System series: Kings of War system
System series: Kings of War system, Setting: Mantica, Company: Mantic Games company
Kings of War is a game of fantasy miniare battles set on the world of Mantica, published by Mantic Games.
System: Kings of War Ed1 system
System: Kings of War Ed2 system
Kings of War sections of the Games Nexus
Kings of War - Unit types and model suggestions
Kings of War - Products - Resources
Kings of War - Gameplays - Resources
Fan sites
Kings of War - Easy Army: Army builder site.
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Buying the products - Kings of War
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Kings of War - Gameplays - Resources
Kings of War - Gameplays - Resources
I've collected the Kings of War resources I've found interesting.
System series: Kings of War: Kings of War Ed1, Kings of War Ed2, Company: Mantic Games
Kings of War - Sample armies
I've collected some sample army lists for Kings of War armies. I suppose these are valid lists for Kings of War Ed2 (published in 2015), I'm not sure about Kings of War Ed3 (published in 2019).
Kings of War - Tactics
Wargames - Kings of War - Tactics
I've collected some ideas about Kings of War tactics.
Kings of War - Unit types and model suggestions
Kings of War - Unit types and model suggestions
Article updated: 2020.04.01
Kings of War has lots of unit types that are not covered by Mantic Games models, the company that produces the game. I've collected some ideas, model suggestions, what kind of miniatures could be used for the different Kings of War units types. If you click on the unit name you can get the full list of miniatures we have in our database that belong to that unit type.
Also, there are some creatures that are not covered by Kings of War army lists - for these we are trying to provide proxy army ideas.
Kings of War Ed1 Rulebook v2 from Mantic Games, 2012 - Wargame book review
Kings of War Ed1-Ed2 from Mantic Games - Wargame system analysis
Kings of War Ed1-Ed2 from Mantic Games - Wargame system analysisKings of War is an easy to learn, easy to play abstract wargame in a fantasy setting. It is produced by Mantic Games, for their Mantica setting.
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Wargame: Kings of War
Current edition: Kings of War Ed2 (2015-2016-)
Rules: Kings of War Ed2
Previous editions: Kings of War Ed1 (2010-2015)
Setting: Mantica
Company: Mantic Games
Designer: Alessio Cavatore
Players: 2 (2+ with modifications), Powers: Various, Possibly different, Units: Fixed footprint
Turn structure: Taking turns, moving whole armies, Movement: Set distances,
Playing time: 30-90 min, depending on the size of the battle, Play style: Abstract, Competitive, Theme: Combat, Language dependency: Rulebook, army lists
Features: Competitive, Miniatures, Random effects (dice)
Kings of War Ed2 from Mantic Games - Review by Kadmon
Wargame system: Kings of War Ed2
Product: Kings of War Ed2 Rulebook (including Update 3)
Reviewer: Kadmon, Type: Male, 40s, Preferences: Immersive, realistic approach, simulation over abstraction
Review: Based on a free copy, some playtest
Kings of War Ed2 Gamer's Edition Rulebook from Mantic Games, 2015 - Wargame book review
image © Mantic Games
Wargame Book: Kings of War Ed2 Gamer's Edition Rulebook, Series: Kings of War, Setting: Mantica, Rules: Kings of War Ed2, Company: Mantic Games, Production: 2015-2016-
Designer: Alessio Cavatore
Features: softcoverBase price (Kings of War Ed2 Gamer's Edition Rulebook): 12,5 GBP / 18 EUR/ 25 USD
Base set price (Kings of War 2nd Edition Deluxe Game Edition): 50 GBP / 70 EUR / 85 USDBuy the Kings of War Ed2 Gamer's Edition Rulebook from Mantic Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK
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Buy the Kings of War Ed2 Gamer's Edition Rulebook from Mantic Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Buy the Kings of War Ed2 Gamer's Edition Rulebook from Element Games -10%, ref. code:KAD935
Buy the Kings of War Ed2 Gamer's Edition Rulebook from Firestorm Games (UK)-10%
Buy the Kings of War Ed2 Gamer's Edition Rulebook from Wayland Games (UK)-20%
Buy the Kings of War Ed2 Gamer's Edition Rulebook from Noble Knight Games (USA)-12%
Buy Mantic Games products from the Wargame Vault
Buy Kings of War products from Book DepositoryRead our full review of the Kings of War Ed2 Gamer's Edition Rulebook from Mantic Games
Kings of War Ed2 Rulebook from Mantic Games, 2015 - Wargame book review
image © Mantic Games
Wargame Book: Kings of War Ed2 Rulebook, Series: Kings of War, Setting: Mantica, Rules: Kings of War Ed2, Company: Mantic Games, Production: 2015-2016-
Designer: Alessio Cavatore
Features: hardcoverBase price(Kings of War Ed2 Rulebook): 25 GBP / 35 EUR / 40 USD
Base set price (Kings of War 2nd Edition Deluxe Game Edition): 50 GBP / 70 EUR / 85 USDBuy the Kings of War Ed2 Rulebook from Mantic Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK
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Buy the Kings of War Ed2 Rulebook from Mantic Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Buy the Kings of War Ed2 Rulebook from Mantic Games from Element Games (UK) -10%
Buy the Kings of War Ed2 Rulebook from Firestorm Games (UK)-10%
Buy the Kings of War Ed2 Rulebook from Wayland Games (UK)-20%
Buy the Kings of War Ed2 Rulebook from Noble Knight Games (USA)-12%
Buy Mantic Games products from the Wargame Vault
Buy Kings of War products from Book DepositoryRead our full review of the Kings of War Ed2 Rulebook from Mantic Games
Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2016 miniatures convention (2016.01.30-31) - Event coverage
Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2016 - The Győzelem Pajzsa (Shield of Victory) exhibition
Article updated: 2020.02.19
The Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2016 (Model Festival 2016) miniatures convention was held on 2016.01.30-31, in Miskolc. The Makettfesztivál Miskolc, built around the Győzelem Pajzsa (Shield of Victory) modeling competition, is an annual modeling hobby event, organised by the Miskolci Makettezők Egyesülete (Modelers Association of Miskolc). An event coverage was written by Kadmon.
The Nexus Club took part in the Makettfesztivál on both days, working closely with The Forge wargaming club. Sarkadi Sándor came from Debrecen to do a demonstration of the Kings of War, a fantasy tactical game from Mantic Games. For this event, wargaming boards were made by Kelemen Gábor and by the Scenery World Workshop.
Wargames - Kings of War - Products - Resources
Company: Mantic Games
Game: Kings of War
Current edition: Kings of War Ed2 (2015-2016-)
Setting: Mantica
Designer: Alessio Cavatore
I've collected the resources for Kings of War I've found interesting.