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Stormcast Eternals Paladin kit for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop, 2015 - Miniature kit reviewimage © Games Workshop
Stormcast Eternals Paladin kit from Games Workshop company

The Stormcast Eternals Paladin kit for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop allows you to assemble warriors in full armour with axes, hammers, or spears.

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Details - Stormcast Eternals Paladin kit for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop

Miniature figure kit: Stormcast Eternals Paladin kit

Product Code: 99120218005

Product name: Stormcast Eternals Paladins

GN Code: ?

Product Code: ?

Sprue: 1x Stormcast Eternals Paladin sprue #1, 1x Stormcast Eternals Paladin sprue #2, 1x Stormcast Eternals Paladin sprue #3

Set: Stormcast Eternals Paladins set: contains 1

Range: Warhammer: Age of Sigmar range (Warhammer range) - Stormcast Eternals

Setting: Mortal Realms (Warhammer: Age of Sigmar)

Company: Games Workshop company

Production: 2015.08.01-2019-

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Species: Humanoid

Gender: probably male

Based on: ?

Technology: FantasyMedieval (Archaic)

Features: ?

Category: ?

Accessories: many

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Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale

Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale

Size: ?mm

Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene)

Priming: Primer is not necessary

Assembly: Multi-piece, On sprue, Needs cutting, Needs glue

Posing: Medium

Paintjob: Unpainted

Base: No base

Conceptual design: ?

Sculptor: ?

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Contents - Stormcast Eternals Paladin kit for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop


1x Stormcast Eternals Paladin sprue #1

1x Stormcast Eternals Paladin sprue #2

1x Stormcast Eternals Paladin sprue #3

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Sprue #1-3 builds

5x Decimator with Thunderaxe (normal helmet, greataxe)


5x Protector with Stormstrike Glaive (noseguard on helmet, glaive)


5x Retributor with Lightning Hammer (lightning motifs on helmet, two-handed war mallet)

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You can exchange one miniature to wield a huge mace

You can exchange one miniature to be a Prime (lightning on backpack, wide halo on helmet)

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The Paladins set includes 5 x 40mm round plastic bases

Stormcast Eternals Paladin kit for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop, 2015 - Miniature kit reviewimage © Games Workshop Stormcast Eternals Paladin kit for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop, 2015 - Miniature kit reviewimage © Games Workshop Stormcast Eternals Paladin kit for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop, 2015 - Miniature kit reviewimage © Games Workshop
Decimator with Thunderaxe Protector with Stormstrike Glaive Retributor with Lightning Hammer

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Review - Stormcast Eternals Paladin kit for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop


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Resources - Stormcast Eternals Paladin kit for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop


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Buying the product - Stormcast Eternals Paladin kit for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop


Base set price (Stormcast Eternals Paladins set)(2019): 46 EUR / 35 GBP / 58 USD / 116 AUD, Price per model: 9,2 EUR / 7 GBP / 11,6 USD / 23,2 AUD

Where can you buy it?

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Do you have the Stormcast Eternals Paladin kit miniature figure kit for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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