Person: Nagy Péter (Petrow)
Name: Nagy Péter, Nickname: Petrow
Nagy Péter (Petrow) (in white T-shirt) makes sure everyone gets to know the rules of Deadzone
Nagy Péter (Petrow) is a wargamer. He lives in Keszthely, Hungary (Europe).
Nagy Péter (Petrow) - Information
Warhammer & wargame blog (in Hungarian): The website of Ladislaus, Petrow, and tengerSAM. Inactive since 2015.
Google Translate English version
DrCsernus Wargame Blogja (in Hungarian): The website of KerekPerec and Petrow. Inactive since 2015.
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Games Day Budapest 2016 - Event coverage
Games Day Budapest 2016 - Event coverage
image © Kovács KárolyThe Nexus Club visited Games Day Budapest 2016 to do demonstrations of sci-fi wargames. In cooperation with The Forge Club, Scenery World Workshop commission terrain maker studio, and Nagy Péter (Petrow) from Keszthely, we brought demos of Alien vs Predator, Deadzone and DreadBall. There were dozens of other wargames and boardgames demos all around the area. The Golden Gobbo painting competition was also held here. Several gaming stores had a stand here with reduced prices, and there was a bits market for miniature collectors.
Playing Deadzone Ed2 on Games Day Budapest 2016 - Imperial Space Gameplay narrative
Playing Deadzone Ed2 on Games Day Budapest 2016 - Imperial Space Gameplay narrative
Article updated: 2016.12.29
On the Games Day Budapest 2016 I was invited by Nagy Péter (Petrow) to play a game of Deadzone Ed2 with him. Even though we have played a Deadzone game, to continue the story that started in the previous Afterlife gameplay narrative, I will include elements of the Forlorn Stars (Imperial Space) setting. I try to recount the events that occured on that day.