Advertising your gaming product, novel or movie
This website ( publishes articles, mostly about games, miniatures, movies and books, in science-fiction, fantasy, and horror genres. The articles cover reviews, playthroughs, gaming advice. There are also some videos that cover similar topics.
If you contact us for promoting your product, we'll do a basic service for free. That means that your product will get into our list, and if any of our writers pick it up, or when your product comes on top, we'll publish an article about your product. If you'd like to meet some deadline with the promotion, you can contact us to come up with an arrangement - this could be writing guest articles, short-stories, scenarios or reviews for us, or sending some of your products as gifts (that might get reviewed later).
If you are a publisher, you can send us products for review, getting a dofollow link to your website in the article.
If you are a retailer, you can send us us products to be used on the website, getting a dofollow link to your webstore in all of the articles that feature the products.
As we'd like to avoid exchange of money, make sure to label your packages as Commercial Samples with Zero Value, to avoid customs charges. If we still receive a bill to pay customs charges, we'll contact you to provide the required payment.
To get the most of our cooperation, you should put a dofollow link to our website on your main page. This makes our website more visible for search engines, allowing the articles about your products to reach more people. For a lesser extent, it would also help if you'd put a dofollow link to our article about your product in your own article about your product. If you have social media channels, sharing the link to our article about your product helps it to reach more people.
It's also recommended to like, follow and subscribe to our social media channels, to make a stronger presence on the social media, helping us to further your cause: Facebook - Instagram - Pinterest - Twitter - YouTube
What we offer for products that are work in progress
If you send us the current physical version of your board game or miniature, we can publish a review or playtest article or video of that, if your product hits a certain quality. Otherwise publishing a sincere review could be detrimental to your potential success.
If you send us a printable version of your board game or miniature, we'll provide a non-playtest review article. If you pay for one of the local printers so we could get a physical copy, we'll write a playtest review article. Otherwise it will have to wait until one of our writers decides to pick it up for printing for a game.
Every time your board game or miniature is used in a game or used in a photo illustration, we'll provide a dofollow link to the website of your company.
If you need a world setting, but you already have a solid gaming system / novel synopsis / movie script, our company has sci-fi and fantasy IPs that you can licence from us to be used in your product.
If you'd like to quality check your product, the main editor of the website is Takács György (Kadmon), who happens to be an expert in marketing, editing and game design. He can help to make your product better, and focusing it to the proper target audience. Contact us for an arrangement.
If you are about to do a crowdfunding campaign for your product, we can also help you with that. Contact us for an arrangement.
What we offer for board games
If you send us a board game, we'll publish a non-playtest review article. When it gets picked up, we'll add our playtest review, and probably playthrough articles about the games. Every time the board game is used in an article, we'll provide a dofollow link to the website of your company.
If the board game contains miniatures, we'll write a review article about the process of building and painting them.
If you send us built and painted miniatures, that could be used immediately, that speeds up the process of using them in the games, making it faster to provide articles about them.
Every time a miniature is used in a game or used in a photo illustration, we'll provide a dofollow link to the website of your company.
What we offer for miniatures
If you send us a miniature, we'll write a review article about the process of building and painting it. If you send more than one copy of the miniature, we'll try to tweak and convert it, to show what else could be done with your product.
If you send a miniature in the original packaging, we'll also review the package itself.
If you send an STL file of a miniature, we'll write a preview article about it, without printing the model. If you pay for one of the local 3D printers so we could get a physical copy, we'll write a review article about the process of building and painting it. Otherwise it will have to wait until one of our writers decides to pick it up for printing for a game.
If you send us a built and painted miniature, that could be used immediately, that speeds up the process of using them in the games, making it faster to provide articles about them.
To get the most out of our services, I'd recommend that you send one model in its original packaging, some further models for conversion, and some built and painted models to be used immediately.
Every time the miniature is used in a game or used in a photo illustration, we'll provide a dofollow link to the website of your company.
What we offer for books
If you send us a physical copy of a novel, we'll write a review article about it. In the article we'll provide a dofollow link to the website of your company. If there are ideas in the novel that could be used for gaming purposes, we'll provide a dofollow link to the website of your company in every further article.
If you send us an online version of a novel, we'll also write a review article about it, but as physical copies can be grabbed up by our members easier, the online versions tend to get reviewed later. Also, make sure that the online copy can be shared to other team members, and that we have unlimited access to it.
If you send us a physical copy of a role-playing game or adventure, we'll first write a non-playtest preview article about it. When it gets picked up, we'll add our playtest review, and probably playthrough articles about the games. Every time the board game is used in an article, we'll provide a dofollow link to the website of your company.
If you send us an online version of a role-playing game or adventure, the fastest way to get a playtest review article, is if you pay for one of the local printers so we could get a physical copy.
We also request the right to use the cover of your product in articles that relate to your product.
If you have a preview video of your product, we also request the right to upload it to our video sharing channels, and use parts of it in videos that relate to your product.
What we offer for films
If you send us a physical copy of a movie or TV series, we'll write a review article about it. In the article we'll provide a dofollow link to the website of your company. If there are ideas in the movie or TV series that could be used for gaming purposes, we'll provide a dofollow link to the website of your company in every further article.
If you send us an online copy of a movie or TV series, make sure that the online copy can be shared to other team members, and that we have unlimited access to it.
We also request the right to use the cover of your product in articles that relate to your product.
If you have a trailer video of your product, we also request the right to upload it to our video sharing channels, and use parts of it in videos that relate to your product.
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If you decide to start a partnership with us, please read the Legal notice, regarding the possible taxes that might apply to you.