Kings of War - Unit types and model suggestions
Article updated: 2020.04.01
Kings of War has lots of unit types that are not covered by Mantic Games models, the company that produces the game. I've collected some ideas, model suggestions, what kind of miniatures could be used for the different Kings of War units types. If you click on the unit name you can get the full list of miniatures we have in our database that belong to that unit type.
Also, there are some creatures that are not covered by Kings of War army lists - for these we are trying to provide proxy army ideas.
Base size: If you don't multibase your Kings of War miniatures, these are the legal base sizes.
- Infantry: 20x20mm base
- Infantry, bulky: 25x25mm base - Gargoyle, Orc, Salamander
- Large Infantry: 40x40mm base
- Large Infantry, bulky: 50x50mm base - Lesser Obsidian Golem
- Cavalry: 25x50mm base
- Large Cavalry: 50x50mm base
- Large Cavalry, bulky: 50x100mm base - Chariot, Fight Wagon, Mincer
- Monster: 50x50mm base
- Monster, bulky: 50x100mm base
- War Engine: 50x50mm base
Miniature height: The Kings of War rules differentiate between five size categories. When looking for miniatures, it's good to keep this in mind.
- Height 0: 0-2cm high. Very small units, small animals.
- Height 1: 2-4cm high. Normal infantry units, war engines.
- Height 2: 4-6cm high. Large infantry, normal cavalry units.
- Height 3: 6-12cm high. Giants, monsters, large cavalry units.
- Height 4: 12-16cm high. Giants, large monsters.
Kings of War Units
Abyssals - Abyssal Dwarfs - Basilea - Dwarfs - Elves - Forces of Nature - Goblins - Kingdoms of Men - Night Stalkers - Ogres - Orcs - Ratkin - Salamanders - The Brotherhood - The Empire of Dust - The Herd - The League of Rhordia - Trident Realms - Twilight Kin - Undead - Varangur
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Kings of War Abyssal model suggestions
Scenery for multibasing
Summoning circles
- Petersen Games / Fenris Games - Cthulhu Wars - Summoning Gate: 90mm diameter.
Abyssal: Infantry / Abyssal Dwarf / Twilight Kin: Infantry (height 1): 25x25mm base, 2-4cm high
Gargoyle * : Small, flying humanoid creature.
Abyssal: Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Abyssal Guard: A Lower Abyssal (humanoid creature with scary, inhuman features) elite in a ceremonial armour, with a powerful weapon and a shield.
- CMON - B-Sieged - Elite Krohn
- GW - Warhammer - Khorne Bloodletter
Abyssal Guard with two-handed weapon: A Lower Abyssal (humanoid creature with scary, inhuman features) elite in a ceremonial armour, with a powerful two-handed weapon, without shield.
Flamebearer: A Lower Abyssal (humanoid creature with scary, inhuman features) imbued with fire magic.
- GW - Warhammer - Flamer of Tzeentch
- GW - Warhammer - Horror
- CMON - B-Sieged - Mulfind
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
Fleshling: Human with one-handed melee weapon and shield.
- North Star - Frostgrave - Cultist
- Mantic - Kings of War - Undead - Zombie
- Mantic - Kings of War - Undead - Ghoul
- GW - Warhammer - Undead - Zombie
- GW - Warhammer - Undead - Ghoul
- GW - Warhammer - Chaos - Marauder
- GW - Warhammer 40.000 - Sister Repentia
- GW - Warhammer - Chaos - Plaguebearer
- GW - Warhammer - Chaos - Nurgle Rotbringers
Fleshling with two-handed weapon: Human with two-handed weapon.
Larvae *: Shambling, tortured mortals bundled together in a mass of wailing soul-vessels.
- plastic fishing baits
- GW - WH40K - Tyranid - Ripper
- GW - Warhammer / WH40K - Squig
- GW - Warhammer - Chaos - Nurgling
- GW - Warhammer - Chaos - Plaguebearer
- CP Models - Creature Swarms - webpage / webpage (2020.04.01: offline)
- Otherworld Miniatures - Giant Leeches - webpage
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Undead
Lower Abyssal : A humanoid creature with scary, inhuman features.
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Demon minis
- Westwind Productions - Lucifer's War - Abomination
- Bastion Studio - Ex Illis - Fleaudian Reinforcements - Ymp
- CMON - B-Sieged - Standard Krohn
- Winged demon minis
- Warhammer Plaguebearer
- GW - Warhammer - Plaguebearer
- Heresy - Blight
- Undead minis
- Savage humanoids
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Ghoul
- Orc / goblin / hobgoblin minis
- Wargames Factory - Orc
- Westwind Productions - Orc
- Westwind Productions - Goblin
- Alien minis
- GW - WH40K - Genestealer
- GW - WH40K - Genestealer Hybrid
- GW - WH40K - Hormagaunt
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Humanoid animal minis
- GW - Warhammer - Skaven
- Goatman minis
- GW - Warhammer - Beastman - Gor
- GW - Warhammer - Beastman - Ungor
- Black Tree - Beastman
- Reaper - Succubus
- Reaper - Hellborn
- D&D - Tiefling
- Heresy Miniatures - Succubus
- Privateer Press - Cryx - Satyxis
- Privateer Press - Cryx - Skarre
- Wyrd Miniatures - Lelu & Lilitu
- Hasslefree Miniatures - Succubi
- Hell Dorado - Succubus
- GW - Warhammer - Chaos - Daemonette of Slaanesh
- Titan Forge - Banshees of Lust
Abyssal: Large Infantry (height 0): 40x40mm base, 0-2cm high
Imp * : Small, mischievous humanoid Homunculi creature, a vicious monster.
- GW - Warhammer - Chaos - Nurgling
- Twilight Creations - Demons
- Dwarven Forge - Devil Newt
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Ghoul
Abyssal: Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
- Shieldwolf Miniatures - Infernal Assaulters Hero
- Bastion Studio - Ex Illis - Fleaudian Reinforcements - Soffrance
- Crocodile Miniatures - Titan Slaves: ca. 60mm high - webpage
- CMON - B-Sieged - Mölen
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Royal Guard
Tortured Soul: Its an adventurer, stripped of its identity, it is little more than a beast. It's Shambling, but it can Fly.
- GW - WH40K - Genestealer Hybrid
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Undead
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
Abyssal: Cavalry (height 1): 25x50mm base, 2-4cm high
Hellhound : A quadruped carnivore with three heads.
- GW - Warhammer 40.000 - Dark Eldar - Warp Beast
- Puppets War - Barghest fiends
- CMON - B-Sieged - Standard Gargoh
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Stalker
- Prodos Games - AvP - Hellhound
Abyssal: Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Abyssal Horseman : Heavily armoured rider, armed with a lance or a two-handed weapon.
- GW - LotR v2 - Morgul Knight
- CMON - B-Sieged - Elite Gargoh
- GW - Warhammer - Slaanesh Soulseeker
- Chariots
- GW - Warhammer - Slaanesh Chariot
- GW - Warhammer - Chaos chariot
- GW - Warhammer - Beastman chariot
- Centaur-like monsters
- Monster miniatures
- Privateer Press - Hordes - Raek: ca. 40mm high, ca. 60mm long - webpage
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn Larva
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Crusher
- Minotaur miniatures
- Heresy - Minotaur: same size as Avatars of War
- GW - Warhammer - Minotaur
- Avatars of War - Minotaur: same size as Heresy
- Mierce - Tarvax: a head larger than Heresy / AoW minotaur
- Scibor - Minotaur: bigger than Mierce Tarvax
- Mierce - Galagaak
Abyssal: Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Chroneas: Black skinned beast.
- GW - Warhammer - Two headed Chaos Dragon
- GW - Warhammer - Giant Flamer (?)
- GW - Warhammer - Skullcannon
- GW - LotR - Dweller in the Dark
- Crocodile Games - Titan Overlord
- Privateer Press - Hordes - Proteus: ca. 100mm high - webpage
- Privateer Press - Hordes - Typhon: ca. 50mm high up to shoulder, 100mm high, ca. 60mm long, ca. 100mm long with straight tail - webpage
- Privateer Press - Hordes - Minions Swamp Horror
- D&D Beholder minis
- D&D - Eye Tyrant
- D&D - Beholder
- Gale Force 9 - D&D - Beholder
- Reaper - Beholder
- Otherworld Miniatures - Eye of Terror II - webpage
Abyssal: Hero - Infantry
Abyssal Champion:
- Bastion Studio - Ex Illis - Fleaudian Reinforcements - Centurion
- GW - Warhammer - Herald
- GW - Warhammer - Chaos Sorcerer Lord
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
Abyssal Harbinger:
- Bastion Studio - Ex Illis - Fleaudian Reinforcements - Centurion
- GW - Warhammer - Herald
- GW - Warhammer - Chaos Sorcerer Lord
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
Abyssal Temptress:
- see Succubi
- Privateer Press - Cryx - Satyxis Raider Captain
- Privateer Press - Cryx - Satyxis Raider Sea Witch
- GW - Warhammer - Chaos - Herald of Slaanesh
- GW - Warhammer - Chaos - Masque of Slaanesh
- Avatars of War - Lady of Wrath with Paired Weapons
- Avatars of War - Archdominia of Torment
- Reaper - Batna, Succubus, with a staff and a flail
- Reaper - Sophie - webpage / webpage (2020.04.01: offline)
Ba'su'su the Vile [1]:
- GW - Warhammer - Herald of Tzeentch
- GW - Warhammer - Flamer of Tzeentch
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
Abyssal: Hero - Large Infantry
The Lord of Lies [1]:
- Titan Forge - Lord of Lust
- Shieldwolf Miniatures - Infernal Assaulters Hero
- Bastion Studio - Ex Illis - Fleaudian Reinforcements - Centurion
- GW - Warhammer - Kairos Fateweaver
- Mantic - Dungeon Saga - Bael
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Royal Guard
Abyssal: Hero - Cavalry: 25x50mm base,
Abyssal Harbinger on Abyssal Mount:
- see Abyssal Horseman
Abyssal: Hero - Monster
Archfiend of the Abyss
- GW - Warhammer - Daemon Prince
- Mierce - Galagaak
- Mierce - Krull, Servile Lord of Dis - webpage
- Privateer Press - Hordes - Proteus: ca. 100mm high - webpage
- Privateer Press - Hordes - Typhon: ca. 50mm high up to shoulder, 100mm high, ca. 60mm long, ca. 100mm long with straight tail - webpage
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
The Well of Souls
- Vortex
- Privateer Press - Hordes - Typhon: ca. 50mm high up to shoulder, 100mm high, ca. 60mm long, ca. 100mm long with straight tail - webpage
- GW - Warhammer - Balewind vortex
- D&D - Windfiend Fury
- D&D - Thunderblast Cyclone
- Ghosts
- D&D - Caller in darkness: ca. 70mm high
- Altar
- GW - Warhammer - Cauldron of Blood
- GW - Warhammer - Undead - Mortis Engine
- RagingHeroes - Altar of the Succubi
- Zardoz head
- Shapeways - Zardoz head - webpage
- ThunderBotShop - Zardoz model kit - webpage (etsy)
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Abyssal Dwarfs
Kings of War Abyssal Dwarf model suggestions
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Abyssal Dwarfs
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos Dwarfs
- The Russian Alternative - The Dwarves of Fire Canyon
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Ghoul
Abyssal / Abyssal Dwarf / Twilight Kin: Infantry (height 1): 25x25mm base, 2-4cm high
Gargoyle* : Small, flying humanoid creature.
- See Abyssals Gargoyle
Abyssal Dwarf: Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Abyssal Halfbreed: Debased monstrosity, product of an insane crossbreeding experiment. Often has a body of a quadrupedal Abyssal creature, and the upper torso of a Dwarf.
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Crusher
- Bull Centaur
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos Dwarfs - Bull Centaur Renders
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos Dwarfs - Bull Centaur Taur'ruk
Abyssal Dwarf: Hero - Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Abyssal Halfbreed Champion: The greatest of the Abyssal Halfbreeds (debased monstrosity, product of an insane crossbreeding experiment. Often has a body of a quadrupedal Abyssal creature, and the upper torso of a Dwarf), armed with two-handed hammer or an axe.
- Bull Centaur
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos Dwarfs - Bull Centaur Renders
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos Dwarfs - Bull Centaur Taur'ruk
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Kings of War Basilean model suggestions
Basilean: Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Man-at-Arms (sword & shield) : Armoured human warrior with sword and shield.
Man-at-Arms (spear & shield) : Armoured human warrior with spear and shield.
Crossbowman : Armoured human warrior with crossbow.
- Perry Miniatures - Agincourt English Bowman: Possible proxy.
Penitents Mob : Human penitent lunatic, with a one-handed melee weapon.
Paladin Foot Guard : Heavily armoured human warrior with one-handed melee weapon and shield.
Paladin Foot Guard with two handed weapon : Heavily armoured human warrior with two handed weapon and no shield.
Sisterhood Infantry : Female human warrior with one-handed melee weapon.
Basilean: Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Paladin Knight : Heavily armoured human warrior with one-handed melee weapon and shield, mounted on a barded warhorse.
Sisterhood Panther Lancer : Female human warrior with one-handed melee weapon, mounted on a giant panther.
Basilean: Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Elohi : Armoured large winged angel warrior with one-handed melee weapon.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
Basilean: Hero - Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Dictator : Armoured, wise and charismatic old man.
Bearer of the Holy Icon : A young acolyte with a holy icon (statue of a saint or hero, battle-flag).
Priest : Armoured human priest with one-handed melee weapon.
High Paladin : Heavily armoured human warrior with one-handed melee weapon and shield.
Abbess : Female leader of the Sisterhood.
War-Wizard : A human magic user.
Basilean: Hero - Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Dictator on Warhorse : A Dictator (armoured, wise and charismatic old man), mounted on a warhorse.
Bearer of the Holy Icon on Horse : A Bearer of the Holy Icon (young acolyte with a holy icon (statue of a saint or hero, battle-flag)), mounted on a barded horse.
Priest on Horse : A Priest (armoured human priest with one-handed melee weapon), mounted on a horse.
Basilean: Hero - Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Ur-Elohi : A large winged angel with a flaming sword.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
Samacris [1] : A female large winged angel.
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Kings of War Dwarf model suggestions
Dwarf: A strong, stout, barrel-chested humanoid, with large hands, and heads that are set forwards. They have long hair and beards. They stand shoulder-height to a human.
Dwarven Throwing Mastiff: A vicious war-dog.
Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Dwarven Throwing Mastiff (from the Dwarf Ironclad sprue)
Dwarfs: Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Berserker: A Dwarf, that is a frenzied lunatic.
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Berserker of Björn
- Kromlech - Dwarf - Desperate Housewives: Female alternatives to the usually male berserkers.
Bulwarker: A heavily armoured Dwarf warrior armed with a long spear.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Bulwarker
Ironclad: A Dwarf warrior, armed with axes and hammers.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Ironclad
Ironguard: A Dwarf veteran warrior, armed with a shield and a one-handed melee weapon.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Ironclad
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Ironguard
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Dwarfs - Hammerer
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Dwarfs - Doomcrusher
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Doomcrusher: Will require some work as the minis have two-handed weapons.
Ironguard with two-handed weapon: A Dwarf veteran warrior, wieding a two-handed weapon, no shield.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Ironclad
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Ironguard
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Dwarfs - Ironbreaker
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Dwarfs - Longbeard
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Doomcrusher
Ironwatch Crossbow: An old and fat Dwarf, armed with a crossbow.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Ironwatch Crossbow
Ironwatch Rifle: An old and fat Dwarf, armed with a rifle.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Ironwatch Rifle
Ranger: A young Dwarf scout, armed with a one-handed melee weapon and a light crossbow. A ranger is a speclalist in ambush warfare.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Ironwatch Crossbow: The official miniature, although doesn't look particularly young.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Shieldbreaker with two-handed hammer: The official miniature, although doesn't look like a scout.
Shieldbreaker: A strong Ironclad (a Dwarf warrior) with a two-handed weapon.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Shieldbreaker with two-handed hammer
Dwarfs: Infantry (height 1): 25x50mm base, 2-4cm high
Sharpshooter: An apprentice Dwarf Warsmith, armed with a mastercraft long rifle. The rifle is very long, it requires a 25x50mm base.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Sharpshooter
Dwarfs: Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Berserker Brock Rider: A Berserker, riding a vicious mount.
- Dwarf riding a badger:
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Berserker Brock Rider
- Dwarf riding bear:
- Grenadier Models - Dwarf Bear Cavalry: From Forlorn Hope Games (UK), EM4/Mirilton (USA/Europe)
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Ursula, Dwarven Bear Rider Captain / Bones - Ursula, Dwarven Bear Rider
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Thorvald, Dwarf Bear Rider
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Dwarven Bear Cavalry
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Thorondil of Kragmarr
- Westwind Productions - Dwarf Wars - Varan The Bear
- Dwarf riding a boar:
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Durthen, Dwarven Berserker on Boar
- Rackham Miniatures - Confrontation - Dwarfs of Tir-Nа-Bor - Khor Knights of Uren: The riders don't fit the Berserker theme.
- Rackham Miniatures - Confrontation - Dwarfs of Tir-Nа-Bor - Khor Musician on Razorback
- Dwarf riding lion:
- Westwind Productions - Dwarf Wars - Dwarf Makadon Cavalry/Pride Warriors
- Dwarf riding pig:
- Westwind Productions - Dwarf Wars 2 - Dwarve Shaven Cavalry
- Dwarf riding pony:
- The Assault Group - Dwarf Cavalry: The riders don't look like berserkers, but the ponies could be useful.
- Westwind Productions - Dwarf Wars - Zahakatpunkt Dwarfs Light Cavalry
- Westwind Productions - Dwarf Wars - Dwarve Mounted Company
- Dwarf riding ram:
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Kragmarr Ram Rider
- Westwind Productions - Dwarf Wars - Scots Cavalry (Rammocks Raiders)
- Dwarf riding wolf:
- Westwind Productions - Dwarf Wars - Imperial Dwarves Cavalry
- Mounts: These mounts don't have a dwarf rider so it will be some work to fit one.
- Prodos Games - AvP - Hellhound
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Crusher
- Bear miniatures as mounts:
- Ramshackle Games - Bear
- Ramshackle Games - Armoured Bear
- Boar miniatures as mounts:
- Gamezone Miniatures - Chaos - Chaos Hog I
- Gamezone Miniatures - Chaos - Chaos Hog II
- Dunger mount miniatures:
- Ramshackle Games - Orc Dunger Riders: The riders are casted together with the dungers, so it will involve some work to put dwarves on the dungers.
- Ramshackle Games - Dungers with integral legs
- Dunger miniatures as mounts:
- Ramshackle Games - Dungers 2
- Ramshackle Games - Dungers - Wild
- Ramshackle Games - Dungers - Family
- Ramshackle Games - Dunger-Bull
- Wolf mount miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer 40.000 - Space Wolves - Thunderwolves
- Wolf miniatures as mounts:
- Ramshackle Games - Giant Wolf: Loping
- Ramshackle Games - Giant Wolf:Stalking
- Avatars of War - Dire Wolf
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Hounds of Carn Dhu, Drune-Hound Unit
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Biter, Drune-Hound
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Gouger, Drune-Hound
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Snapper, Drune-Hound
- Warhammer Squig miniatures as mounts:
- Kromlech - Gnaws Herd
- Kromlech - Gnaws (KRM025)
- Kromlech - Gnaws 2 (KRM037)
- Kromlech - Gnaws Herd
Dwarfs: Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Earth Elemental: See Forces of Nature: Elemental - Earth
Dwarfs: War Engine (height 1): 2-4cm high
Ironbelcher Cannon: A cannon that fires cannonballs.
- Bio-tech alternative:
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Night Goblin - Squig Gobba
Flame Belcher: Warmachine that belches flammable liquid.
- Bio-tech alternative:
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Night Goblin - Squig Gobba
Jarrun Bombard: A bombard that can be fired directly forward, or indirectly like a mortar.
- Bio-tech alternative:
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Night Goblin - Squig Gobba
Dwarfs: Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Steel Behemoth: Innovative fighting vehicle, powered by internal combustion engine. It's protected by metal plates, equipped with flame-spitting weapons.
- Steam tanks:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Empire - Steam Tank
- Ironclad Miniatures - Steam01 Steam Tank
- Ironclad Miniatures - Steam02 Steam Tank
- Ironclad Miniatures - Steam03 Steam Tank
- Ironclad Miniatures - Steam04 Steam Tank
- Ironclad Miniatures - Steam05 Steam Tank
- Ironclad Miniatures - Steam06 Steam Tank
- Ironclad Miniatures - Steam06a Steam Tank
- Ironclad Miniatures - Steam13 Steam Tank
- Ironclad Miniatures - Steam14 Steam Tank
- Ironclad Miniatures - Steam17 Steam Tank
- Ironclad Miniatures - Steam22 Steam Tank: Needs a flamethrower.
- Ramshackle Games - NR2 Brass Coffin
- Steam Walker
- Ironclad Miniatures - Steam07 Steam Tank
- Ironclad Miniatures - Steam21 Steam Tank
- Ramshackle Games - Huntsman Spider Tank
- Mech constructs:
- Rackham Miniatures - Confrontation - Dwarfs of Tir-Nа-Bor - Fenggar First of BRONZE
- Rackham Miniatures - Confrontation - Dwarfs of Tir-Nа-Bor - Golem Hammer of Tir-Nа-Bor
- Rackham Miniatures - Confrontation - Dwarfs of Tir-Nа-Bor - Golem of Tir-Nа-Bor
- Rackham Miniatures - Confrontation - Dwarfs of Mid-Nor - Demon Tower
- Mantic Games - Deadzone - Forge Fathers - Iron Ancestor
- Other constructs:
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Wyrmgear, Clockwork Dragon
Dwarfs: Hero - Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Berserker Lord: A Berserker (frenzied lunatic), nigh-unstoppable killing machine, usually wielding a pair of magical axes.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Berserker Lord
- Rackham Miniatures - Confrontation - Dwarfs of Tir-Nа-Bor - Hirh-Karn the Enraged
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Berserker Lord with two weapon
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Berserker Lord with great weapon
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Lord with two weapons
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Bör Dragonbane
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Berzerker Pit Fighter
King: A noble ruler, mighty warrior, bearing magical rune-encrusted weapons and armour.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Dwarf King
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Lord of War
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Lord with two weapons
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Lord with great weapon
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Rune Master
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Iron Champion
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Doomcrushers Veteran Champion
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Bör Dragonbane
- Avatars of War - Dwarf - Rune Master
Dwarfs: Hero - Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Berserker Lord on a Brock: A Berserker Lord (frenzied lunatic, nigh-unstoppable killing machine, usually wielding a pair of magical axes), riding a vicious mount.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Berserker Lord on Brock (Sveri Egilax)
- Berserker Lord mounted miniature:
- Brock miniature: see Berserker Brock Rider. The most fitting ones:
- Westwind Productions - Dwarf Wars - Varan The Bear
Sveri Egilax [1]: A Berserker King, riding a vicious creature.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Dwarfs - Berserker Lord on Brock (Sveri Egilax)
- Berserker Lord mounted miniature: see Berserker Lord on Brock
- Brock miniature: see Berserker Brock Rider. The most fitting ones:
- Westwind Productions - Dwarf Wars - Varan The Bear
Dwarfs: Hero - Large Cavalry (height 3): 6-12cm high
King on Large Beast: A King (noble ruler, mighty warrior, bearing magical rune-encrusted weapons and armour), riding a large rodent or other burrowing creature.
- Rackham Miniatures - Confrontation - Dwarfs of Tir-Nа-Bor - Thermo-Priest 3 on Razorback
- Rackham Miniatures - Confrontation - Dwarfs of Tir-Nа-Bor - Khor Knights of Uren
- King mounted miniature:
- Brock miniature: see Berserker Brock Rider
- Chariot (proxy)
- Westwind Productions - Dwarf Wars - Mercenary Chariot
* * *
Elves / Forces of Nature: Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Hunters of the Wild: Wild and untamed fey creature of the forest. Servants of the Green Lady. Spirits and fairy folk. Gnomes, fauns, will o' the wisps, dryads, sprites.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer - Aelves - Dryad
- Games Workshop - Warhammer - Beastmen - Gor
- Games Workshop - Warhammer - Beastmen - Ungor
Elves / Forces of Nature: Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Forest Shambler: Construct of wood, foliage, mud and stone, animated by ancient spirits.. Great tree.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Undead
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Royal Guard
- Large animated tree creatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Spirit of the Forest (03281 / 77184)
- Activision - Skylanders - Stump Smash Ed1
- Activision - Skylanders - Stump Smash Series 2
- Activision - Skylanders - Tree Rex
- Activision - Skylanders - Tree Rex - Gnarly Tree Rex
Elves: Hero - Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Forest Warden: Ancient, massive woodland guardian.
Elves: Hero - Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Tree Herder: Mighty wooden giant.
* * *
Forces of Nature
Kings of War Forces of Nature model suggestions
Forces of Nature - Wild Companion: A feral animal, bound to its master.
- Activision - Skylanders - Camo
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Ghoul
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Stalker
- Prodos Games - AvP - Hellhound
- Winged imp miniatures: As a small air elemental
Forces of Nature - Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Elemental - Air: Entity of raw energy, a swirling tornado.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Shoggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Flying Polyp
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- D&D - Windfiend Fury
- Large air creatures as air elementals
- Activision - Skylanders - Flashwing Ed1: Dragon.
- Activision - Skylanders - Flashwing Lightcore: Dragon.
- Activision - Skylanders - Flashwing - Jade Flashwing: Dragon.
- Activision - Skylanders - Scratch: Winged cat.
- Activision - Skylanders - Sonic Boom Ed1: Dragon.
- Activision - Skylanders - Sonic Boom Series 2: Dragon.
- Activision - Skylanders - Warnado: Dragon.
- Activision - Skylanders - Warnado Lightcore: Dragon.
- Activision - Skylanders - Whirlwind Ed1: Dragon.
- Activision - Skylanders - Whirlwind Series 2: Dragon.
- Activision - Skylanders - Whirlwind - Polar Whirlwind: Dragon.
- Activision - Skylanders - Whirlwind - Horn Blast Whirlwind: Dragon.
- Activision - Skylanders - Whirlwind - Breeze: Kid dragon.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Nightgaunt
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Large animated air miniatures:
- Activision - Skylanders - Thunderbolt
Elemental - Earth: Entity of raw energy, a goliath of rock and dirt.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Shoggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Flying Polyp
- Large animated earth & stone miniatures:
- WizKids - Marvel Heroclix - Thor: The Dark World - Kronan Stone Man #012
- Activision - Skylanders - Bash - Bop: Probably not a "goliath of rock", but could be a good addition as an elemental kid.
- Activision - Skylanders - Doom Stone
- Activision - Skylanders - Fist Bump
- Activision - Skylanders - Prismbeak Ed1
- Activision - Skylanders - Prismbeak Lightcore
- Activision - Skylanders - Prismbeak Series 2
- Activision - Skylanders - Prismbeak Series 3
- Activision - Skylanders - Rocky Roll: If you are going for a serious look, the miner helmet might need to go.
- Large monster miniatures: These look earthy enough.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Glaaki
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn Larva
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Crusher
Elemental - Fire: Entity of raw energy, a warrior of fire and lava.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Large animated fire miniatures
- Activision - Skylanders - Eruptor Ed1
- Activision - Skylanders - Eruptor Lightcore
- Activision - Skylanders - Eruptor Series 2
- Activision - Skylanders - Eruptor Series 3: Lava Barf Eruptor
- Activision - Skylanders - Eruptor - Supercharger Eruptor: Lava Lance Eruptor
- Activision - Skylanders - Eruptor - Volcanic Eruptor: Lava Barf Eruptor
- Activision - Skylanders - Eruptor - Weeruptor: In case you'd ever need a fire warrior kid.
- Activision - Skylanders - Ignitor Ed1
- Activision - Skylanders - Ignitor Series 2
- Activision - Skylanders - Ignitor - Legendary Ignitor
- Activision - Skylanders - Smolderdash Ed1
- Activision - Skylanders - Smolderdash Lightcore
Elemental - Water: Entity of raw energy, a sentient tidal wave.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Shoggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Flying Polyp
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Large water creature miniatures: They could be used as water elementals.
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Slithe Queen (02902)
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn Larva
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Flying Polyp
Forces of Nature - Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Beast of Nature: Terrifying mix of Chimera, Sphinx, Manticore and other monsters.
- Chimera miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chimera
- Manticore miniatures
- Sphinx miniatures
Beast of Nature with Fly: Terrifying mix of Chimera, Sphinx, Manticore and other monsters, that can fly.
- Wings added to Beast of Nature miniatures
Greater Elemental - Air: Entity of raw energy, a living thunderstorm.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Huge animated air miniatures:
- D&D - Thunderblast Cyclone
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Greater Wendigo (Ithaqua)
Greater Elemental - Earth: Entity of raw energy, a walking mountain.
- Huge underground creature miniatures: They could be used as earth elementals.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Bhole
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Dhole
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Gobogeg
- Huge creatures: These are earthy enough, so they could be fitting.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byatis
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Eihort
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Ghatanothoa
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Librarian of Celaeno
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Nyarlathotep
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Tsatoggua
Greater Elemental - Fire: Entity of raw energy, a monstrous sentinel of flame.
- Huge animated fire miniatures:
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fire Vampire (Cthuga)
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Nyarlathotep
Greater Elemental - Water: Entity of raw energy, an aqueous giant.
- Huge water creature miniatures: They could be used as water elementals.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn (Cthulhu)
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Mother Hydra
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Nyarlathotep
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Rhan-Tegoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Tsatoggua
Hydra: Massive reptilian form with multiple heads.
- Hydra miniatures:
- Ral Partha - Hydra
- Rackham Miniatures - Confrontation - Dwarfs of Mid-Nor - Hydra of Mid-Nor
- Hydra-like miniatures:
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Nyogtha
Forces of Nature - Hero - Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Druid: A powerful and mysterious man.
Forces of Nature - Hero - Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Druid on mount: A Druid (a powerful and mysterious man) riding a horse, stag, lesser unicorn, or similar mount.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Druid mount:
- Turtle: Although not the official mount, it could provide an interesting miniature
- Plastic turtle toy
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn Larva
- Prodos Games - AvP - Hellhound
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Crusher
- Turtle: Although not the official mount, it could provide an interesting miniature
Forces of Nature - Hero - Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Tree Herder: Bening creature.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Queen
- Huge animated tree miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Spirit of the Forest (03281 / 77184)
- WarGamma - Oak Lord: Doesn't look benign, but it's a good model.
- Toybiz - Lord of the Rings Action Figures - Treebeard
- Scibor - 28mm/30mm Treeman 28FM0120: resin, 130mm tall with base, 31,8 EUR
- Otherworld Miniatures - Wilderness Encounters - Treant (WE13): sculpted by John Pickford, 105mm high, multi-piece cast (body/legs/head section, 2 seperate arms and 6 branch pieces)
- Hasslefree Miniatures - HFKIN500 The Angry Tree: multi-piece cast with alternative parts (main body, 4 arms, 2 faces), sculptor: Jeremy Wright, 10 GBP
* * *
Kings of War Goblin model suggestions
Goblin: Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Goblin Rabble : A small humanoid creature with one-handed melee weapons.
Goblin Spitter : A small humanoid creature with bow.
Goblin Sharpstick : A small humanoid creature with a spear.
Goblin: Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Goblin Fleabag Rider : A Goblin Sharpstick (small humanoid creature with a spear), riding a small, but vicious quadruped carnivore.
- Fleabag rider mount:
- Badger miniatures
- Rat miniatures
- Wolf miniatures
- Warhammer Squig miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Squig
- Kromlech - Gnaws Herd
- Kromlech - Gnaws (KRM025)
- Kromlech - Gnaws 2 (KRM037)
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Deep One
- Prodos Games - AvP - Hellhound
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Crusher
- Fleabag rider miniature:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Goblin Spider-Rider
Goblin: Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Troll: Large, feral humanoid.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Royal Guard
Goblin: War Engine (height 1): 2-4cm high
Big Rock Thrower: A catapult.
- Bio-tech alternative:
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Night Goblin - Squig Gobba
Goblin: Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Giant: A dumb brute.
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Queen
- Giant miniatures:
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Bonegrinder Giant
* * *
Kingdoms of Men
Kings of War Kingdoms of Men model suggestions
Recommended manufacturers:
Conquest Games
CoolMiniOrNot (CMON) - Song of Ice and Fire
Essex Miniatures
Fireforge Games - Mongols / Medieval / Deus Vult / Knights of Albion
Games Workshop company - Warhammer - Empire / Bretonnia
Games Workshop company - Middle-Earth - Rohan / Gondor / Easterling
Gamezone Miniatures
Lead Adventures
Mantic Games - Kings of War - Basileans
North Star - Frostgrave
Perry Miniatures - War of the Roses / Mercenaries / Knights
Perry Miniatures - 15th Century - Halberdiers, Archers, Pikemen, Crossbowmen, Handgunners, Knights, Light Cavalry
Old Glory
Reaper Miniatures : for Kingdom of Men characters
Steel Fish - 15th Century
Steel Fish - Samurai
The Assault Group - Renessaince
Warlord Games - Romans / Celts / Vikings / Germans / Zulu / Landsknechts
Warlord Games - Pike & Shotte
War Games Foundry - 15th Century
Zenit Miniatures - Namban
Kingdom of Men: Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Shield Wall : Human warrior in light armour with one-handed melee weapon and shield.
Foot Guard : Elite human warrior using high quality one-handed melee weapon, shield and armour.
Foot Guard with two handed weapon : A Foot Guard (elite human warrior) using high quality two handed weapon and armour.
Pike Block : Human warrior with long pike, held in two hands, fighting in phalanx formation.
Heavy Pike Block : Human warrior in very heavy armour, with a long pike, held in two hands, fighting in phalanx formation.
Spear Phalanx : Human warrior with spear and shield, fighting in phalanx formation.
Pole-Arms Block : Human warrior with a polearm.
Militia Mob* : Human warrior, badly equipped, in disorganized formation.
Berserker : Savage human warrior without armour.
Bowman : Human warrior with bow.
- Perry Miniatures - Agincourt English Bowman
Crossbowman : Human warrior with crossbow.
- Perry Miniatures - Agincourt English Bowman: Possible proxy.
Arquebusier : Human warrior with arquebus (rifle).
Kingdom of Men: Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Kingdom of Men: Hero - Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
General : Human leader, in very heavy armour.
Hero : Heroic human warrior, in very heavy armour.
Army Standard Bearer : Human warrior in armour, with the large banner of the army.
Wizard : Human magic-user, in heavy protection.
The Captain [1] : Human leader, in very heavy armour.
* * *
Night Stalkers
Kings of War Night Stalkers model suggestions
Scenery for basing
- Reaper Miniatures - Tombstone
- Reaper Miniatures - Tombstone of Sorrow
- Reaper Miniatures - Undead Awakening
- CP Models Miniatures - Tombstones
- CP Models Miniatures - Tentacles
- CP Models Miniatures - Ribbed tentacles
- CP Models Miniatures - Twisted tentacles
Summoning circles
- Petersen Games / Fenris Games - Cthulhu Wars - Summoning Gate: 90mm diameter.
Summoners at the back of multibases
- Reaper Miniatures - Cultist and Circle
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Cultist
Night Stalker: Infantry (Height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Blood Worm: Giant, slimy worm.
- Plastic worm fishing lures
Doppelganger: Faceless creature.
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Zombie from Zombie (3)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Zombie from Zombies! (5)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Mummy
- Wyrd Miniatures - Malifaux - No Shelter Here: Pandora Boxed Set
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Undead
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Stalker
Phantom: Cloaked, floating (Flying) creature, with partially hooded head.
- Grim Reaper with a scythe miniatures
- Reaper Miniatures - Reaper Death
- Reaper Miniatures - Wraith Harvester
- Reaper Miniatures - Grim Reaper
- Reaper Miniatures - Female Wraith
- Games Workshop - Cairn Wraith
- Puppets War - Instant Death: Grim Reaper version
- CP Models Miniatures - Grim Reaper
- Reaper Miniatures - Mr. Bones
- Reaper Miniatures - Mr. Bones with Lantern
- Reaper Miniatures - Spectral Minion Spell Effect
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Nightgaunt
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Undead
Scarecrow: Zombie-like.
Spectre: Ghostly, skeletal creature.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Undead
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
Night Stalker: Large Infantry (Height 0): 40x40mm base, 0-2cm high
Needlefang: It can form a black tide of crawling, shapeless things.
- Halloween spiders with skulls on their body. Image 1, Image 2.
- Reaper Miniatures - Vermin: Beetles
- Reaper Miniatures - Vermin: Spiders
- Reaper Miniatures - Vermin: Beetle Swarm
- Reaper Miniatures - Vermin: Spider Swarm
Night Stalker: Large Infantry (Height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Butcher: They appear as hybrids of ogre, golem and squid, wielding cleavers in their many hands.
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Brutes of Ys, Brute Unit: Although not cleavers, but their weapons are brutal enough.
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Gulguta, Kill-Brute
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Lugung, Scythe-Brute
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Uggurd, Falx-Brute
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Muldo, Spike-Brute
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Nung, Horn-Brute
- Mantic Games - Deadzone - Plague - Stage 1: Basic miniature, without the cleavers.
- Mantic Games - Deadzone - Plague - Stage 2: Basic miniature, without the cleavers.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn Larva
Night Stalker: Cavalry (Height 1): 25x50mm base, 2-4cm high
Shadowhound: Huge, black, twin-headed canine.
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Stalker
- Prodos Games - AvP - Hellhound
- Two-headed wolf miniatures
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Akkaz, Hound-Aberrant
- Three-headed wolf miniatures: These have 3 heads, so you either accept it or remove one of them.
- Mantic Games - Dungeon Saga - Abyssals - Hellhound
- Avatars of War - Arena: Deathmatch - Netherhound
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos - Karanak
- Monster wolf miniatures:
- Gamezone Miniatures - Chaos - Chaos Hounds I
- Gamezone Miniatures - Chaos - Chaos Hounds II
- Gamezone Miniatures - Chaos - Chaos Hounds III
- Gamezone Miniatures - Vampires - Zombie Wolves I
- Gamezone Miniatures - Vampires - Zombie Wolves II
- Gamezone Miniatures - Vampires - Zombie Wolves III
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Undead - Dire Wolves
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos - Chaos Warhounds
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos - Flesh Hounds of Khorne
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Hounds of Carn Dhu, Drune-Hound Unit
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Biter, Drune-Hound
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Gouger, Drune-Hound
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Snapper, Drune-Hound
Night Stalker: Large Cavalry (Height 3): 6-12cm high
Fiend: Arachnid monster with venomous fangs.
- Dungeons & Dragons Spider-Elf (Drider) miniatures
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Shaerileth, Spider Demoness
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord / Darkspawn - Isiri Arachnid Warrior / Bones - Arachnid Warrior
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord / Darkspawn - Isiri Arachnid Archer / Bones - Arachnid Archer: If you don't mind the bow.
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Arachnilith
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Spider Centaur
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Labith, Female Spider Demon
- Scorpion-Man
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Scorpion Man
Nightmare: They mount 6 legged steeds that can Fly.
- Evil mounted knights: They have mounts with less legs than needed, but they still look good enough.
- Gamezone Miniatures - Vampires - Mournful Knights Box (07-90)
- Gamezone Miniatures - Vampires - Mournful Knight Hero
- Gamezone Miniatures - Vampires - Mournful Knight Standardbearer
- Gamezone Miniatures - Vampires - Mournful Knight Musician
- Gamezone Miniatures - Vampires - Mournful Knight I
- Gamezone Miniatures - Vampires - Mournful Knight II
- Gamezone Miniatures - Vampires - Mournful Knights Box (07-90)
- Flying monsters
Night Stalker: Monsters (Height 2), 4-6cm high
Mind-screech: Psychic monster.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Fenris Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn Larva
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Royal Guard
Screamer: Psychic monster.
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Faceless Horror
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Fenris Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn Larva
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Royal Guard
Night Stalker: Monsters (Height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Planar Apparition: They flicker in and out of existence.
- Reaper Miniatures - Gravewailer
- Petersen Games / Fenris Games - Cthulhu Wars - Greater Wendigo (Ithaqua)
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
Shadow Hulk: Transformed cyclops, covered in sores and mutations, with hands of fleshless lumps of solid bone.
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Druc, Meat-Hulk
- Safari Ltd - Cyclops: As a base for the miniature.
Terror: Transformed Kraken, now a grotesque mass of blubber and slime.
- Giant kraken miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Kraken (77291)
- Giant Sea monster miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Lord of the Rings - The Watcher in the Water
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Goroloth (03230)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Goroloth Drone (03533)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Goroloth (77343)
Night Stalker: War Engine (Height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Portal of Despair [1]: A rip in the fabric of reality. The edges look like writhing black snakes.
Night Stalker: Hero - Infantry (Height 1): 2-4cm high
Banshee: The ghost of an elven mage queen. It can Fly.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Nightgaunt
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Undead
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Stalker
Horror: Transformed dwarven stone priest, now freakish and malformed.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Undead: Perhaps a bit too tall for a dwarf.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Ghoul
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Stalker
- Winged imp miniatures: Although a Horror can't fly, these look like a good fit.
Shade: It's a fused pair of phantoms, that are able to Fly. Their look shift between melted faces, flickering lights and vapour of blood.
- Wyrd Miniatures - Malifaux - Gaki
The Dream Hunter: It feeds on the dreams of the living.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Nightgaunt
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Undead
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Ghoul
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Stalker
- Prodos Games - AvP - Hellhound
- Dungeons & Dragons Mind Flayer (Illithid) miniatures
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Bathalian
Night Stalker: Hero - Large Cavalry (Height 3): 6-12cm high
Dread-fiend: A sinister Fiend.
- Wyrd Miniatures - Malifaux - No Shelter Here: Pandora Boxed Set
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Slithe Queen (02902)
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Fenris Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
Night Stalker: Hero - Monster (Height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Void Lurker: It can take any shape that will best help it.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Giant demon miniatures
- Kromlech - Demons - Sek'hara, handmaiden of Pain
- Kromlech - Demons - Rotten Butcher
- Kromlech - Demons - Spawn of Khha'r'ax (KRM056)
- Huge chaos monster miniatures: They will be a bit short for a height 4 monster, but they could be used.
- Kromlech - Demons - Putrid Snail Beast: 55mm high
- Kromlech - Demons - Morbid Beast "Chimney" (KRM078): 45mm high.
- Wyrd Miniatures - Malifaux - Herald of Obliteration: Tara Boxed Set
- Kraken miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Kraken (77291)
- Sea monster miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Slithe Queen (02902)
- Games Workshop - Lord of the Rings - The Watcher in the Water
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Goroloth (03230)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Goroloth Drone (03533)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Goroloth (77343)
- Giant Cthulhu monsters:
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Nyarlathotep
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hastur
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Daughter of Shub-Niggurath
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Dark Young
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Greater Wendigo (Ithaqua)
* * *
Kings of War Ogre model suggestions
Ogres: Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Bonegrinder Giant (22 cm high?)
* * *
Kings of War Salamanders model suggestions
Panda Fries: Toy dinosaurs: Showcase article about scratch-built miniatures, using toy dinosaurs and lizards.
Prodos - AvP - Aliens miniatures, equipped with melee weapons
Forces of Nature / Salamander: Infantry (height 1, bulky): 25x25mm base, 2-4cm high
Salamander Prime : Large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat. Warrior with one-handed melee weapon and shield.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Saurus Warriors with one-handed melee weapons
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Old Citadel Slann
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
Salamander Prime with two handed weapon : Large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat. Warrior with two hand weapon, and no shield.
Salamander: Infantry (height 1, bulky): 25x25mm base, 2-4cm high
Salamander Unblooded : Large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat. Young warrior, with one-handed melee weapon and shield.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Saurus Warriors with one-handed melee weapons
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - old Citadel Slann
Salamander Ancient : Large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat. Veteran warrior with one-handed melee weapon and shield.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Saurus Warriors with one-handed melee weapons
Salamander Ancient with two handed weapon : A Salamander Ancient (large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat; veteran warrior) with two hand weapon, and no shield.
Salamander Ceremonial Guard : Large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat. They fight in phalanx formation.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Temple Guard
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Saurus Warriors with spear
Corsairs : Large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat. They use pistols. Many of them are female.
Salamander: Infantry - Ghekkotah (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Ghekkotah Warrior : Lizard-like humanoid creature with one-handed melee weapons.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Skink with one-handed melee weapons
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Stalker
Ghekkotah Hunter : Lizard-like humanoid creature with blowpipes.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Skink with thrown weapons and blowpipes
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Chameleon Skink
- Alternative miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Citadel Pygmies
Ghekkotah Hunter with Bow : Lizard-like humanoid creature with bow.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Skink with bow
Salamander: Large Infantry (height 0): 40x40mm base, 0-2cm high
Ember Sprite : Small (height 0), mischievous proto-elementals, summoned from bubbling fire pits.
- Small animated fire miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - HeroQuest: Silver Tower - Brimstone Horror
Salamander: Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Tyrant : Large, muscled brute lizard-like humanoid creatures.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Kroxigor
- Shieldwolf Miniatures - Ancient Guardians Pack
- Privateer Press - Gatormen
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Royal Guard
Fire Elemental : Magical energy beings, taking the form of warriors of fire and lava.
Salamander: Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Salamander Kaisenor Lancer : A large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat, riding a huge biped carnivore. Warrior in light armour, with spear.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Saurus Cavalry
Salamander: Large Cavalry (height 3): 6-12cm high
Ghekkotah Skyraider : Lizard-like humanoid creatures, riding a flying creature. It that can shoot blowpipes.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Terradon Riders
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Fenris Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
Ancient on Rhinosaur : Salamander Ancient (ancient, large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat;veteran warrior) riding a large, rhino-like lizard mount.
Rhinosaur miniature:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Chaos (Khorne) - Bloodcrusher
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Burrowing Horror (77372)
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Crusher
Salamander: Monster (height 2): 50x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Lekelidon : Large (height 2) spitting lizard, prodded into battle by Salamander handlers.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Seraphon - Salamander + Skink Handlers
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Razordon + Skink Handlers
- Lekelidon creature:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Slann Mage Priest
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Slann - Lord Kroak
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Fenris Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn Larva
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Crusher
- Large humanoid turtle miniatures:
- Privateer Press - Ironback Spitter
- Large carnivore lizard miniatures:
- WizKids - Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures - Redspawn Firebelcher: 5cm high
- Salamander handlers:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Seraphon - Skink
Salamander: Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Greater Fire Elemental : Molten behemoth (height 4), leaving a trail of smouldering destruction in their wake.
Fire Drake : Large (height 4) lizard. Lithe, tempestous creature.
- Giant carnivore lizard miniatures:
- Schleich - Dragon Hunter
- WizKids - Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures - Rage Drake
Ankylodon Battle Platform : A moving platform (height 4), crewed by Ghekkotah warriors with blowpipes.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Stegadon
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Ancient Stegadon
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Engine of the Gods
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Lord Mazdamundi
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Bastiladon
Ankylodon Battle Platform with Fireball : A moving platform (height 4), crewed by Ghekkotah warriors with fireball throwers(?). 50x100mm base.
Komodon : Living, moving giant (height 4) artillery, that spit gobs of poisonous bile over great distances.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Salamanders ?
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Razordons ?
- Privateer Press - Ironback Spitter
Salamander: Hero - Infantry (height 1, bulky): 25x25mm base, 2-4cm high
Clan Lord : A large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat. Supreme commander.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Saurus Oldblood
- Reaper Minatures - Shaman Lizardman
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Slithe Queen (02902)
Clan Lord with Fireball : A Clan Lord (large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat; supreme commander), that can shoot Fireballs.
- Reaper Minatures - Shaman Lizardman
Battle-Captain : A large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat. Trusted deputees, leading large devisions.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Saurus Oldblood
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Chakax
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Gor-Rok
- Reaper Minatures - Shaman Lizardman
Mage-Priest : A large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Lord Kroak
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Slann Mage-Priest
- Reaper Minatures - Shaman Lizardman
- Reaper Minatures - Pakpao, Mage
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Slithe Queen (02902)
Herald : A large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Scar-Veteran with Battle Standard
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Oldblood with Battle Standard
Firebrand : A large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat. They use pistol.
Salamander: Hero - Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Ghekkotah Clutch Warden : A large lizard-like humanoid creature. Big and brave ghekkotah, but still smaller than a Salamander Prime. They use blowpipes.
Ghekkotah Clutch Warden with Chamelon Cloak: A lizard-like humanoid creature. Big and brave for a ghekkotah, but still smaller than a Salamander Prime, wearing a magical cloak. They use blowpipes.
Salamander: Hero - Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Clan Lord on Kaisenor Raptor : A Clan Lord (large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat; supreme commander), riding a lizard mount.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Saurus Oldblood on Cold One
Herald on Kaisenor Raptor : A large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat, riding a lizard mount.
Mage-Priest on Kaisenor Raptor : A large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat, riding a lizard mount.
Salamander: Hero - Large Cavalry (height 3): 6-12cm high
Battle-Captain on Rhinosaur: A large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat. Trusted deputees, leading large devisions, riding a large rhino-like lizard mount.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Scar-Veteran/Oldblood on Carnosaur
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Seraphon - Krog-Gar on Carnosaur
- Rhinosaur miniature:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Chaos (Khorne) - Bloodcrusher
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Burrowing Horror (77372)
Ghekkotah Skylord : They fly, and they use blowpipes again enemy targets.
Salamander: Hero - Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Clan Lord on Fire Drake : A Clan Lord (large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat; supreme commander), riding on a Fire Drake.
- Mierce Miniatures - Darklands - Ágriosávra, Sun Warrior on Sávrakh
- Clan Lord:
- Avatars of War - Saurian Mauler
- Fire Drake:
- WizKids - Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures - Rage Drake
Clan Lord on Winged Fire Drake : A Clan Lord (large lizard-like humanoid creature, that produces heat; supreme commander), riding on a winged Fire Drake, that can fly.
- Clan Lord:
- Avatars of War - Saurian Mauler
- Winged Fire Drake:
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Carmine Dragon: It has no rider.
- Wings to add to a wingless Fire Drake:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Chaos (Khorne) - Bloodthirster wings
Forces of Nature: Hero - Infantry (height 1) - Salamander: 2-4cm high
Salamander Veteran : Large lizard-like humanoid warrior, that produces heat. Veteran warrior.
* * *
The Brotherhood
Kings of War Brotherhood model suggestions
The Brotherhood: Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Order of the Brotherhood on Foot
Order of the Brotherhood on Foot with two-handed weapon
Villein Plowshare
Villein Martyr
Villein Spearman: Human warrior with spear.
Villein Bowman: Human warrior with bow.
- Perry Miniatures - Agincourt English Bowman
The Brotherhood: Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Order of the Brotherhood: Heavily armoured human warrior, riding a horse.
Order of the Abbysal Hunt: Lightly armoured human warrior, riding a horse, wielding a great sword or a hammer.
Order of Redemption: Human warrior, wearing a special heavy armour, riding a horse.
Villein Initiates: Heavily armoured human warrior, riding a horse.
Villein Reconnoiterers: Lightly armoured human warriors, riding a horse.
The Brotherhood: Large Cavalry (height 3): 6-12cm high
Order of the Forsaken: Heavily armoured human warrior, riding a winged beast.
- Mounted knight: You'll need to add wings to them.
- Perry Miniatures - Mounted Men at Arms 1450-1500
The Brotherhood: Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Forsaken Beast: Migthy beast.
Greater Water Elemental: Towering behemoth, aqueous giant.
* * *
The Empire of Dust
Kings of War Empire of Dust model suggestions
The Empire of Dust: Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Mummy: The embalmed corpse of an ancient prince.
Revenant: Reanimated remain of an elite fighter with good equipment.
- See Undead Revenant
Revenant with two-handed weapon: Reanimated remain of an elite fighter with good equipment and a two-handed weapon.
Skeleton Warrior: Skeleton with a one-handed melee weapon.
- See Undead Skeleton Warrior.
Skeleton Spearman: Skeleton with a spear.
- See Undead Skeleton Spearman.
Skeleton Archer: Skeleton with a bow.
Skeleton Crossbowman: Skeleton with a crossbow.
The Empire of Dust: Large Infantry (height 0): 40x40mm base, 0-2cm high
Swarm*: A swarm of locusts, desert beetles, and other unpleasant creatures.
The Empire of Dust: Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Scavengers*: Giant carrion birds.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Carrion
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn Larva
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Fenris Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
The Empire of Dust: Large Cavalry (height 3): 6-12cm high
Revenant Worm Rider: A revenant (reanimated remain of an elite fighter with good equipment), riding a sand worm.
- Snakemen proxy miniatures
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
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The Herd
Kings of War Herd model suggestions
The Herd - Hunting animal: An animal companion.
The Herd: Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Tribal Warrior: A Faun, Satyr or similar creature, equipped with light armour, a one-handed melee weapon and a shield.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Ghoul
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Ungor with one-handed melee weapon
- Goatman miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastmen - Gor
Spirit Walker: After drinking potions, they don't care about their lives, just about defending their land.
- Berserker miniatures, or minis with two weapons might show their battle frenzy
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Ghoul
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastmen - Ungor
- Goatman miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastmen - Gor
Tribal Spear: They use spears.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Ghoul
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastmen - Ungor with spear
Hunter: Lightly armoured fighter, using throwing weapons.
Hunter with bow: Lightly armoured fighter, using a bow.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastmen - Ungor with bow
The Herd: Infantry (height 1, bulky): 25x25mm base, 2-4cm high
Longhorn: A big, bulky and powerful beastman elite warrior.
- Small Minotaur miniatures
- Human-sized goatman:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Gor
- Large goatman miniatures
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Pestigor
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Bestigor
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Khorngor
Harpy: Bestial, bird-like, flying creature, with the head and upper torso of a woman.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Gargoyle
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Dark Elves - Harpy
- Winged imp miniatures:
The Herd: Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Lycan: Merged man and wolf. They are one with nature.
- Prodos Games - AvP - Hellhound
- Humanoid wolf miniatures
- Privateer Press - Hordes - Circle Orboros - Warpwolf Stalker
- Rackham Miniatures - Confrontation Wolfen
- Werewolf miniatures: As beasts of Nature, these are probably not very fitting.
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Werewolf (77009)
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord / Legendary Encounters - Werewolf (20025)
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Scurvy Dog, Undead Werewolf
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Feral Hunter (14239)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Jean Paul Duchamps (02139)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Jean Paul DuChamps, Werewolf (02747)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Zombie Werewolf (02791)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Moor Hound (02817)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Male Werewolf (02872)
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Skin Wolves
Guardian Brute: A Minotaur, an Owlbear or other powerful beastman, with natural weapons and armour or equipped with brutal weapons and a wooden shield.
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Royal Guard
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Crusher
- Hyperborean Wendigo miniatures
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Wendigo Warrior
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Wendigo Hunter
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Ice Warrior 1
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Ice Warrior 2
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Ice Warrior 3
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Ice Warrior 4
- Minotaur miniatures
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Minotaur
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Bullgor
The Herd: Cavalry (height 1): 25x50mm base, 2-4cm high
Beast Pack*: Lions, wolves, brocks, or other beasts of the wild.
- Plastic toy animals - lion, wolf, bear
- Dungeons & Dragons - Displacer Beast
- Wizards of the Coast - Dungeons & Dragons - Displacer Beast
- Wizards of the Coast - Dungeons & Dragons - Displacer Beast Manhunter
- Wizards of the Coast - Dungeons & Dragons - Displacer Beast Pack Lord
- Bear:
- Ramshackle Games - Bear
- Ramshackle Games - Armoured Bear
- Dunger:
- Ramshackle Games - Dungers 2
- Ramshackle Games - Dungers - Wild
- Ramshackle Games - Dungers - Family
- Ramshackle Games - Dungers with integral legs
- Ramshackle Games - Dunger-Bull
- Wolf:
- Ramshackle Games - Giant Wolf: Loping
- Ramshackle Games - Giant Wolf:Stalking
- Games Workshop - Warhammer 40.000 - Space Wolves - Thunderwolves
- Monster wolf miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos - Warhounds
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos - Flesh Hounds of Khorne
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos - Karanak
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Wendigo Howler A (Stalking)
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Wendigo Howler B
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Hounds of Carn Dhu, Drune-Hound Unit
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Biter, Drune-Hound
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Gouger, Drune-Hound
- Mierce Miniatures - Ysians - Snapper, Drune-Hound
- Carnivore creature miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer 40.000 - Tau - Kroot Hounds
- Prodos Games - AvP - Hellhound
The Herd: Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Centaur Longmane: A centaur without clumsy armour.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Centigor
Centaur Bray-Hunter: A centaur without armour, armed with a bow.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Centigor: Add bows to them.
Stampede*: Wild horse, steppe rhino, cattle.
- Plastic toy animals - buffalo, bull, hippo, horse, rhino, stag
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Crusher
The Herd: Large Cavalry (height 3): 6-12cm high
Giant Eagle*: Mighty bird of the mountain.
- Plastic toy eagle
- Games Workshop - Lord of the Rings - Great Eagle
Tribal Chariot: The most skilled Warriors and Hunters (equipped with a bow) pair together to ride it. 50x100mm base.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Tuskgor Chariot
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Razorgor Chariot
The Herd: Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Brutox: Part giant or cyclops, towering beasts.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Dragon Ogor Shaggoth
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Abominable Snowbeast
- Giant humanoid miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos Gargant
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Cygor
- Giant humanoid bull miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Ghorgon
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Doombull
- Giant humanoid bear miniatures:
- Mierce Miniatures - Cæna, Slēanbera
- Mierce Miniatures - Beowa, Once-Thegn of Beornica in Bear Form
- Giant intelligent wolf miniatures:
- Mierce Miniatures - Creoda, Guthwulf
- Mierce Miniatures - Cnebba, Mægenwulf
Chimera: A bizarre combination on animals.
- Huge monster miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos - Karanak
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Jabberslythe
- Chimera miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chimera: It has wings.
Chimera with wings: A bizarre combination on animals, that can fly due to its wings.
- Adding Giant wings for a Chimera:
- Kromlech - Monstrous Creature Wings (KRCB142)
- Games Workshop - Lord of the Rings - Balrog Wings
- Chimera miniatures with wings:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chimera
The Herd: War Engine (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Great Totem [1]: Tall, wood-carved monument, often in the form of heroes or animals. 75x75mm base.
- Warhammer Fantasy - Beastman - Herdstone
The Herd: Hero - Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Great Chieftain: A veteran Longhorn (A big, bulky and powerful beastman elite warrior), that is smaller than the other Longhorns. (Longhorns come on 25x25mm bases, the Great Chieftain is on 20x20mm.)
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastmen - Beastlord
Great Chieftain with bow: A veteran Longhorn (A big, bulky and powerful beastman elite warrior), that is smaller than the other Longhorns, armed with a bow. (Longhorns come on 25x25mm bases, the Great Chieftain is on 20x20mm.)
Tracker: The best hunter, armed with a bow.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Beastmen - Great Bray-Shaman
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Wendigo Shaman
Tribal Totem Bearer: The keeper of the tribe's history.
The Herd: Hero - Large Infantry (height 2), 4-6cm high
Lycan Alpha: Fast and powerful beings.
- see Lycan
Guardian Champion: The biggest and bravest of the Guardian Brutes (a Minotaur, an Owlbear or other powerful beastman, with natural weapons and armour or equipped with brutal weapons and a wooden shield).
- see Guardian Brute
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Hyperborean Wendigo character miniatures
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Wendigo Standard Bearer
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Wendigo Chieftain
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Wendigo Musician
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Wendigo War-Chief 2
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Wendigo War-Chief 3
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Master of the Hunt
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Summoner
- Crocodile Games - Hyperborean - Wendigo - Wendigo Hunter Leader
The Herd: Hero - Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Centaur Chief: A leader of the Centaurs.
Centaur Chief with bow: A leader of the Centaurs, armed with a bow.
Shaman on a Mount
Tribal Totem Bearer on a Mount: The keeper of the tribe's history, riding a mount.
The Herd: Hero - Large Cavalry (height 3): 6-12cm high
Great Chieftain on Tribal Chariot: A veteran Longhorn (A big, bulky and powerful beastman elite warrior), that is smaller than the other Longhorns, riding a chariot. (Longhorns come on 25x25mm bases, the Great Chieftain is on 20x20mm.)
- A Great Chieftain miniature on a Tribal Chariot miniature
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
The Herd: Hero - Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Avatar of the Father [1]: A manifestation of power, taking the shape of a huge animal.
- Yedharo Models - War of Zodiac - Capricorn
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Minotaur miniatures
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Minotaur Demon Lord
- Chimera miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chimera: It has wings.
Avatar of the Father with wings [1]: A manifestation of power, taking the shape of a huge animal. It can fly with its wings.
- Adding wings for an Avatar of the Father
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Peryton miniatures
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Peryton
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Peryton
- WizKids - Dungeons & Dragons - Icons of the Realms - Peryton
- Chimera miniatures with wings:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chimera
* * *
Trident Realms
Kings of War Trident Realms model suggestions
Prodos - AvP - Aliens: Infants and Warriors could make good Naiads, but they need to be equipped with weapons.
Forces of Nature / Trident Realms: Infantry - Naiad (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Naiad Ensnarer: Lithe and graceful fishman scout.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Forces of Nature - Naiad Regiment - Naiad Ensnarer
- Armoured fishmen miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Tiik Warriors (03616)
- Reaper Minatures - Bones - Tiik Warrior (77186)
- Reaper Minatures - Bones - Tiik Champion (77187)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Tiik Baron (03759 / 77212)
- Possible proxy miniatures:
- Human-sized Elf miniatures: Probably painted as sea elves.
- Human-sized Underwater humanoid warrior miniatures
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Goblin
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos (Slaanesh) - Daemonettes
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos (Khorne) - Bloodletters
- Games Workshop - Warhammer 40.000 - Kroot
- Eureka Miniatures - Pond Wars - Frog
- Wrath of Kings - Hadross - Deepman
Naiad Heartpiercer: Lithe and graceful fishman scout, armed with a harpoon-gun.
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Forces of Nature - Naiad Regiment - Naiad Heartpiercer
- Possible proxy miniatures:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Goblin: As the base of the miniature.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer 40.000 - Gretchin with Blunderbuss: Add a spear to the gun.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer 40.000 - Kroot with rifle: Add a spear to the gun.
- Eureka Miniatures - Pond Wars - Frog with musket
Trident Realms: Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Nokken: Small water demons. They swarm around their victims and drown them.
- Small humanoid fish miniatures
- Small humanoid lizard miniatures
- Small animated water miniatures
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Mini Monsters (03595)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Kelpies (03645 / 77275)
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Deep One
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Ghoul
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Stalker
- Prodos Games - AvP - Hellhound
Placoderm: Fishman warrior with bony plates, armed with a trident or a pike, having a tough, natural scale mail and a shield.
- Human-sized Humanoid Shark miniatures
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Armoured fishmen miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Tiik Warriors (03616)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Tiik Warrior (77186)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Tiik Champion (77187)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Tiik Baron (03759 / 77212)
- Humanoid turtle miniatures (proxy):
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Warlord / Bones - Spikeshell Warrior #1 with mace and shield (from Spikeshell Warriors (2)) (03272 / 77270)
- Eureka Miniatures - Pond Wars - Turtle
Placoderm with two-handed weapon: Fishman warrior with bony plates, armed with a two-handed weapon, having a tough, natural scale mail.
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Armoured fishmen miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Tiik Warriors (03616): You need to add a two-handed weapon.
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Tiik Warrior (77186): You need to add a two-handed weapon.
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Tiik Champion (77187): You need to add a two-handed weapon.
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Tiik Baron (03759 / 77212): You need to add a two-handed weapon.
- Humanoid turtle miniatures (proxy):
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Chhaya, Sergeant (14454): Armed with a harpoon.
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Warlord / Bones - Spikeshell Warrior #2 with two-handed spiked club (from Spikeshell Warriors (2)) (03272 / 77270)
- Eureka Miniatures - Pond Wars - Turtle
Riverguard: Frogman warrior, armed with throwing weapons and a shield. They can leap large distances and have poisonous attacks.
- Human-sized Humanoid Frog miniatures
- Human-sized Humanoid Lizard miniatures as proxy
- Eureka Miniatures - Pond Wars - Frog
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Stalker
Riverguard with two-handed weapons: Frogman warrior, armed with a two-handed weapon. They can leap large distances and have poisonous attacks.
- Human-sized Humanoid Frog miniatures
- Human-sized Humanoid Lizard miniatures as proxy
- Eureka Miniatures - Pond Wars - Frog
Thuul: Ferociuos and slippery tentacled creature, bizarre mix of halfling and octopus.
- Small humanoid fish miniatures
- Small humanoid lizard miniatures
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Kelpies (03645 / 77275)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Mini Monsters (03595)
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Stalker
- Prodos Games - AvP - Hellhound
Trident Realms: Large Infantry (height 0): 40x40mm base, 0-2cm high
Tidal Swarm: Small creatures.
- Plastic toy amphibian creatures: salamandra, frog, toad
- Plastic toy lizard creatures: lizard, crocodile, monitor lizard
- Plastic toy ocean creatures: fish, shark, dolphin, orca, whale
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Familiar Pack VII (02948)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Aquatic Familiars 3 (03612)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Aquatic Familiars II (03608)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Mini Monsters (03595)
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Deep One
Trident Realms: Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Depth Horror: Horrifying creature with ravenous hunger, living in submarine caves.
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Royal Guard
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Stalker
- Prodos Games - AvP - Hellhound
- Cthulhu monsters:
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Undead: Probably some additional tentacles would be fitting.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Fenris Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Shoggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Flying Polyp
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn Larva
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Levitating ocean life:
- Plastic toy sharks, manta rays, octopi, squids, orcas, moray eel, evil-looking fishes
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Sharks (03622)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Devil Ray (03605)
- Sharkman miniatures
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Wereshark (02890)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Rumscratch, Dwarf Wereshark (03493)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Karkarion Nurse Shark (03642)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Rogal Manystripes, Tiger Karkarion (03630)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Karkarion Shark Warrior (03617)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Karnedge Gorefathom, Karkarion Boss (03625)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Shred Bloodgill, Hammerhead Wereshark (03588)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Sharkman (77278)
- RN Estudio - Fantasy Football - Sharky + Ball: Ca. 50mm high.
- Armoured fishmen miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Tiik Warriors (03616)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Tiik Warrior (77186)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Tiik Champion (77187)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Tiik Baron (03759 / 77212)
- Crab-man miniatures
- RN Estudio - Fantasy Football - Crab: Ca. 60mm high.
- Sea monster miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Slithe Queen (02902)
- Games Workshop - Lord of the Rings - The Watcher in the Water
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Mini Monsters (03595)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Goroloth (03230)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Goroloth Drone (03533)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Goroloth (77343)
- RN Estudio - Fantasy Football - Poseidon + Ball: Ca. 60mm high.
Gigas: Crustaceans with pincer-like claws and natural protection.
- Plastic toy crab
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Scuttlebones, Undead Crab (14501)
- RN Estudio - Fantasy Football - Crab: Ca. 60mm high.
Forces of Nature / Triden Realms: Large Cavalry - Naiad (height 3): 6-12cm high
Naiad Wyrmrider: Lithe and graceful fishman scout, riding a supernatural sea serpent.
- Wyrmrider mount proxy: While not sea serpents, they could be used.
- Plastic lizard toy
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Deep One
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Chaos (Slaanesh) - Seeker of Slaanesh (from Seekers of Slaanesh)
- Wyrmrider miniature (possible proxy):
- Games Workshop - Warhammer Fantasy - Goblin Spider-Rider
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
Trident Realms: Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
Coral Giant: Living embodiment of the ocean. Silent killer, its massive fist smashes its opponents. It pauses to knit back its body.
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Slithe Queen (02902)
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord / Bones - Reptus Dragon Turtle / Dragon Tortoise (14493 / 77334)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Tortoise Dragon (02516)
Knucker: Water wyrm with natural camouflage, lightning fast predator.
Kraken: Terrifying monster.
- Kraken miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Kraken (77291)
- Sea monster miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Slithe Queen (02902)
- Games Workshop - Lord of the Rings - The Watcher in the Water
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Goroloth (03230)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Goroloth Drone (03533)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Goroloth (77343)
- Cthulhu monsters:
Trident Realms: Hero - Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Placoderm Defender: Fishman warrior with bony plates, having a tough, natural scale mail. A stoic champion.
- Armoured fishmen miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Tiik Warriors (03616)
- Reaper Minatures - Bones - Tiik Warrior (77186)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Tiik Baron (03759 / 77212)
- Reaper Minatures - Bones - Tiik Champion (77187)
- Humanoid turtle miniatures (proxy):
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Warlord / Bones - Spikeshell Warrior #1 with mace and shield (from Spikeshell Warriors (2)) (03272 / 77270)
- Eureka Miniatures - Pond Wars - Turtle
Placoderm Defender with two-handed weapon: Fishman warrior with bony plates, armed with a two-handed weapon, having a tough, natural scale mail. A stoic champion.
- Armoured fishmen miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Tiik Warriors (03616)
- Reaper Minatures - Bones - Tiik Warrior (77186)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Tiik Baron (03759 / 77212): You need to add a two-handed weapon.
- Reaper Minatures - Bones - Tiik Champion (77187): You need to add a two-handed weapon.
- Humanoid turtle miniatures (proxy):
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Chhaya, Sergeant (14454): Armed with a harpoon.
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Warlord / Bones - Spikeshell Warrior #2 with two-handed spiked club (from Spikeshell Warriors (2)) (03272 / 77270)
- Eureka Miniatures - Pond Wars - Turtle
Trident Realms: Hero - Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Depth Horror Eternal: Ugly, horrible brute, hungry for fresh meat.
- see Depth Horror
- Cthulhu monsters:
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Undead: Probably some additional tentacles would be fitting.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Fenris Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Hrror
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Shoggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Flying Polyp
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn Larva
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Levitating ocean life:
- Plastic toy sharks, manta rays, octopi, squids
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Sharks (03622)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Devil Ray (03605)
- Sharkman miniatures
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Wereshark (02890)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Rumscratch, Dwarf Wereshark (03493)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Karkarion Nurse Shark (03642)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Rogal Manystripes, Tiger Karkarion (03630)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Karkarion Shark Warrior (03617)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Karnedge Gorefathom, Karkarion Boss (03625)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Shred Bloodgill, Hammerhead Wereshark (03588)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Sharkman (77278)
- RN Estudio - Fantasy Football - Sharky + Ball: Ca. 50mm high.
- Armoured fishmen miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Tiik Warriors (03616)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Tiik Warrior (77186)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Tiik Champion (77187)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Tiik Baron (03759 / 77212)
- Sea monster miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Slithe Queen (02902)
- Games Workshop - Lord of the Rings - The Watcher in the Water
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Goroloth (03230)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Goroloth Drone (03533)
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Goroloth (77343)
- RN Estudio - Fantasy Football - Poseidon + Ball: Ca. 60mm high.
* * *
Twilight Kin
Kings of War Twilight Kin model suggestions
Abyssal / Abyssal Dwarf / Twilight Kin: Infantry (height 1): 25x25mm base, 2-4cm high
Gargoyle * : Small, flying humanoid creature.
- See Abyssals Gargoyle
Lower Abyssal *
Twilight Kin: Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
Reaper Guard
Blade Dancer
Twilight Kin: Cavalry (height 2): 25x50mm base, 4-6cm high
Dark Knights
Heralds of Woe
Twilight Kin: Large Cavalry (height 3): : 6-12cm high
Abyssal Rider
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - The King in Yellow
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Starspawn Larva
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Fungi from Yuggoth
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Byakhee
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Hunting Horror
- Prodos Games - AvP - Alien Crusher
- Dungeons & Dragons Spider-Elf (Drider) miniatures
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends / Bones - Shaerileth, Spider Demoness
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord / Darkspawn - Isiri Arachnid Warrior / Bones - Arachnid Warrior
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord / Darkspawn - Isiri Arachnid Archer / Bones - Arachnid Archer: If you don't mind the bow.
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Arachnilith
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Spider Centaur
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Labith, Female Spider Demon
- Scorpion-Man
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Scorpion Man
Darkscythe Chariot
Twilight Kin: Monster (height 4): 50x50mm base, 12-16cm high
* * *
Kings of War Undead model suggestions
Undead: Infantry (height 1): 20x20mm base, 2-4cm high
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Ghoul: Not very fitting, as the units are not undead, but living cannibals, and the miniatures have them impaled on spikes (that must hurt a living creature a lot).
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Mantic Games - Kings of War - Zombie: Not very fitting, as the units don't carry weapons, but the miniatures do. For 3 torsos there are 4 right hands, and only 2 of them is empty.
- CoolMiniOrNot - Zombicide - Zombies: As most of them have modern clothes, you'll need some work to fit them into fantasy armies.
- Petersen Games - Cthulhu Wars - Undead
Undead: Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Werewolf: A huge wolf-hybrid, with speed and strenght beyond mortals.
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Infant
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Warrior
- Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Alien Predalien
- Prodos Games - AvP - Hellhound
- Werewolf miniatures:
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Werewolf (77009)
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord / Legendary Encounters - Werewolf (20025)
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Scurvy Dog, Undead Werewolf
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Feral Hunter (14239)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Jean Paul Duchamps (02139)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Jean Paul DuChamps, Werewolf (02747)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Zombie Werewolf (02791)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Moor Hound (02817)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Male Werewolf (02872)
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Skin Wolves
Undead: Hero - Large Infantry (height 2): 40x40mm base, 4-6cm high
Lykanis: Feral leader of the werewolves.
- Werewolf miniatures
- Reaper Miniatures - Bones - Werewolf (77009)
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord / Legendary Encounters - Werewolf (20025)
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Scurvy Dog, Undead Werewolf
- Reaper Miniatures - Warlord - Feral Hunter (14239)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Jean Paul Duchamps (02139)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Jean Paul DuChamps, Werewolf (02747)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Zombie Werewolf (02791)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Moor Hound (02817)
- Reaper Miniatures - Dark Heaven Legends - Male Werewolf (02872)
- Games Workshop (Forge World) - Warhammer Fantasy - Skin Wolves
* * *
Kings of War Varangur model suggestions
Direfang Riders
- MOM Miniaturas - Sr. de la guerra en bestia
- Wolf mount:
- Games Workshop - Warhammer 40.000 - Space Wolves - Thunderwolves
- WarGammas - Battle wolf war mount
* * *
Resources - Kings of War model suggestions
Sources of model suggestions
Duglas Jon's Night Stalkers Gallery (Facebook) - to see the gallery, you need to be the member of the Kings of War Fanatics Facebook group
Gwen Sato-Herrick's Forces of Nature Gallery (Facebook) - to see the gallery, you need to be the member of the Kings of War Fanatics Facebook group
Lord Siwoc (from Brain and Guts): Nightstalkers
Viñetas y miniaturas: Ejército Night-Stalker para Kings of war (in Spanish): Article about model suggestions for Night Stalkers.
Sources of model suggestions - Forums with changing content
Mantic Forum: [SALAMANDERS - MODEL SUGGESTIONS] (on Forum about model suggestions for Salamanders. (2020.04.01: The forum is offline.)
Mantic Forum: KoW - Armies - Forces of the Abyss - Alternate model suggestions (on Forum about the Forces of the Abyss. (included up to 2016.11.25) (2020.04.01: The forum is offline.)
Mantic French Community: Equivalence figurines KoW Warhammer Hommes Bêtes = La harde (in French): Forum about model suggestions for the Herd. (included up to 2016.03?)
Further sources (not yet included in my list)
Mantic Forum: [THE HERD - MODEL SUGGESTIONS] (on Forum about model suggestions for the Herd. (2020.04.01: The forum is offline.)
Mantic Forum: [THE BROTHERHOOD - MODEL SUGGESTIONS] (on Forum about model suggestions for the Brotherhood. (2020.04.01: The forum is offline.)
Mantic Forum: [THE VARANGUR - MODEL SUGGESTIONS] (on Forum about model suggestions for the Varangur. (2020.04.01: The forum is offline.)
Mantic Forum: Alternative Models for Basileans: Forum about model suggestions for the Basileans. (2020.04.01: The forum is offline.)
Mantic Forum: [RATKIN - MODEL SUGGESTIONS] (on Forum about model suggestions for the Ratkin. (2020.04.01: The forum is offline.)
Mantic Forum: Night Stalkers - Miniature Suggestions (on Forum about model suggestions for the Night Stalkers. (2020.04.01: The forum is offline.)
DakkaDakka: Nightstalker Models?: Forum about model suggestions for the Night Stalkers.
Mantic Forum: The Trident Realms of Nertica - Miniature suggestions. (on Forum about model suggestions for the Trident Realms. (2020.04.01: The forum is offline.)
Mantic Forum: [THE LEAGUE OF RHORDIA - MODEL SUGGESTIONS] (on Forum about model suggestions for the the League of Rhordia. (2020.04.01: The forum is offline.)
Mantic Forum: [THE EMPIRE OF DUST - MODEL SUGGESTIONS] (on Forum about model suggestions for the Empire of Dust. (2020.04.01: The forum is offline.)
* * *
Do you have further ideas for miniatures to be used as Kings of War units? Did I make a mistake somewhere? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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