other infected, unless they have a good reason for it (I’m not sure how this works, sometimes they do attack the infected).
The creature can only be destroyed by fire. Regular wounds only hurt the creature.
The message of the story
I'm not sure there's one.
The structure of the story
The scenes of the Death Valley film are mostly played in sequence, following the same storyline. There are some flashbacks.
There’s no single viewpoint character.
It has the usual arc of the dramatic structure - introduction, action, resolution. It ends abruptly, probably with a hint for a sequel.
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Things I liked
- The debriefing scene looked cool.
- The attack in the woods at the beginning looks good.
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How does it compare to the other works of the creators?
I haven't seen any films from the writer / director (Matthew Ninaber), but after this, I’m not sure I’d be interested in his writing. He might be a decent director though, and I might be interested in his future action flicks.
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Death Valley, movie (2021)
image © Death Valley Productions (company dissolved)
Analysis of the story - Death Valley, movie (2021)
As the logical problems started to accumulate, it prevented me from enjoying Death Valley, especially after I realised they intentionally mislead the audience.
Problematic elements
Title: Why is it Death Valley? It’s not even set in a valley.
Lockdown protocol: I’d assume they issue a lockdown to lock the site down. For me that would mean not only closing the gates, but switching off power and water. Yet, we see that everything works fine.
Showing the creature: If the creators couldn’t come up with something really effective, they should hide the creature as long as possible. Showing it off at the fifth minute is not a wise choice. Showing it on the cover was a worse choice.
The story about Noah: The whole thing felt out of place, especially from the mouth of the soldier. Also, it’s not likely that scientists would think that something they’ve found in the ice would be some creature from the Bible.
A woman behind the soldier: Before the soldier finds the hybrid woman, there’s another woman standing behind him. We don’t see her any more after this. Who is that? Why is she standing there? What happens to her?
Jumps of logic: The soldier sees a crib. So the hybrid must be a female. If it’s a female, it must be the female scientist. It’s a bit far fetched.
Sudden change: The soldier has a flamethrower in his hand, that’s able to kill the creatures. However, when a creature attacks, it’s the automatic rifle in his hand, that can only hurt the creature, but not kill it.
Not infecting the soldier: What does the hybrid want with the soldier? Why doesn’t she infect him, when she has the chance?
Misleading the audience: Several elements and scenes are only there to mislead the audience, as the characters act out of character so the creators can make a twist later.
- Why would the scientist name the female hybrid Adam?
- Why would the hybrid start to run at the beginning? She is not threatened by the creatures, and she’d be able to tear up the door, it’s not like she would need to reach it in time.
- When the hybrid sends the message, why does she refer to herself in the third person?
- Why does she send the message at all? It’s not like she is in danger. And when the lockdown ends in 24 hours, she could just march out of the place with her army of creatures.
- Why would the hybrid get a fireman’s axe, and hide from the creatures, when she is able to control them?
- Why would the corporation send a team of soldiers without telling them that it’s the hybrid, a dangerous creature they need to rescue? Also, why would they want the hybrid to get out, when they know exactly that it would endanger the whole world?
- Why would Olek’s militia attack if they were intended to get allied with? And why would they execute the wounded soldier?
- When the soldiers arrive, several hours later, why does the hybrid go back to the exact spot where we last saw her, getting approached by the creature?
- If the hybrid wants to get out of the place, and she is able to control the creatures, why do they need to spend a lot of time hiding from them, instead of going straight to the exit?
Teleporting man: When the hybrid woman gets out of the hatch, there’s nobody around. Suddenly, behind her back, there’s a man standing. He’s not even approaching her from an angle we didn’t see, he was just standing there.
Lack of signs of isolation: The hybrid woman was supposed to spend 30 years of her life in isolation, in the lab. Yet, she seems to be pretty good at things.
- She’s an expert at close combat.
- She’s very good in acting.
- She knows the world outside well enough to use this knowledge to convince people.
Unanswered questions
- How did the hybrid get pregnant? Who is the father?
- What happened to the injured soldier? The one whom the militia recruited?
- What happened to Olek?
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Possibilities of improvement
- In the beginning, end the scene where the woman looks into the camera. The next time we meet her, should be when she is found by the soldiers.
- Add dialogue implying that the soldiers are mercenaries, who intercepted the message, and decide to go on the rescue mission, hoping that the corporation would pay them.
- Make the message sent by the woman be watched by the soldiers. Cut the references to Adam.
- Cut the shots where they show the creature in close-ups. The less we see them, the threatening they are.
- Trim some of the running / crawling scenes. They should have less problems with the creatures, as the woman wants to get out, and she is able to control them.
- Cut the part where the soldiers are talking about the Bible.
How it could have been better?
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Behind the scenes
Thoughts about the reviews of others
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Death Valley, movie (2021)
image © Death Valley Productions (company dissolved)
Uses for the film - Death Valley, movie (2021)
- Scientists find an alien creature in the ice.
- Scientists try to create a human-alien hybrid.
- Scientists create a creature in a lab, that escapes.
Scenario ideas - Role-playing game scenario ideas
Scenario ideas - Wargame scenario ideas
Rescue mission: There’s a fortified place, being surrounded by attackers. There are people inside that needs to be rescued. The playing area is set up by the defender, including a building in the middle. The defender selects a scenery feature to act as an entrance, and writes it down, or puts a marker under the scenery to show it to the attacker when it’s revealed. Some defender units are deployed inside the building. Then the attacker can place units around the building, anywhere in the middle third of the playing area. Then the defender puts the rescue force on the edge of the playing area. The attacker cannot react to the presence of the rescue force, unless they get in visual contact. The attackers have weapons to break the gates, and if they have enough time, they are able to open the gate, and storm the place. The rescue team has to reach the entrance, then spend an action to make a way through it. Then the entrance is open, and anyone can use it. It’s one movement to get to the entrance from the middle of the building. The defender wins if at least half of the people inside the building get out of the playing area. The attacker wins if they can take the building, before the people inside get rescued.
Entrance markers (harder for the defender): The attacker knows there’s some way in. The defender puts some entrance markers on the playing area, and one of them has the entrance sign on the back, while the others are empty.
Prevention: The attacker actually wants to seal the place, as there is something dangerous in the building. They want to prevent anyone from leaving the building, but they also want to prevent anyone from entering. When the defender manages to activate the entrance, the Creatures event starts.
Random events (harder for the players): When the attacker breaks down the gate, or when the rescue team opens the entrance, roll a d6. On 1-5, the expected result happens. On a 6, roll another d6.
1-2 - Self-destruct: The event causes the building to be destroyed in a set number of turns (hidden bombs, missile). On that turn, any model remaining in the building is destroyed, and any model remaining on the playing area receives a wound.
3-4 - Destruction: The event causes the whole area to be destroyed in a set number of turns, except for the building (carpet bombing, forest fire, creature swarm). On that turn, any model outside the building will be destroyed, and any model outside the playing area receives a wound.
5-6 - Creatures: Instead of defender units, it’s creatures (zombies, aliens, demons, killer robots) that inhabit the place. Maybe the people in the fortress wanted to come up with some way to defeat the attackers, but it turned on them. The creatures get out of the place, and attack the closest model to them.
Rescue mission v2 (solo play): There’s a place where people are waiting to be rescued, but the place is full of creatures. They send a rescue team. The player sets up the playing area, with multiple enclosed places that could hide the targets of the mission. Then randomly put creatures on the playing area. Then deploy the rescue team anywhere on the edges. The creatures act at the end of the turn. They attack the closest non-creature model, or more towards them. When the rescue team opens an enclosed space, roll a d6. On a 1, there is d6 unarmed civilian people inside who must be rescued. After the last enclosed space is opened, the rescue team can leave. The rescue team wins, if they evacuate at least half of the people inside.
Infected (harder for the player): The creatures are infected people (zombies, mutants, killer cyborgs), who are slightly more dangerous than a civilian, but not as tough as the rescue team members. When they manage to take a human out of combat, put the model on the side, and put an Infected marker at it. If the model has multiple wounds, than it carries the Infected marker, and it only starts to affect it, when the model is taken out of combat. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6. On a 1, remove the wounded marker, and change the model to a creature, and it counts as being on the ground. If the infected model receives another wound while wounded, the model is destroyed, remove it from play. When they open an enclosed space, on a 1, they find the humans, but on a 6, they find d6 creatures.
Defenders (harder for the player): There’s a force of soldiers who want to prevent anyone from entering the area. Maybe it’s sacred ground for them, or they worship the creatures, or they own the place. After deploying the creatures, put some squads randomly around the area, but at least one movement away from the creatures. The soldiers attack the nearest model, or move towards them.
Creature player (additional player): The creatures are controlled by a player. The creature player wins if they kill more than half of the civilians. They can’t enter the enclosed spaces until they are opened by the rescue team.
Defender player (additional player): The defenders are controlled by a player. The defender player wins if more than half of the enclosed spaces remain closed.
Purge the nest: The Infected are aliens that infect people (they can be represented by any kind of models, even humans), who want to spread out of the playing area. The attackers are an elite team, who want to purge the alien nest. The Infected player sets up the playing area, with four exit points, one on every table edge. Then the Infected puts the Alpha in the middle of the playing area, and then the Warriors anywhere on the middle third of the playing area. Then the attackers deploys their units near any of the exit points. The attackers are elite troops, and they are more numerous than the Infected. The Infected wins if the Alpha gets out of the playing area. The attacker wins if they destroy all of the infected.
The Infected: They are lead by an Alpha, the first infected in the area. The Warriors are infected people who turned a long time ago. The Zombies are freshly infected people. Count the Alpha and Warriors as Elite troops when counting Army points.
Instinctive actions: Infected models are acting on instinct, except for the Alpha. At the end of the turn, any Infected model that didn’t act in that turn, attack the models they are in contact with, or they move towards the closest living model. If they can’t see a living model, they move in a random direction.
Infection: Infected units can infect a model by a successful hit. If the infected model is taken out of combat, put the model on the side, and put an Infected marker at it. If the model has multiple wounds, than it carries the Infected marker, and it only starts to affect it, when the model is taken out of combat. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6. On a 1, remove the wounded marker, and change the model to a Zombie, and it counts as being on the ground. If the infected model receives another wound while wounded, the model is destroyed, remove it from play.
Alpha (unit): It looks like a regular member of the origin species, but it has superhuman abilities (stronger than veterans). If the Alpha has line of sight to an Infected, it can issue an order to the model, so it’s not affected by the instinctive actions. It can be armed by weapons typical to the locals.
Warrior (unit): It has superhuman abilities (stronger than veterans). It has natural armour, a strong close combat weapon, and regeneration. When a Warrior is taken out of combat, put the model on the side, and put a wounded marker at it. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6. On a 1, remove the wounded marker, and the Warrior counts as being on the ground. If it receives another wound while wounded, the model is destroyed, remove it from play.
Zombie (unit): It has the same abilities as it had before, but gains regeneration. A Zombie can’t use any kind of weapons. When a Zombie is taken out of combat, put the model on the side, and put a wounded marker at it. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6. On a 1, remove the wounded marker, and the Warrior counts as being on the ground. If it receives another wound while wounded, the model is destroyed, remove it from play.
Movie accurate Infected (harder for the attacker): The Warriors and Zombies can only be destroyed by fire, but they are taken out of combat by any wounds.
Defenders of the nest (three player variant): Between the attackers and the infected, there’s a third force that wants to prevent the attackers success. They might be the owners of the area, or they don’t want the attackers to get their hands on the infection. The defender player sets up the playing area. Then the Infected player deployed their own forces in the middle third of the playing area. Then the defenders deploy their own forces outside of the middle third, but inside of the middle half. They are about half the numbers of the attackers, but they can use the terrain to protect themselves. The defenders win if they kill more than half of the attacking force, while more than half of their own force still remains. It’s a minor victory for them, if they would win, but the Alpha left the playing area.
Miniatures - 1/50-1/60 (28-32mm scale)
Soldiers: Human-sized modern human soldiers.
Creatures: Human-sized humanoid creatures. You could use Imp models from the Doom game.
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Similar stories - Death Valley, movie (2021)
Dafydd ab Hugh & Brad Linaweaver: Doom series (1995-1996): In a futuristic setting, a soldier fights creatures (demons from Hell). Based on the Doom & Doom 2 game.
Gáspár András & Szántay Zsolt (as Damien Forrestal): Doom series (1995): In a futuristic setting, a soldier fights creatures (demons from Hell). Unlicenced story, based on the Doom & Doom 2 game.
Matthew Costello: Doom 3 series (2008-2009): In a futuristic setting, a soldier fights creatures (demons from Hell). Based on the Doom 3 game.
Graphic novels
Doom (1996): In a futuristic setting, a soldier fights creatures (demons from Hell). Based on the Doom & Doom 2 game.
Aliens (1986): In a futuristic setting, a group of soldiers investigate a deserted place, that was taken over by creatures (Alien xenomorphs).
Doom: Annihilation (2019): In a futuristic setting, a group of soldiers investigate a deserted place, that was taken over by creatures (demons from Hell).
Species series (1995, 1998, 2004, 2007): Scientists experiment with a human-alien hybrid. It gets out, trying to infect humanity. People are sent against the hybrid.
Splice (2009): Scientists experiment with a human-animal hybrid. It gets out, attacking people.
Computer games
Aliens vs Predator (1999, 2001, 2010): In a futuristic setting, soldiers investigate deserted places, finding creatures (Alien xenomorphs, Predators).
Doom series (1993-1994, 2004-2012, 2016-2021): In a futuristic setting, a soldier fights creatures (demons from Hell).
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Frequently asked questions - Death Valley, movie (2021)
Is the Death Valley film based on a book or comics?
No, Death Valley is not based on either books or comics.
Is the Death Valley film a remake or reboot?
No, the Death Valley film is neither a remake nor a reboot.
Is there a post credit scene in Death Valley? Does Death Valley have end credit scenes?
No, there's no post credit scene in Death Valley.
Where can I see Death Valley? Where can I watch Death Valley online? Is Death Valley available on Netflix? Is Death Valley on Amazon?
As of 2022.01.03, Death Valley is available on Amazon Prime Video, Shudder.
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Resources - Death Valley, movie (2021)
IMDB: Death Valley (II) (2021): Database article.
Letterboxd: Death Valley 2021: Database article.
Rotten Tomatoes: Death Valley 2021: Database article.
: Concept art article.¤
Reviews with no spoilers - Death Valley film (2021)
: Review video about the Death Valley film with no spoilers.¤
Reviews with spoilers - Death Valley film (2021)
: Review article of the Death Valley movie, with spoilers. Includes a very detailed plot summary.¤
Analysis - Death Valley movie (2021)
: Analysis video, explaining the finale of Death Valley.¤
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Buying the product - Death Valley, movie (2021)
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