Giant alien - Therion Megaboss sc1 v1 for Project: ELITE from Drawlab Entertainment, 2015 - Miniature creature review
image © Drawlab Entertainment
modified by Kadmon
sculpt © Drawlab EntertainmentMiniature creature: Therion Megaboss sc1 v1
Product name: Therion Megaboss, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Range: Project: ELITE range (Futuristic), Setting: Project: ELITE universe, Company: Artipia Games & Drawlab Entertainment, Production: 2015
Size: Giant (S6), Species: Janusian - Therion (Biped alien/Quadruped alien), Gender: -, Technology: Wild, Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured/ carapace armour, Helmet: no helmet / carapace helmet, Equipment in hand: built-in talons (Weapon - melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon), Equipment carried: none, Based on: -
Scale: 1:45 (40mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: 103mm high (+5mm base), Material: plastic (yellow), Priming: ?
Assembly: One-piece, Posing: ?, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral scenic base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D Sculptor: Antonis Papantoniou
Features: ArmouredSet: Mega-Boss Bundle v1: includes 1
Base set price(Mega-Boss Bundle v1): 25 EUR, price per mini: 12,5 EUR
Giant alien - Therion Megaboss sc1 v2 for Project: ELITE from Drawlab Entertainment, 2016 - Miniature creature review
image © Drawlab Entertainment
modified by Kadmon
sculpt © Drawlab EntertainmentMiniature creature: Therion Megaboss sc1 v2
Product name: Therion Megaboss, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Range: Project: ELITE range (Futuristic), Setting: Project: ELITE universe, Company: Artipia Games & Drawlab Entertainment, Production: 2016-2018-
Size: Giant (S6), Species: Janusian - Therion (Biped alien/Quadruped alien), Gender: -, Technology: Wild, Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured/ carapace armour, Helmet: no helmet / carapace helmet, Equipment in hand: built-in talons (Weapon - melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon), Equipment carried: none, Based on: -
Scale: 1:45 (40mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: 103mm high (+5mm base), Material: plastic (yellow), Priming: ?
Assembly: One-piece, Posing: ?, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral scenic base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D Sculptor: Antonis Papantoniou
Features: ArmouredSet: Megabosses Bundle v2: contains 1
Base set price (Megabosses Bundle v2): 25 EUR, price per mini: 12,5 EUR
Humanoid alien carnivore - Alien Queen #1 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games, 2015 - Miniature creature review
Humanoid alien carnivore - Alien Queen for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine, 2020 - Miniature creature review
image © Gale Force Nine
sculpt © Gale Force Nine
painting © Gale Force NineMiniature creature: Alien Queen
Product name: Queen / Xenomorph Queen / Alien Queen, Product code: ?, Sprue: GF9 Aliens - Alien Queen 1 sprue, Range: Aliens (Gale Force Nine) range (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Gale Force Nine company, Production: 2020.12.05-
Size: probably Giant (S6), Species: Aliens Xenomorph with clawed hands, stinger tail, and armoured head crest (Humanoid - Humanoid alien - Humanoid alien carnivore), Gender: female, Technology: Wild, Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured/ carapace armour, Helmet: no helmet / carapace helmet, Equipment in hand: empty hands, Equipment carried: none, Based on: Alien & Predator likeness - Alien Xenomorph likeness - Alien Queen likeness
Scale: probably 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?, Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene)(black), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, On sprue, Needs assembly, probably Needs glue, Needs cutting, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: Roy GabrielCategory: Giant (S6) wild humanoid alien carnivore, with claws and stinger tail, with empty hands
Set: Aliens: Get Away From Her, You B***h!: contains 1, Aliens: Alien Queen set: contains 1
Base price (Aliens: Alien Queen set)(2020): 12 GBP / 15 USD / 15 EUR / ? AUD. Price/model: 12 GBP / 15 USD / 15 EUR / ? AUD
Base price (Aliens: Get Away From Her, You B***h!)(2020): 50 GBP / 60 USD / 60 EUR / 120 AUD. Price/model: 10 GBP / 12 USD / 12 EUR / 24 AUD
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Quadruped alien carnivore - Alien Crusher for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games, 2015 - Miniature creature review
image © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos Games
painting © Prodos GamesMiniature creature: Alien Crusher, Sprue: -, Set: Alien Crusher set, Species: Humanoid alien - Aliens Xenomorph, Range: Alien vs Predator (Futuristic), Series: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Prodos Games, Production: 2015-2016- -2019? (out of production)
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ca. 130mm long, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Pre-cut, Needs cutting, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?
Features: Giant (S6) Quadruped carnivore (Aliens Xenomorph) with stinger tail and armoured head crest.
Category: Giant (S6) quadruped carnivore with stinger tail and armoured head crestBase set price (Alien Crusher set)(2016): 30 GBP / 36 EUR / 38,4 USD, Price per model: 30 GBP / 36 EUR / 38,4 USD
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Tentacled alien creature - Rathtar for Star Wars Force Link from Hasbro, 2017 - Miniature creature review
image © Hasbro
sculpt © HasbroMiniature creature: Force Link Rathtar
Product name: Rathtar, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Range: Star Wars 3.75 action figure range (Futuristic), Setting: Star Wars universe, Company: Hasbro, Production: 2017-2018-
Size: Giant (S6), Species: Rathtar (Non-humanoid alien - Tentacled creature), Gender: -, Technology: Wild, Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured/ carapace armour, Helmet: no helmet / carapace helmet, Equipment in hand: none, Equipment carried: none, Based on: Rathtar
Scale: 1:18 (3 3/4 inch / 3.75 inch) / 1:35, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ca. 100mm high with tentacles, ca. 50mm high body, Material: plastic (red), Priming: ?
Assembly: Multi-piece (Integrated connector - Tight fit peg), Sprueless, No cutting needed, Needs assembly, probably Needs glue, Posing: ?, Paintjob: Painted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?
Features: Tentacled creatureSet: Star Wars Force Link Rathtar & Bala-Tik Figure: contains 1x Rathtar v1, Star Wars Force Link 2 Rathtar & Bala-Tik Figure: contains 1x Rathtar v2
Base set price (Star Wars Force Link Rathtar & Bala-Tik Figure): 20 USD
Base set price (Star Wars Force Link 2 Rathtar & Bala-Tik Figure): 20 USDBuy the Rathtar creature for Star Wars from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy the Rathtar creature for Star Wars on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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