Materials miniatures are made of
Miniatures come in several different materials. I've collected the differences between them.
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image © Puskás Tibor
The Board Games Nexus is a collection of articles and information about board games.
Recommended board games to try
Board games - Products - Resources
System analysis
Wargames - Wargame system analysis
Setting game difficulty
Zombicide - Setting game difficulty
Running board game demos
Running game demos - Guidelines
- Running game demos - Deadzone
- Running game demos - Star Saga
- Running game demos - The Walking Dead: All Out War
- Running game demos - Zombicide
Board games
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How to paint visually interesting undead miniatures - Miniature painting guide
Painting undead is not easy, even if you've mastered painting dead flesh. I've collected my thoughts on the subject of painting miniature zombies and other undead.
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Read more: How to paint visually interesting undead miniatures - Miniature painting guide
image © Games Workshop
Wargames - Warhammer 40,000 Ed8 - Unit types and model suggestions
The Warhammer 40,000 Ed8 system has Warhammer 40,000 Ed8 miniatures produced by Games Workshop for almost every unit type in the rulebook. However, there are several miniatures that could be used as good substitues, if you don't have access to the original, or if you'd like some variety in your collection of miniatures.
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Read more: Wargames - Warhammer 40,000 Ed8 - Unit types and model suggestions
The Zombicide Season 1 board game from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot. is a great game with simple rules that can be easily modified to fit the taste of the players.
Difficulty can be set to a level agreed by the players. A normal game uses 0 Difficulty. An easier game gets into negative, while a hard game is high in number. I've assigned some ad hoc number that will need to be tailored for a balanced game.
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Read more: Board games - Zombicide - Setting game difficulty
I've gathered my recommendations about running demonstration games for the Deadzone board game / wargame from Mantic Games.
Before you read further, I recommend you to read: Running game demos - Guidelines
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I've gathered my recommendations about running demonstration games for the The Walking Dead: All Out War board game from Mantic Games.
Before you read further, I recommend you to read: Running game demos - Guidelines
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Read more: Running game demos - The Walking Dead: All Out War
I've gathered my recommendations about running demonstration games for the Zombicide Season 1 board game from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot.
Before you read further, I recommend you to read: Running game demos - Guidelines
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Running game demos - Guidelines
Article updated: 2019.05.23
Wargames have strict rules, and some of them are not easy to learn. That's why is fortunate if you have someone who can initiate you to playing the game. This is the reason more experienced players do demonstrations (demos) of games they know and like.
I've collected some of my thoughts about running wargame demos for beginners.
Keep in mind that my tips are for organising the play of two beginner players. I'll indicate when I write about playing against the beginner in a demo.
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Miniatures Nexus
Miniature hobby
Articles about miniatures and miniature games.
Miniature related services
Modelling and miniatures related commission services
Miniature painting commission services: If you don't like to paint, don't have the time or don't have the patience, there are others who can paint the miniatures of your collection.
Miniature assembly commission services: If you find it difficult to put models together, they can assemble and glue your miniatures for you.
Miniature sculpting commission services: When you really need a specific miniature, but you can't find it on the market, you can commission a sculptor to create it for you.
Miniature casting services: Do you have an own sculpt you'd like to have some copies of? You can cast as many as you want if you pay for casting services.
Miniature terrain making commission services: If you like realistic scenery but don't have time or patience to do it yourself, there are terrain makers to help you out.
Other miniature related commission services: There are some miniatures related services (conversions, basing, paint removal), I couldn't list anywhere else yet, so I list them here.
Second hand miniature trading services: They are for those who have miniatures or scenery that they don't need anymore or for those would you like to collect miniatures on a budget.
Miniature bits trading services: They offer small parts and bits for miniature modellers.