Miniatures Range: Spellcrow Space - Plague Legions
Miniatures Range: Spellcrow Space - Plague Legions, Company: Spellcrow, Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale, Proportions: Heroic scale
"Spellcrow Space" is a title I gave to the futuristic range of 28mm heroic scale miniatures Spellcrow produces. The range includes several sets on miniatures, like the Chaos Space Knights, the Plague Legions and the Space Knights.
The Plague Legions are a range of miniatures that look like the Plague Marines from the Warhammer 40.000 range.
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Chainmail skirt aprons in 1/56 scale - Chain Mail Tabards from Spellcrow - Miniature accessory review
Rags skirt aprons in 1/56 scale - Rags Tabards from Spellcrow - Miniature accessory review
image © Spellcrow
sculpt © SpellcrowMiniature accessory set: Rags Tabards (SPCB5401), Miniature accessory: skirt apron - rags skirt apron, Range: Historical / Fantasy / Modern / Futuristic / Futuristic fantasy - Spellcrow Space - Plague Legions, Company: Spellcrow company, Production: -2015-2016-
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic / Heroic, Size: ?, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Posing: ?, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: -, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: Piotr Pirianowicz
Features: 10 rags skirt aprons (rags skirt aprons), 2x5 sculpts.Base set price (2015-2016): 8 EUR, Price/model: 0,8 EUR
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Buy the Spellcrow Rags Tabards from Element Games (UK) -10%, ref. code:KAD935
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Buy skirt apron (tabard) from Noble Knight Games (USA)
Buy miniatures from Galactic Toys (USA)
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Buy miniatures from Aliexpress (China)Read our preview of the Rags Tabards from Spellcrow (we do not have this product for review)