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Unit: Alien Warrior

Humanoid alien carnivore (Alien Warrior for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins) from Prodos Games - Miniature creatureimage © Prodos Games

Description: Humanoid Aliens Xenomorph (carnivore creature) with claws, striking tail. It can spit acid. Possibly ridged head.

System: Alien vs Predator, Faction: Aliens

Rules: Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Rulebook

Category: Large (S4) wild humanoid Aliens Xenomorph Warrior, with empty hands

Alien Warrior - Official miniatures

Alien Warrior - Substitute miniatures

Large (S4) wild quadruped Aliens Xenomorph Warrior

Large (S4) wild quadruped Aliens Xenomorph

Large (S4) quadruped carnivore creature

Large (S4) wild humanoid Aliens Xenomorph Warrior, with empty hands

Large (S4) wild humanoid Aliens Xenomorph, with empty hands

Large (S4) wild humanoid alien carnivore, with claws and stinger tail, with empty hands