image © Games Workshop sculpt © Games Workshop painting © Games Workshop |
Miniature figure: Kraken-eater Mega-Gargant
Product name: Kraken-eater Mega-Gargant, Product code: set: GW-99120299062, Kit: Mega-Gargant (AoS) kit, Sprue: 1x Mega-Gargant sprue #1, 1x Mega-Gargant sprue #2, 1x Mega-Gargant (AoS) sprue #3, 1x Mega-Gargant (AoS) sprue #4, Range: Warhammer: Age of Sigmar range (Warhammer range) - Sons of Behemat - Mega-Gargant, Setting: Mortal Realms (Warhammer: Age of Sigmar), Series: ?, Company: Games Workshop company, Production: pre-order: 2020.10.10-16, release: 2020.10.17-
Size: Ultra Giant (S8), Species: Mega-Gargant (Humanoid), Gender: male, Technology: Fantasy / Medieval (Archaic), Role: Warrior, Features: wears sandals, lower jaw necklace, Armour: light armour (armour) / unarmoured, no shield, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: R: net, L: club (weapon - melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon), Equipment carried: jar, tentacle, Based on: ?
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale, Size: ca. 190mm high, probably 250mm tall standing upright, Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene), Priming: Primer is not necessary Assembly: Multi-piece (No connector), On sprue, Needs cutting, Needs glue, Needs assembly, Posing: Hard, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?
Set: Mega-Gargant (AoS) set: contains 1
Base set price (Mega-Gargant (AoS) set)(2020): 120 GBP / 150 EUR / 195 USD, Price per model: 120 GBP / 150 EUR / 195 USD