The Games Nexus is a collection of reviews, information, websites and articles related to SF&F literature, art and gaming (board games, role-playing games and miniature games).
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Board Games Nexus: Board game reviews and board gaming articles.
Miniatures Nexus: A collection of miniatures related articles - miniature figures (collecting, painting, sculpting), tactical and strategy wargames, reviews (miniatures, games, miniature hobby supplies), terrain and figure modelling articles.
Wargames Nexus: A collection of articles about wargames rules and products.
RPG Nexus: A collection of articles about role-playing games, rpg product reviews, and role-play gaming.
Game Design & Publishing: Collection of resources about designing and publishing your own creations.
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What other sci-fi, fantasy, role-playing or miniature gaming related topics would you like to read about? Tell us in the comments!
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