Creating crystal terrain for miniatures
I've collected some ideas and resources about creating pieces of crystal terrain for your miniatures.
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The Star Saga system has Warpath miniatures produced by Mantic Games for every unit type in the Eiras Contract campaign. However, there are several miniatures that could be used as good substitues, if you don't have access to the original, or if you'd like some variety in your collection of miniatures.
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Read more: Board games - Star Saga - Unit types and model suggestions
image © OnTableTop
Printable miniatures & scenery - Sources of free downloads
It's a cheap and easy way to print paper miniature models and miniature paper scenery models for your gaming needs. I've collected sources of free printable pieces.
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Read more: Printable paper miniatures & paper scenery - Sources of free downloads
Forlorn Stars - Unit types and model suggestions
Article updated: 2021.02.20
The Forlorn Stars system doesn't have any official miniatures, so it's up to the players to find a match for the unit types of the game. I've collected my suggestions.
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Deadzone Ed2 - Unit types and model suggestions
The Deadzone Ed2 system has Warpath miniatures produced by Mantic Games for almost every unit type in the rulebook. However, there are several miniatures that could be used as good substitues, if you don't have access to the original, or if you'd like some variety in your collection of miniatures.
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Article updated: 2021.02.15
Gaming clubs are places you can visit to play your own games with new players, try unknown games, or just hang out and watch others play. Some clubs ask a monthly / weekly membership fee, or have an entry price. If you are looking for gaming clubs, I've listed the ones I know by area.
I include only the ones that are open to anyone and have a fixed schedule of gaming time.
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image © Nagy István
Board game / Tactical skirmish game - Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2018 Star Saga games - Gameplay coverage
Author: Kadmon
Translation based on: Társasjáték / Taktikai játék - Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2018 Star Saga játékok - Játék beszámoló (2018.02.15)
Translation: Kadmon
At the Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2018 miniatures convention Takács György (Kadmon) from the Nexus Club held demonstration games of the Star Saga board game from Mantic Games.
Playing Deadzone Ed2 on Games Day Budapest 2016 - Imperial Space Gameplay narrative
Article updated: 2016.12.29
On the Games Day Budapest 2016 I was invited by Nagy Péter (Petrow) to play a game of Deadzone Ed2 with him. Even though we have played a Deadzone game, to continue the story that started in the previous Afterlife gameplay narrative, I will include elements of the Forlorn Stars (Imperial Space) setting. I try to recount the events that occured on that day.
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Read more: Playing Deadzone Ed2 on Games Day Budapest 2016 - Imperial Space Gameplay narrative
How to use miniature varnish - Miniature hobby guide
Article updated: 2021.02.11
I've gathered information about miniature varnish, and varnishing miniatures. If you'd like to know how to varnish miniatures, or what is the best varnish for miniatures, this is the varnishing guide you need.
Applying varnish on miniatures
Possible problems during varnishing
Frosting: How to prevent or fix frosting when you varnish miniatures
Stickiness: How to fix miniatures if the varnish remains sticky
Removing varnish from your miniatures
What is the best varnish for miniatures?
Questions - Varnishing miniatures
Resources - Miniature varnishing
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Read more: How to use miniature varnish - Miniature hobby guide
Miniatures Nexus
Miniature hobby
Articles about miniatures and miniature games.
Miniature related services
Modelling and miniatures related commission services
Miniature painting commission services: If you don't like to paint, don't have the time or don't have the patience, there are others who can paint the miniatures of your collection.
Miniature assembly commission services: If you find it difficult to put models together, they can assemble and glue your miniatures for you.
Miniature sculpting commission services: When you really need a specific miniature, but you can't find it on the market, you can commission a sculptor to create it for you.
Miniature casting services: Do you have an own sculpt you'd like to have some copies of? You can cast as many as you want if you pay for casting services.
Miniature terrain making commission services: If you like realistic scenery but don't have time or patience to do it yourself, there are terrain makers to help you out.
Other miniature related commission services: There are some miniatures related services (conversions, basing, paint removal), I couldn't list anywhere else yet, so I list them here.
Second hand miniature trading services: They are for those who have miniatures or scenery that they don't need anymore or for those would you like to collect miniatures on a budget.
Miniature bits trading services: They offer small parts and bits for miniature modellers.