board game miniature painting service
Miniature painting commission services
Miniature painting commission servicesArticle updated: 2021.08.25
Miniature painting commission services: If you don't like to paint, don't have the time or don't have the patience, there are others who can help you. You don't have to wonder "who would paint my wargame or boardgame minis for me?" any more, just check these commission painters. I've listed the commission miniature painting services by area.
- From the Warp: How to find a good artist for commission work: Guidelines for ordering commissions.
- From the Warp: How to find a good client for commission work: Guidelines for those who take commissions.
- Spikey Bits: Cheap is Not Enough! Painting Studio Study: Review and comparison of miniatures related services.
- How To Commission A Painting: Although it's a guide to painting pictures, but I feel most of it is useful for commissioning miniature paintings too. (2020.03.29: The article is offline.)
- Atom Smasher (from Tabletop Minions): Finding a Commission Painter: Video about commission painters.
- Sarkadi Sándor (Kaba) (from Gates of Hell - The Beardy and the Fluffy): Kabaman's personal opinion about Hungarian commission painters (in Hungarian): Guidelines article in Hungarian.
Before you order your miniatures to be painted, decide on your miniature related philosophies, and check with the painter to do the miniature according to your wishes: Games Nexus: Painting miniatures - Design concepts