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Kings of WarWargames Resources - Kings of War Ed1 Gameplay video: Abyssal Dwarfs vs Undead, 750pt

Game system: Kings of War Ed1, Gameplay resources: Kings of War gameplay resource (Ed1)

Forces: Abyssal Dwarfs vs Undead, Gameplay resources: Abyssal Dwarfs gameplay resource (Ed1) vs Undead gameplay resource (Ed1) : Abyssal Dwarfs vs Undead gameplay resource (Ed1 - 750pt)

Points: 750pt

Mission: ?

Date: 2011.06.30 (uploaded)

Players: ?

Resource: Bill Schmidt: Kings of War: Battle Report - Undead Versus Abyssal Dwarves: Gameplay video.

"This is the first quick attempt at a battle report for Kings of War. It features video shot from an iPhone (sorry about the shaky cam, I'm going to try to get a tripod for the next one), Abyssal dwarves and Undead going head to head in a 750pt battle report. Sorry for the lack of painted miniatures and lack of terrain, we're new to this game still, and newer still to making videos... Tons of improvement on the next videos for sure!"


Kings of War gameplay resource, Kings of War Ed1 gameplay resource,

Kings of War-Abyssal Dwarfs gameplay resource, Kings of War-Undead gameplay resource

Kings of War-Abyssal Dwarfs vs Undead gameplay resource, Kings of War Ed1-Abyssal Dwarfs vs Undead gameplay resource, Kings of War Ed1-Abyssal Dwarfs vs Undead-750pt gameplay resource

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