Guide to the Games Workshop pricing model
Article updated: 2020.10.29
I often see questions about the Games Workshop pricing model - how does Games Workshop company decide the prices for their Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40,000 and The Lord of the Rings (Games Workshop v2) miniatures. So I've gathered my ideas about the pricing model that Games Workshop seems to use, based on my knowledge of marketing and what I've seen the company does to maximise their profits. Games Workshop prices might seem expensive, but there are many cost people don't consider in their equations.
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Read more: Guide to the Games Workshop pricing model - Are Warhammer models expensive?
The Eye of Terror Campaign for Warhammer 40,000 Ed3, from Games Workshop was a worldwide online campaign in 2003. I've collected information about the recommended targets for the Forces of Order.
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The Eye of Terror Campaign for Warhammer 40,000 Ed3, from Games Workshop was a worldwide online campaign in 2003. I created a website at the time, publishing an analysis of the games, and recommendations. I republish it here in a slightly edited version.
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Read more: Warhammer 40,000 - The Eye of Terror Campaign - Analysis
Miniatures - Painting miniatures - Acrylic paints
These are the most important things you need to know if you use acrylic paints for painting your models.
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Read more: Miniatures - Painting miniatures - Acrylic paints
image © Scenery World Workshop
Wargame system: Chess (19th century) (Chess)
Product: chess
Reviewer: Kadmon, Type: Male, 40s, Preferences: Immersive, realistic approach, simulation over abstraction
Review: Based on a free copy, playtested
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Reading the rules
The rules of chess are easy to learn and easy to follow. It really shows that it has been thorougly playtested.
First play
It was so long time ago I don't remember.
What I liked
If you learn the moves you can instantly start playing - you just won't be very good at it.
What I didn't like
I don't like the memorising aspect of chess, I'd prefer a pure logic-based gameplay. I don't like to spend hours to come up with unbeatable strategies, but I see that my playing partners enjoy that aspect as much (if not more!) as playing the game itself.
Getting it
I have a chess set I inherited from my father, and most of my opponents also have their own set, so I didn't need to buy any. I don't think I'd buy one if I wouldn't already have my own.
It's a solid rule system, and the game is easily available almost anywhere on the planet. It's a good game to spend hours if you like strategical thinking.
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Further reading
Games Nexus: Wargames - Chess - Wargame system
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Buying the product - Chess
Buy the Chess boardgame set from Amazon |
Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES |
Buy the Chess boardgame set on eBay |
eBay US ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Buy Kasparov Wood Chess Set from Element Games ![]() Buy Lord of the Rings 3D Chess from Firestorm Games (UK) ![]() Buy board games from Wayland Games (UK) ![]() Buy Worldwise Imports chess sets from Noble Knight Games (USA) ![]() Buy chess from Book Depository ![]() |
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Have you played Chess? How does it compare to this review? Do you agree or disagree with the reviewer? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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Painting light effects: Object Source Lighting (OSL) - Miniature painting guide for OSL painting
Article updated: 2021.04.08
OSL painting guide: This is a quick tutorial on how to paint OSL, that is creating light effects from object source lighting (OSL). OSL painting can be achieved by drybrushing, glazing or using an airbrush.
When light shines on an area, if that light is stronger than the surrounding light, the colour area will become lighter, and unless the light is white, it will also change colour. This is how you paint the glow effect on miniatures.
There are a couple of different ways to achieve the object source lighting (OSL) effect, I try to explain them in the article.
Methods for creating OSL on miniatures
How to paint OSL on miniatures
How to paint OSL on miniatures with drybrushing
How to paint OSL on miniatures with glazing
How to paint OSL on miniatures with an airbrush
Frequently asked questions about object source lighting
Resources - Painting light sources: Object source lighting
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Read more: Painting light effects: Object Source Lighting (OSL) - Miniature painting guide
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Wargames - Playing Deadzone Ed2 on the Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2017 (2017.02.18-19) - Warpath Gameplay narrative
Deadzone Ed2
I had a chance to attend the Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2017 on 2017.02.18-19, where I organised a couple of Deadzone Ed2 demos. There were lots of kids eager to play games. I tried to set up my Battlezones. Necromunda and Infinity scenery I prepared for the event, but as the kids were harrassing me to start playing, I gave up, and just used my trusty Nexus Studio container buildings. This is a retelling of the games played on the convention, at least what I remember from them. To fit with the previous gameplay narratives, I'll probably set the story in the universe of the Imperial Space setting at a later date.
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Playing Deadzone Ed2 in The Forge Club (2016.12.28) - Imperial Space Gameplay narrative
Article updated: 2016.12.30
There was a club gathering at The Forge Club on 2016.12.28, where I organised a Deadzone Ed2 demo. After a quick warm-up game, there was an interesting battle between Fedák Zsombor and his friend, two youngsters who never played Deadzone before, but they were eager to try it. This is a retelling of the events that happened. To fit with the previous gameplay narratives, I set the story in the universe of the Forlorn Stars (Imperial Space) setting.
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Miniatures Nexus
Miniature hobby
Articles about miniatures and miniature games.
Miniature related services
Modelling and miniatures related commission services
Miniature painting commission services: If you don't like to paint, don't have the time or don't have the patience, there are others who can paint the miniatures of your collection.
Miniature assembly commission services: If you find it difficult to put models together, they can assemble and glue your miniatures for you.
Miniature sculpting commission services: When you really need a specific miniature, but you can't find it on the market, you can commission a sculptor to create it for you.
Miniature casting services: Do you have an own sculpt you'd like to have some copies of? You can cast as many as you want if you pay for casting services.
Miniature terrain making commission services: If you like realistic scenery but don't have time or patience to do it yourself, there are terrain makers to help you out.
Other miniature related commission services: There are some miniatures related services (conversions, basing, paint removal), I couldn't list anywhere else yet, so I list them here.
Second hand miniature trading services: They are for those who have miniatures or scenery that they don't need anymore or for those would you like to collect miniatures on a budget.
Miniature bits trading services: They offer small parts and bits for miniature modellers.