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The Games Nexus Miniatures Database is a lists of miniatures, collected by their size and type. It's still a work in progress.

Size categories: I've based the size comparisons on 1:56 miniatures, where an average 170 cm high human is a 30mm high miniature. If you'd like to use another scale as a reference, find the average height of the mini, and change the size reference accordingly. For example if you'd

  • S -3 - Super tiny: 1-3mm (2) high miniatures. Average size of 1:900 (2mm) miniatures.
  • S -2 - Incredibly tiny: 3-5mm (4) high miniatures.
  • S -1 - Very tiny: 5-8mm (6,5) high miniatures. Average size of 1:300 (6mm) miniatures.
  • S 0 - Tiny (S0): 8-12mm (10) high miniature. Average size of 1:180 (10mm) miniatures.
  • S 1 - Very small (S1): 12-18mm (15) high miniature. Average size of 1:120 (15mm) miniatures.
  • S 2 - Small (S2): 18-26mm (22) high miniature. 1:72 miniature could fit into this size category.
  • S 3 - Human-sized (S3): 26-38mm (32) high miniature. Average size of 1:56 (28/32mm) miniatures.
  • S 4 - Large (S4): 38-54mm (46) high miniature. 1:48-1:33 (1:39) miniature could fit into this size category.
  • S 5 - Huge (S5): 54-78mm (66) high miniature. 1:33-1:23 (1:27) miniature could fit into this size category.
  • S 6 - Giant (S6): 78-110mm (94) high miniature. 1:23-1:17 (1:19) miniatures, like the 1:18 (3.3/4 inch) GI Joe or Star Wars action figures could fit into this size category.
  • S 7 - Extra Giant (S7): 110-158mm (134) high miniature. 1:16-1:12 (1:13,5) miniatures, like the 1:13 (5.1/2 inch) Masters of the Universe action figures could fit into this size category.
  • S 8 - Ultra Giant (S8): 158-222mm (190) high miniature. 1:11-1:9 (1:9,5) miniatures could fit into this size category.
  • S 9 - Super Giant (S9): 222-318mm (270) high miniature. 1:8-1:6 (1:7) miniatures could fit into this size category.

Size category modifiers: Sometimes it could be useful to indicate these.

  • + : bigger than average: It means the miniature is in the upper limits of that size category. This could mean he is a high member of that size category, or a small member of the next category.
  • - : smaller than average: It means the miniature is in the minimum limits of that size category. This could mean he is a small member of that size category, or an exeptionally big member of the previous category.

Technology: Advanced

Technology: Early Modern (Advanced)

Technology: Modern (Advanced)

Technology: Futuristic (Advanced)

Technology: Futuristic Fantasy (Advanced)

* * *

Advanced miniature

Advanced humanoid

Very small (S1) Advanced humanoid

Small (S2) Advanced humanoid

Small (S2) Modern humanoid

Small (S2) Futuristic humanoid

Human-sized (S3) Advanced humanoid

Human-sized (S3) Early Modern humanoid

Human-sized (S3) Modern humanoid

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic humanoid

Large (S4) Advanced humanoid

Large (S4) Futuristic humanoid

Huge (S5) Advanced humanoid

Giant (S6) Advanced humanoid


Advanced humanoid with melee weapon

Advanced humanoid with one-handed melee weapon

Advanced humanoid with dagger

Advanced humanoid with sword

Advanced humanoid with polearm


Advanced humanoid with handgun

Advanced humanoid with pistol

Advanced humanoid with medium-sized firearm

Advanced humanoid with long firearm

Advanced humanoid with flamethrower

* * *

Advanced humanoid warrior

Futuristic humanoid warrior

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic humanoid warrior

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior

Giant (S6) Futuristic humanoid warrior

* * *

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with melee weapon

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with handgun and melee weapon

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with one-handed melee weapon

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with handgun and one-handed melee weapon

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with dagger

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with handgun and dagger

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with submachine gun and dagger

Humanoid with medium-sized gun and knife in 1/56 scale (Plague Gen 3 Mutant #3 for Warpath) from Mantic Games - Miniature figure reviewimage © Mantic Games
sculpt © Mantic Games
painting © Mantic Games


Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with handgun

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid female warrior with handgun

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with handgun and melee weapon

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with handgun and one-handed melee weapon

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with handgun and dagger

Humanoid with gun and knife in 1/56 scale (Plague Gen 3 Mutant #1 for Warpath) from Mantic Games - Miniature figure reviewimage © Mantic Games
sculpt © Mantic Games
painting © Mantic Games


Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with medium-sized firearm

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with submachine gun

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with submachine gun and dagger

Humanoid with gun in 1/56 scale (Plague Gen 3 Mutant #2 for Warpath) from Mantic Games - Miniature figure reviewimage © Mantic Games
sculpt © Mantic Games
painting © Mantic Games


Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with long firearm

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid female warrior with long firearm

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with machine gun

Humanoid with gun in 1/56 scale (Plague Gen 3 Mutant #4 for Warpath) from Mantic Games - Miniature figure reviewimage © Mantic Games
sculpt © Mantic Games
painting © Mantic Games


Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid female warrior with handgun

Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid female warrior with long firearm
Humanoid with gun in 1/56 scale (Doctor Simmonds v1 for Warpath) from Mantic Games - Miniature figure reviewimage © Mantic Games
sculpt © Mantic Games
painting © Mantic Games

* * *

Giant (S6) Futuristic humanoid warrior


Giant (S6) futuristic winged humanoid warrior in modern heavy armour and modern full helmet, with scythe and pistol

Giant winged humanoid warrior with scythe and pistol in 1/56 scale (Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle #1 for Warhammer 40,000 Ed8) from Games Workshop, 2017.09 - Miniature figure reviewimage © Games Workshop


* * *

Human-sized (S3) Modern Human male civilian with cigar


* * *

Advanced human with melee weapon

Advanced human with one-handed melee weapon

Advanced human with polearm

S3 Advanced human with polearm


Advanced human with melee weapon

Advanced human with one-handed melee weapon

Advanced human with sword

Futuristic soldier in modern armour with sword (Ellenor Renard for Afterlife) from Anvil Industry - Miniature figureimage © Anvil Industry
sculpt © Anvil Industry
painting © dwartist


Futuristic human with melee weapon

Futuristic human with one-handed melee weapon

Futuristic human with sword

Futuristic soldier in modern armour with sword (Ellenor Renard for Afterlife) from Anvil Industry - Miniature figureimage © Anvil Industry
sculpt © Anvil Industry
painting © dwartist


Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with melee weapon - Advanced humanoid with one-handed melee weapon - Advanced humanoid with sword

Advanced human with sword

Futuristic human with sword

Futuristic human warrior with sword

Futuristic human female warrior with sword

Futuristic human female warrior in armour, with sword

Futuristic human female warrior in modern armour, with sword

Futuristic soldier in modern armour with sword (Ellenor Renard for Afterlife) from Anvil Industry - Miniature figureimage © Anvil Industry
sculpt © Anvil Industry
painting © dwartist


Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with melee weapon - Advanced humanoid with one-handed melee weapon

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic human female warrior with melee weapon

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic human female warrior with one-handed melee weapon

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic human female warrior with sword

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic human female warrior in modern armour, with sword

Futuristic soldier in modern armour with sword (Ellenor Renard for Afterlife) from Anvil Industry - Miniature figureimage © Anvil Industry
sculpt © Anvil Industry
painting © dwartist


Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with handgun / Advanced humanoid with pistol


Advanced human with handgun

Advanced human with pistol

Modern human with handgun

Modern Human civilian with pistol

Modern Human male with pistol

Human-sized (S3) Modern Human male with pistol

Human-sized (S3) Modern Human male civilian with pistol

Big T from Pigeon Guard Gamesimage © Kadmon
sculpt © Pigeon Guard Games


Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with medium-sized firearm


Modern human with medium-sized firearm

Modern Human male warrior with sub-machine gun

Human-sized (S3) Modern Human male civilian with submachine gun

Human-sized (S3) Modern Human male warrior with submachine gun

Modern Human male warrior with sub-machine gun in both hands

Human-sized (S3) Modern Human male warrior with sub-machine gun in both hands

Modern Human male warrior with assault rifle

Modern soldier with sub-machine guns (Dogs of War #1) from Rogue Miniatures - Miniature figureimage © Rogue Miniatures
sculpt © Rogue Miniatures
paint © Painted by G


Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with medium-sized firearm


Advanced humanoid with assault rifle

Advanced human with assault rifle

Futuristic human with assault rifle

Futuristic Human warrior with assault rifle

Futuristic soldier (USCM Marine #1 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins) from Prodos Games - Miniature figureimage © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos Games
painting © Prodos Games


Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with medium-sized firearm - Advanced humanoid with assault rifle - Advanced human with assault rifle - Futuristic human with assault rifle - Futuristic Human warrior with assault rifle


Futuristic Human warrior in advanced armour with assault rifle

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human warrior in modern armour with assault rifle

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human USCM Marine warrior in modern armour with Pulse Rifle (for Alien & Predator universe)

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human warrior in advanced armour with assault rifle and scanner

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human warrior in modern armour with assault rifle and scanner

Futuristic Human male warrior with assault rifle

Small (S2) Futuristic Human male warrior with assault rifle

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior with assault rifle

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior in modern armour with assault rifle

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior in modern armour and modern helmet, with assault rifle

Large (S4) Futuristic Human male warrior with assault rifle

Futuristic soldier (USCM Marine #1 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins) from Prodos Games - Miniature figureimage © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos Games
painting © Prodos Games


Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with long firearm


Modern human with long firearm

Modern Human male warrior with rifle

Human-sized (S3) Modern Human male warrior with rifle

Human-sized (S3) Modern Human male warrior with automatic rifle

Modern soldier with rifle (Green Beret) from Rogue Miniatures - Miniature figureimage © Rogue Miniatures
sculpt © Rogue Miniatures
paint © Rogue Miniatures


Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with long firearm


Futuristic Human male warrior with machine gun

Small (S2) Futuristic Human male warrior with assault rifle

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior with machine gun

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior in modern armour with machine gun

Large (S4) Futuristic Human male warrior with assault rifle

Futuristic soldier in modern armour with machine gun (USCM Marine #3 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins) from Prodos Games - Miniature figureimage © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos Games
painting © Prodos Games


Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with long firearm - Advanced humanoid with flamethrower


Futuristic Human warrior with flamethrower

Futuristic Human warrior in advanced armour with flamethrower

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human warrior in advanced armour with flamethrower

Futuristic Human male warrior with flamethrower

Small (S2) Futuristic Human male warrior with flamethrower

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior with flamethrower

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior in modern armour, with flamethrower

Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior in modern armour and modern helmet, with flamethrower

Large (S4) Futuristic Human male warrior with flamethrower

Futuristic soldier in modern armour with flamethrower (USCM Marine #4 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins) from Prodos Games - Miniature figureimage © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos Games
painting © Prodos Games


Advanced humanoid -  -


Large (S4) Futuristic Humanoid warrior in futuristic heavy armour, with sword and mechanical fist with under-slung gun

Large (S4) Futuristic Humanoid warrior in futuristic heavy armour, with sword and pistol

Large (S4) Futuristic Humanoid warrior in futuristic heavy armour, with automatic rifle and army banner

Large (S4) Futuristic Humanoid warrior in futuristic heavy armour with jetpack, with assault rifle in both hands

Futuristic warrior in power armour (Primaris Space Marine Captain from Dark Imperium set for Warhammer 40.000) from Games Workshop - Miniature figure reviewimage © Games Workshop
sculpt © Games Workshop
painting © Games Workshop


Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with long firearm -


Large (S4) Futuristic Human male warrior in futuristic heavy armour, with automatic rifle

Large (S4) Futuristic Human male warrior in futuristic heavy armour, with automatic rifle and pistol

Futuristic warrior in power armour (Primaris Space Marine Lieutenant #2 from Dark Imperium set for Warhammer 40.000) from Games Workshop - Miniature figure reviewimage © Games Workshop
sculpt © Games Workshop
painting © Games Workshop







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Do you know further miniatures that would fit the categories? Do you think some of them don't belong to the listed category? Tell us in the comments!


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