Wargame Resources - Warhammer 40.000 Ed8 Gameplay video: Chaos vs Imperium (in German)
Game system: Warhammer 40,000 Ed8 (Warhammer 40,000), Gameplay resources: Warhammer 40,000 gameplay resource (Ed8)
Forces: Chaos (Death Guard Traitor Space Marines) vs Imperium (Ultramarine Primaris Space Marines), Gameplay resources: Chaos gameplay resource (Ed8) vs Imperium gameplay resource (Ed8) : Chaos vs Imperium gameplay resource (Ed8)
Points: ?pt - all the miniatures from the Warhammer 40,000 Ed8: Dark Imperium set
Mission: Only War (Nichts als Krieg)
Date: 2017.06.02. (uploaded)
Players: ? (Chaos), ? (Imperium)
SpielebudeCom: 40K BatRep Primaris Marines vs Death Guard Edition 8 (in German): Gameplay videos in German, Ultramarine Primaris Space Marines vs Death Guard Chaos Marines.
- SpielebudeCom: 40K BatRep Primaris Marines vs Death Guard Edition 8 - Teil 1/3 (in German)§
- SpielebudeCom: 40K BatRep Primaris Marines vs Death Guard Edition 8 - Teil 2/3 (in German)§
- SpielebudeCom: 40K BatRep Primaris Marines vs Death Guard Edition 8 - Teil 3/3 (in German)§
"Unser erster Batrep der Warhammer 40000 Edition 8. Wir spielen die Death Guard und die neuen Space Marines, die Primaris Marines! Noch keine Punkte, sondern der Inhalt der Dark Imperium Box!"
Warhammer 40,000 gameplay resource, Warhammer 40,000 Ed8 gameplay resource
Warhammer 40,000-Chaos gameplay resource, Warhammer 40,000 Ed8-Chaos gameplay resource
Warhammer 40,000-Imperium gameplay resource, Warhammer 40,000 Ed8-Imperium gameplay resource
Warhammer 40,000-Chaos vs Imperium gameplay resource, Warhammer 40,000 Ed8-Chaos vs Imperium gameplay resource
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