Event type: Makettfesztivál Miskolc
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Board game / Tactical skirmish game - Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2018 Star Saga games - Gameplay coverage
image © Nagy István
Board game / Tactical skirmish game - Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2018 Star Saga games - Gameplay coverageAuthor: Kadmon
Translation based on: Társasjáték / Taktikai játék - Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2018 Star Saga játékok - Játék beszámoló (2018.02.15)
Translation: KadmonAt the Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2018 miniatures convention Takács György (Kadmon) from the Nexus Club held demonstration games of the Star Saga boardgame from Mantic Games.
Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2018 miniatures convention (2018.02.03-04) - Event coverage
Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2018 miniatures convention (2018.02.03-04) - Event coverage
Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2018 - The Győzelem Pajzsa (Shield of Victory) exhibitionArticle updated: 2020.02.19
The Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2018 (Model Festival 2018) miniatures convention was held on 2018.02.03-04, in Miskolc. The Makettfesztivál Miskolc, built around the Győzelem Pajzsa (Shield of Victory) modeling competition, is an annual modeling hobby event, organised by the Miskolci Makettezők Egyesülete (Modelers Association of Miskolc). An event coverage was written by Kadmon.
On this Makettfesztivál the Nexus Club also participated on both days, working closely with The Forge wargaming club. The Győzelem Pajzsa (Shield of Victory) modeling competition was also held here, the programs of the Makettfesztivál are basically built around this. For this occasion Kelemen Gábor made a wargaming board for Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings.
Wargames - Playing Deadzone Ed2 on the Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2017 (2017.02.18-19) - Warpath Gameplay narrative
Wargames - Playing Deadzone Ed2 on the Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2017 (2017.02.18-19) - Warpath Gameplay narrative
Deadzone Ed2I had a chance to attend the Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2017 on 2017.02.18-19, where I organised a couple of Deadzone Ed2 demos. There were lots of kids eager to play games. I tried to set up my Battlezones. Necromunda and Infinity scenery I prepared for the event, but as the kids were harrassing me to start playing, I gave up, and just used my trusty Nexus Studio container buildings. This is a retelling of the games played on the convention, at least what I remember from them. To fit with the previous gameplay narratives, I'll probably set the story in the universe of the Imperial Space setting at a later date.