Equipment: no helmet
image © Mantic Games
Equipment: no helmet
Doesn't wear any kind of helmet
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Humanoid alien carnivore - Alien H for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine, 2023 - Miniature creature review
Humanoid alien carnivore - Alien Infant v1 #1 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games, 2015 - Miniature creature review
image © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos Games
painting © Prodos GamesMiniature creature: Alien Infant v1 #1
Product name: Alien Infant, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Range: Alien vs Predator (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Prodos Games, Production: 2015-2016- -2019? (out of production)
Size: Large (S4), Species: Aliens Xenomorph with clawed hands, stinger tail (Humanoid - Humanoid alien - Humanoid alien carnivore), Gender: ?, Technology: Wild, Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured/ carapace armour, Helmet: no helmet / carapace helmet, Equipment in hand: empty hands, Equipment carried: none, Based on: Alien & Predator likeness - Alien Xenomorph likeness - Alien Drone likeness - "Infant" likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ca. 40-42mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Category: Large (S4) wild humanoid alien carnivore, with claws and stinger tail, with empty hands
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Pre-cut, Needs cutting, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?Set: Alien Infants set: contains 5, Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins: contains 10
Base set price (Alien Infants set): 15 GBP / 18 EUR / 19,2 USD, Price/model: 3 GBP / 3,6 EUR / 3,8 USD
Base set price (Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins): 75 GBP / 96 USD / 90 EUR, Price/model: ? EUR (if you also need the others)Buy the Alien Infant for Alien vs Predator from Prodos Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK
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Humanoid alien carnivore - Alien King #1 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games, 2018 - Miniature creature review
image © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos GamesMiniature creature: Alien King #1
Product name: Alien King, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Range: Alien vs Predator (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Prodos Games, Production: 2018.04.16- -2019? (out of production)
Size: Ultra Giant (S8), Species: Aliens Xenomorph with clawed hands, stinger tail, and armoured head crest (Humanoid - Humanoid alien), Gender: female, Technology: Wild, Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured/ carapace armour, Helmet: no helmet / carapace helmet, Equipment in hand: empty hands, Equipment carried: none, Based on: Alien & Predator likeness - Alien Xenomorph likeness - Alien King likeness (a variation of Alien Queen)
Scale: 1:50 (35mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: 153mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?Set: Alien King #1 set: contains 1
Base price (Alien King #1): ? GBP / ? EUR / ? USD, Price/model: ? GBP / ? EUR / ? USD
Base set price (Alien King #1 set)(2018-): 69 GBP / ? EUR / ? USD, Price/model: 69 GBP / ? EUR / ? USDBuy the Alien King #1 miniature creature for Alien vs Predator from Prodos Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK
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Humanoid alien carnivore - Alien Predalien #2 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games, 2017 - Miniature creature review
image © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos GamesMiniature creature: Alien Predalien #2
Product name: AVP Predalien Unicast Edition, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Range: Alien vs Predator (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Prodos Games, Production: 2017.11.24-2018- -2019? (out of production)
Size: Large (S4), Species: Aliens Xenomorph with clawed hands, stinger tail (Humanoid - Humanoid alien), Gender: ?, Technology: Wild, Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured/ carapace armour, Helmet: no helmet / carapace helmet, Equipment in hand: empty hands, Equipment carried: none, Based on: Alien & Predator likeness - Alien Xenomorph likeness - Predalien likeness
Scale: 1:50 (35mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, No cutting required, No assembly, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral scenic base (Integral base), Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?Set: Predalien #2 set: contains 1
Base price (Predalien #2 set)(2017-2018): 10 GBP / 11,6 EUR / 13 USD, Price/model: 10 GBP / 11,6 EUR / 13 USD
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Humanoid alien carnivore - Alien Queen #1 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games, 2015 - Miniature creature review
image © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos GamesMiniature creature: Alien Queen #1
Product name: Alien Queen, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Range: Alien vs Predator range (Futuristic), Series: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Prodos Games company, Production: 2015-2018- -2019? (out of production)
Size: Giant (S6), Species: Aliens Xenomorph with clawed hands, stinger tail, and armoured head crest (Humanoid - Humanoid alien), Gender: female, Technology: Wild, Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured/ carapace armour, Helmet: no helmet / carapace helmet, Equipment in hand: empty hands, Equipment carried: none, Based on: Alien & Predator likeness - Alien Xenomorph likeness - Alien Queen likeness
Scale: 1:50 (35mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ca. 80mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Pre-cut, Needs cutting, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?Set: Alien Queen #1 set: contains 1
Base set price (Alien Queen #1 set)(2016-2018): 35 GBP / 42 EUR / 44,8 USD, Price/model: 35 GBP / 42 EUR / 44,8 USD
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Humanoid alien carnivore - Alien Queen #2 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games, 2017 - Miniature creature review
image © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos GamesMiniature creature: Alien Queen #2
Product name: AvP Alien Queen UniCast Edition, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Range: Alien vs Predator (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Prodos Games, Production: 2017.11.24-2018- -2019? (out of production)
Size: Extra Giant (S7), Species: Aliens Xenomorph with clawed hands, stinger tail, and armoured head crest (Humanoid - Humanoid alien), Gender: female, Technology: Wild, Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured/ carapace armour, Helmet: no helmet / carapace helmet, Equipment in hand: empty hands, Equipment carried: none / a piece of futuristic bulkhead, Based on: Alien & Predator likeness - Alien Xenomorph likeness - Alien Queen likeness
Scale: 1:50 (35mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: 78mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, No cutting required, No assembly, Posing: Hard, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral scenic base (Integral base), Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?Set: Alien Queen #2 set: contains 1
Base price (Alien Queen #2 set)(2017-2018): 35 GBP / ? EUR / ? USD, Price/model: 35 GBP / ? EUR / ? USD
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Humanoid alien carnivore - Alien Queen for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine, 2020 - Miniature creature review
image © Gale Force Nine
sculpt © Gale Force Nine
painting © Gale Force NineMiniature creature: Alien Queen
Product name: Queen / Xenomorph Queen / Alien Queen, Product code: ?, Sprue: GF9 Aliens - Alien Queen 1 sprue, Range: Aliens (Gale Force Nine) range (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Gale Force Nine company, Production: 2020.12.05-
Size: probably Giant (S6), Species: Aliens Xenomorph with clawed hands, stinger tail, and armoured head crest (Humanoid - Humanoid alien - Humanoid alien carnivore), Gender: female, Technology: Wild, Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured/ carapace armour, Helmet: no helmet / carapace helmet, Equipment in hand: empty hands, Equipment carried: none, Based on: Alien & Predator likeness - Alien Xenomorph likeness - Alien Queen likeness
Scale: probably 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?, Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene)(black), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, On sprue, Needs assembly, probably Needs glue, Needs cutting, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: Roy GabrielCategory: Giant (S6) wild humanoid alien carnivore, with claws and stinger tail, with empty hands
Set: Aliens: Get Away From Her, You B***h!: contains 1, Aliens: Alien Queen set: contains 1
Base price (Aliens: Alien Queen set)(2020): 12 GBP / 15 USD / 15 EUR / ? AUD. Price/model: 12 GBP / 15 USD / 15 EUR / ? AUD
Base price (Aliens: Get Away From Her, You B***h!)(2020): 50 GBP / 60 USD / 60 EUR / 120 AUD. Price/model: 10 GBP / 12 USD / 12 EUR / 24 AUD
Buy Aliens: Get Away From Her, You B***h! from Gale Force Nine from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy Aliens: Get Away From Her, You B***h! from Gale Force Nine on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Humanoid alien carnivore - Alien Warrior #1 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games - Miniature creature review
image © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos GamesMiniature creature: Alien Warrior #1
Product name: Alien Warrior, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Range: Alien vs Predator (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Prodos Games, Production: 2015-2016- -2019? (out of production)
Size: Large (S4), Species: Aliens Xenomorph with clawed hands, stinger tail (Humanoid - Humanoid alien - Humanoid alien carnivore), Gender: ?, Technology: Wild, Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured/ carapace armour, Helmet: no helmet / carapace helmet, Equipment in hand: empty hands, Equipment carried: none, Based on: Alien & Predator likeness - Alien Xenomorph likeness - Alien Drone likeness - "Warrior" likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Category: Large (S4) wild humanoid alien carnivore, with claws and stinger tail, with empty hands
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Pre-cut, Needs cutting, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?Set: Alien Warriors set #1: contains 5 Alien Warriors
Base set price (Alien Warriors set)(2016): 15 GBP / 18 EUR / 19,2 USD, Price per model: 3 GBP / 3,6 EUR / 3,8 USD
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Humanoid in 1/56 scale - Plague Gen 3 Mutant Spotter for Warpath from Mantic Games, 2013 - Miniature figure review
image © Mantic Games
sculpt © Mantic Games
painting © Mantic GamesMiniature figure: Plague Gen 3 Mutant Spotter
Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Set: Plague Support Booster: contains 1, Range: Warpath - Plague (Futuristic/ Futuristic fantasy), Series: Warpath, Company: Mantic Games, Production: 2013-2016 (out of production)
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Savage humanoid, Modified human (Humanoid - Human), Gender: male, Technology: Modern / Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: binocular (L), no weapons, Equipment carried: none, Based on: ?
Accessories: -
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale, Size: ?mm high, Material: hard PVC - gray, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece (Tight fit peg), Needs glue, On sprue?, Needs cutting?, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral base (Fits Mantic base), Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?Base price (Plague Gen 3 Mutant Spotter): ? GBP / ? EUR / ? USD
Base set price (Plague Support Booster): 15 GBP / ? EUR / ? USDBuy the Plague Mortar for Warpath from Mantic Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy the Plague Mortar for Warpath from Mantic Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Humanoid warrior in 1/50 scale - Dwarf Agent for Massive Darkness from CoolMiniOrNot, 2017 - Miniature figure review
image © CoolMiniOrNot
sculpt © CoolMiniOrNotMiniature: Dwarf Agent, Product name: Dwarf Agent, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Set: Massive Darkness board game base set: contains 1, Range: Massive Darkness range (Fantasy range), Series: Zombicide/Massive Darkness, Company: CoolMiniOrNot company & Guillotine Games, Production: 2017.09.29-
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Humanoid, Gender: male, Technology: Ancient/Medieval (Archaic), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured, no shield, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: 2 short sword (Weapon - melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon - sword), Equipment carried: none, Based on: ?
Scale: 1:50 (35mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: soft PVC - gray, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, No cutting needed, No assembly, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral flat base, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?Base price (Dwarf Agent): GBP / EUR / USD
Base set price (Massive Darkness boardgame base set)(2017): 120 USD
Buy the Massive Darkness board game from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy the Massive Darkness board game from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Humanoid warrior in 1/50 scale - Goblin Agent for Massive Darkness from CoolMiniOrNot, 2017 - Miniature figure review
image © CoolMiniOrNot
sculpt © CoolMiniOrNotMiniature: Goblin Agent, Product name: Goblin Agent, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Set: Massive Darkness board game base set: contains 1, Range: Massive Darkness range (Fantasy range), Series: Zombicide/Massive Darkness, Company: CoolMiniOrNot company & Guillotine Games, Production: 2017.09.29-
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Humanoid, Gender: male, Technology: Ancient/Medieval (Archaic), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured, no shield, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: 2 short sword (Weapon - melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon - sword), Equipment carried: none, Based on: ?
Scale: 1:50 (35mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: soft PVC - gray, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, No cutting needed, No assembly, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral flat base, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?Base price (Goblin Agent): GBP / EUR / USD
Base set price (Massive Darkness boardgame base set)(2017): 120 USD
Buy the Massive Darkness board game from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy the Massive Darkness board game from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Humanoid warrior in 1/50 scale - High Troll for Massive Darkness from CoolMiniOrNot, 2017 - Miniature figure review
image © Nagy Gábor (Nagual)
sculpt © CoolMiniOrNot
painting © Nagy Gábor (Nagual)Miniature: High Troll, Product name: High Troll, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Set: Massive Darkness board game base set: contains 1, Range: Massive Darkness range (Fantasy range), Series: Zombicide/Massive Darkness, Company: CoolMiniOrNot company & Guillotine Games, Production: 2017.09.29-
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Humanoid with horns, Gender: male, Technology: Primitive (Archaic), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured, no shield, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: spiked club (Weapon - melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon - club), Equipment carried: none, Based on: ?
Scale: 1:50 (35mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: soft PVC - gray, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, No cutting needed, No assembly, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral flat base, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?Base price (High Troll): GBP / EUR / USD
Base set price (Massive Darkness boardgame base set)(2017): 120 USD
Buy the Massive Darkness board game from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy the Massive Darkness board game from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Humanoid warrior in 1/50 scale - Ogre Mage for Massive Darkness from CoolMiniOrNot, 2017 - Miniature figure review
image © CoolMiniOrNot
sculpt © CoolMiniOrNotMiniature: Ogre Mage, Product name: Ogre Mage, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Set: Massive Darkness board game base set: contains 1, Range: Massive Darkness range (Fantasy range), Series: Zombicide/Massive Darkness, Company: CoolMiniOrNot company & Guillotine Games, Production: 2017.09.29-
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Humanoid, Gender: male, Technology: Ancient/Medieval (Archaic), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured, no shield, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: staff (Weapon - melee weapon - polearm), Equipment carried: none, Based on: ?
Scale: 1:50 (35mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: soft PVC - gray, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, No cutting needed, No assembly, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral flat base, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?Base price (Ogre Mage): GBP / EUR / USD
Base set price (Massive Darkness boardgame base set)(2017): 120 USD
Buy the Massive Darkness board game from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy the Massive Darkness board game from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Humanoid warrior in 1/50 scale - Orc Agent for Massive Darkness from CoolMiniOrNot, 2017 - Miniature figure review
image © CoolMiniOrNot
sculpt © CoolMiniOrNotMiniature: Orc Agent, Product name: Orc Agent, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Set: Massive Darkness board game base set: contains 1, Range: Massive Darkness range (Fantasy range), Series: Zombicide/Massive Darkness, Company: CoolMiniOrNot company & Guillotine Games, Production: 2017.09.29-
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Humanoid, Gender: male, Technology: Medieval (Archaic), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured, no shield, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: broadsword (Weapon - melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon - sword), Equipment carried: none, Based on: ?
Scale: 1:50 (35mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: soft PVC - gray, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, No cutting needed, No assembly, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral flat base, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?Base price (Orc Agent): GBP / EUR / USD
Base set price (Massive Darkness boardgame base set)(2017): 120 USD
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Humanoid warrior in 1/50 scale - Orc Flayer Minion for Massive Darkness from CoolMiniOrNot, 2017 - Miniature figure review
image © CoolMiniOrNot
sculpt © CoolMiniOrNotMiniature: Orc Flayer Minion, Product name: Orc Flayer Minion, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Set: Massive Darkness board game base set: contains 6, Range: Massive Darkness range (Fantasy range), Series: Zombicide/Massive Darkness, Company: CoolMiniOrNot company & Guillotine Games, Production: 2017.09.29-
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Humanoid, Gender: male, Technology: Medieval (Archaic), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured, no shield, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: 2 short sword (Weapon - melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon - sword), Equipment carried: dagger (Weapon - melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon), Based on: ?
Scale: 1:50 (35mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: soft PVC - gray, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, No cutting needed, No assembly, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral flat base, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?Base price (Orc Flayer Minion): GBP / EUR / USD
Base set price (Massive Darkness boardgame base set)(2017): 120 USD
Buy the Massive Darkness board game from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy the Massive Darkness board game from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Humanoid warrior in 1/50 scale - Um'Cal Shaman for the Um'Cal Tribe for HATE board game from CoolMiniOrNot, 2019 - Miniature figure review
image © CoolMiniOrNot
sculpt © CoolMiniOrNot
painting © Robert KarlssonMiniature: Um'Cal Shaman, Product name: Um'Cal Shaman, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Set: HATE board game base set: contains 1, Range: HATE range - Um'Cal Tribe (Fantasy range), Setting: HATE, Series: -, Company: CoolMiniOrNot company, Production: 2019.01
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Humanoid, Gender: female (could be male), Technology: Medieval (Archaic), Role: Warrior/Magic-user, Armour: unarmoured, no shield, Helmet: probably no helmet, Equipment in hand: dagger/sickle (Weapon - melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon), dagger, Equipment carried: none, Based on: ?
Scale: 1:50 (35mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ca. 35mm high, Material: soft PVC - gray, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, No cutting needed, No assembly, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral flat base, Conceptual design: Adrian Smith, Sculptor: ?Base price (Um'Cal Shaman): GBP / EUR / USD
Base set price (HATE boardgame base set)(2018 Kickstarter): 120 USD
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Humanoid warrior with axe in 1/50 scale - Um'Cal Warrior #1 for the Um'Cal Tribe for HATE board game from CoolMiniOrNot, 2019 - Miniature figure review
image © CoolMiniOrNot
sculpt © CoolMiniOrNot
painting © Robert KarlssonMiniature: Um'Cal Warrior #1, Product name: Um'Cal Warrior, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Set: HATE board game base set: contains 2, Range: HATE range - Um'Cal Tribe (Fantasy range), Setting: HATE, Series: -, Company: CoolMiniOrNot company, Production: 2019.01
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Humanoid, Gender: male, Technology: Medieval (Archaic), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: armour, no shield, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: axe (Weapon - melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon), Equipment carried: some skull, Based on: ?
Scale: 1:50 (35mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ca. 35mm high, Material: soft PVC - gray, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, No cutting needed, No assembly, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral flat base, Conceptual design: Adrian Smith, Sculptor: ?Base price (Um'Cal Warrior #1): GBP / EUR / USD
Base set price (HATE boardgame base set)(2018 Kickstarter): 120 USD
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Humanoid with cannon shell in 1/56 scale - Plague Gen 3 Mutant Loader for Warpath from Mantic Games, 2013 - Miniature figure review
image © Mantic Games
sculpt © Mantic Games
painting © Mantic GamesMiniature figure: Plague Gen 3 Mutant Loader
Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Set: Plague Support Booster: contains 1, Range: Warpath - Plague (Futuristic/ Futuristic fantasy), Series: Warpath, Company: Mantic Games, Production: 2013-2016 (out of production)
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Savage humanoid, Modified human (Humanoid - Human), Gender: male, Technology: Modern / Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: cannon shell (R+L), no weapons, Equipment carried: none, Based on: ?
Accessories: -
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale, Size: ?mm high, Material: hard PVC - gray, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece (Tight fit peg), Needs glue, On sprue?, Needs cutting?, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral base (Fits Mantic base), Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?Base price (Plague Gen 3 Mutant Loader): ? GBP / ? EUR / ? USD
Base set price (Plague Support Booster): 15 GBP / ? EUR / ? USDBuy the Plague Mortar for Warpath from Mantic Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy the Plague Mortar for Warpath from Mantic Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Humanoid with grenade launcher in 1/56 scale - Plague Gen 3 Mutant with Grenade Launcher for Warpath from Mantic Games, 2013 - Miniature figure review
image © Mantic Games
sculpt © Mantic Games
painting © Mantic GamesMiniature figure: Plague Gen 3 Mutant with Grenade Launcher
Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Range: Warpath - Plague (Futuristic/ Futuristic fantasy), Series: Warpath, Company: Mantic Games, Production: 2013-2016 (out of production)
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Savage humanoid, Modified human (Humanoid - Human), Gender: male, Technology: Modern / Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: grenade launcher (Weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - large firearm), Equipment carried: none, Based on: ?
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale, Size: ?mm high, Material: hard PVC - gray, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece (Tight fit peg), Needs glue, On sprue?, Needs cutting?, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral base (Fits Mantic base), Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?Category: ?
Accessories: -Set: Plague Support Booster: contains 1
Base price (Plague Gen 3 Mutant with Grenade Launcher): ? GBP / ? EUR / ? USD
Base set price (Plague Support Booster): 15 GBP / ? EUR / ? USDBuy the Plague Gen 3 Mutant with Grenade Launcher for Warpath from Mantic Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy the Plague Gen 3 Mutant with Grenade Launcher for Warpath from Mantic Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Industrial walker with female operator - Ripley in Power Loader for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine, 2020 - Miniature figure & vehicle review
image © Gale Force Nine
sculpt © Gale Force Nine
painting © Gale Force NineMiniature figure: Ripley in Power Loader
Product name: Ripley in Powerloader / Powerloader / P-5000 Power Loader, Product Code: set: GF9-ALIENS03, GF9-ALIENS06, Kit: -, Sprue: GF9 Aliens - Powerloader 1 sprue, Range: Aliens (Gale Force Nine) range (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Gale Force Nine company, Production: 2020.12.05-
Figure size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: female (Human female), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: no weapons, Armour: unarmoured, no shield, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: -, Equipment carried: -, Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness: Ellen Ripley likeness (Sigourney Weaver likeness), P-5000 Powered Work Loader likeness
Vehicle size: probably Huge (S5), Vehicle type: walker (Aliens: P-5000 Powered Work Loader likeness), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Weapons: R: mechanical arm (melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon), L: mechanical arm (melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon)
Scale: probably 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene)(green), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, On sprue, Needs assembly, probably Needs glue, Needs cutting, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?Set: Aliens: Get Away From Her, You B***h!: contains 1, Aliens: Sulaco Survivors: contains 1
Base price (Aliens: Sulaco Survivors)(2020): 12 GBP / 15 USD / 15 EUR / ? AUD. Price/model: 2 GBP / 2.5 USD / 2.5 EUR / ? AUD
Base price (Aliens: Get Away From Her, You B***h!)(2020): 50 GBP / 60 USD / 60 EUR / 120 AUD. Price/model: 10 GBP / 12 USD / 12 EUR / 24 AUD
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