image © Games Workshop sculpt © Games Workshop painting © Games Workshop |
Thunderhawk Gunship #3 miniature vehicle from Games Workshop (Forge World). Painted as Blood Angels. |
The Thunderhawk Gunship #3 from Games Workshop (Forge World) is a 1/64 scale model vehicle, depicting an armoured combat flyer, armed with dorsal-mounted heavy cannon, hull-mounted cannon on both sides, 3 wing-mounted missile pylons on both sides, wing-mounted double-barrelled cannon on both sides, hull-mounted double-barrelled cannon on both sides. It was first produced in 2017.
Weapons: dorsal-mounted turbolaser, 2 lascannon, 6 sets of wing-mounted missile pylons and numerous hull-mounted heavy bolters
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Details - Thunderhawk Gunship #3 miniature vehicle from Games Workshop (Forge World)
Miniature figure: Thunderhawk Gunship #3
Product name: Thunderhawk Gunship
Product code: -
GN Code: -
Sprue: ?
Thunderhawk Gunship v2017 set (99560101546): contains 1
Range: Warhammer 40,000 (Ed8) - Imperium - Adeptus Astartes (Space Marines) - Space Marines (Futuristic fantasy)
Series: Warhammer 40,000 universe
Company: Games Workshop (Forge World)
Production: 2017-
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Type: Flyer (WH40K Thunderhawk Gunship)
Based on: Warhammer 40,000 likeness: Thunderhawk Gunship likeness
Technology: Futuristic (Advanced)
Features: Super Giant 2 (S10) Futuristic (Advanced) armoured combat flyer, with dorsal-mounted heavy cannon (WH40K turbolaser), hull-mounted cannon (WH40K lascannon) (both sides), 3 wing-mounted missile pylons (both sides), wing-mounted double-barrelled cannon (WH40K heavy bolter) (both sides), hull-mounted double-barrelled cannon (WH40K heavy bolter) (both sides)
Category: Super Giant 2 (S10) Futuristic armoured combat flyer, with dorsal-mounted heavy cannon, hull-mounted cannon on both sides, 3 wing-mounted missile pylons on both sides, wing-mounted double-barrelled cannon on both sides, hull-mounted double-barrelled cannon on both sides
Accessories: -
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Scale: 1:64
Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale
Size: ca. ?mm high
Material: Resin
Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs cutting, Needs glue
Posing: Medium
Paintjob: Unpainted
Base: No base (flying base)
Design: ?
Sculptor: ?
image © Games Workshop |
Thunderhawk Gunship #3 miniature vehicle from Games Workshop (Forge World) |
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"Particular care and attention has been paid to the power systems of this craft, with intakes, exhausts, air brakes and retrothrusters all where you would expect them to be. The attack wings, which each feature a heavy bolter turret, can be moved into either a stowed or attacking position, and the air brakes can be left open or closed. The front ramp can be opened and closed to disgorge the Thunderhawk’s cargo of Space Marines; of course, each of these movable components can be glued in the position of your preference. A pilot is included, who can easily be painted in the colours of your preferred Chapter. This is a rather large resin kit, which comes as 112 components."
This version of the Thunderhawk Gunship comes with several updated components:
- Transparent cockpit window
- The heavy bolters on the sides of the cockpit are mounted vertically instead of horizontally
- No horizontal stabiliser on the tail fin
- The wings are pointing downward instead of being horizontal
- The side hatch is different
- The fuselage is different
- Airbrakes
- Lift jets on the underside
Dimensions: This version is slightly smaller in size than Thunderhawk Gunship #2.
Dimensions (Thunderhawk Gunship #2): 480mm long / 440mm wide. The model is ca. 200mm high from landing gear to top of the turret, the hull is ca. 125mm wide,
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Review - Thunderhawk Gunship #3 miniature vehicle from Games Workshop (Forge World)
The drivers seem to be identical. They come in multiple parts:
1x body with legs
1x arms with shoulder pads
1x head
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Size comparison photos - Thunderhawk Gunship #3 miniature vehicle from Games Workshop (Forge World)
image © Games Workshop |
Size comparison: Thunderhawk Gunship #3 from Games Workshop (Forge World), and Space Marines from Games Workshop company. |
image © Games Workshop |
Size comparison: Thunderhawk Gunship #3 from Games Workshop (Forge World), and Stormraven from Games Workshop company. |
image © Games Workshop |
Size comparison: Sokar pattern Stormbird, Thunderhawk Gunship #2, and Storm Eagle from Games Workshop (Forge World). |
image © Games Workshop |
Size comparison: Thunderhawk Gunship #2, Rhino, Tau Piranha, and Tau Manta from Games Workshop (Forge World). |
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Uses for the miniature - Thunderhawk Gunship #3 miniature vehicle from Games Workshop (Forge World)
Possible uses
- 1:100 scale: A .
- 1:72 scale: A .
- 1:64 scale: A .
- 1:56 scale: A .
- 1:50 scale: A .
- 1:35 scale: A .
Uses for games
- Alkony Wargame: Tech Flyer
- Cthulhu Wars: XXX
- Kings of War: Height N XXX
- Deadzone: XXX
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: XXX
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: XXX
- Warhammer 40.000: Thunderhawk Gunship
Warhammer 40,000 Ed4: Apocalypse
Warhammer 40,000 Ed5: ?
Warhammer 40,000 Ed6: ?
Warhammer 40,000 Ed7: ?
- The Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List (2017)
- Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Adeptus Astartes (2017)
Uses on the website
- none yet
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Resources - Thunderhawk Gunship #3 miniature vehicle from Games Workshop (Forge World)
Forge World: Thunderhawk Gunship: Official webpage.
Contents overview
cruorangelussilicis: Forge World Thunderhawk Gunship Build Log - Part 1: Contents overview video.
cruorangelussilicis: Forge World Thunderhawk Gunship Build Log - Part 2: Contents overview video.
leakycheese: Thunderhawk Gunship (2017 Edition) by Forge World: Out of The Pack Review (Space Marines): Contents overview video.
Sup3rSaiy3n: WORLD EXCLUSIVE - New Thunderhawk Gunship - Unboxing (WH40K): Contents overview video.
Size comparison
Sup3rSaiy3n: Thunderhawk vs Orion (HH): Size comparison video of Thunderhawk Gunship #3, and Legio Custodes Orion Assault Dropship.
Sup3rSaiy3n: Thunderhawk vs. Stormbird: Size comparison video of Thunderhawk Gunship #3, Sokar Pattern Stormbird, Mars Pattern Warhound Titan, Land Raider, Rhino, Dreadnought.
CanHammer: How To Build Thunderhawk Gunship: Assembly video.
cruorangelussilicis: Forge World Thunderhawk Gunship Build Log - Part 3: Assembly video.
leakycheese: Thunderhawk Gunship: Build, Flight Stand and Magnetisation Review (Forge World, Horus Heresy): Video about the possible builds. Includes ideas about magnetising the model.
Sup3rSaiy3n: Thunderhawk attack wings - How to magnetise: Assembly video.
Sup3rSaiy3n: New Thunderhawk - Build Guide & Progress Report (WH40K): Assembly video.
Sup3rSaiy3n: New Thunderhawk - Review (WH40K): Review video.
Warhammer Community: Dark Angels and Death Guard do battle at Warhammer World: Showcase article.
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Buying the product - Thunderhawk Gunship #3 miniature vehicle from Games Workshop (Forge World)
Base set price (Thunderhawk Gunship #3)(2021): 615 EUR / 499 GBP / 770 USD, Price/model: 615 EUR / 499 GBP / 770 USD
Base set price (Thunderhawk Gunship #3)(2020-2021): 585 EUR / 475 GBP / 735 USD, Price/model: 585 EUR / 475 GBP / 735 USD
Base set price (Thunderhawk Gunship #3)(2017): ? EUR / 450 GBP / ? USD, Price/model: ? EUR / 450 GBP / ? USD
Base set price (Thunderhawk Gunship #3 with Landing Pad)(2017): ? EUR / 530 GBP / ? USD, Price/model: ? EUR / ? GBP / ? USD
Company | Set price (2017) | Price/model (2017) |
Games Workshop (Forge World) |
Thunderhawk Gunship #3 set (99560101546) (? EUR / 450 GBP / ? USD) |
? EUR / 450 GBP / ? USD |
Games Workshop (Forge World) |
Thunderhawk Gunship #3 with Landing Pad set (99020187291) (? EUR / 530 GBP / ? USD) |
? EUR / 450 GBP / ? USD |
Where can you buy it?
Forge World: Thunderhawk Gunship: Official webpage.
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Similar models - Thunderhawk Gunship #3 miniature vehicle from Games Workshop (Forge World)
Super Giant 2 (S10) Futuristic (Advanced) armoured combat flyer
Games Workshop - Warhammer 40,000 - Thunderhawk Gunship #1
Games Workshop - Warhammer 40,000 - Thunderhawk Gunship #2
Prodos Games - Alien vs Predator - Cheyenne Dropship
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Do you have the Thunderhawk Gunship #3 miniature vehicle from Games Workshop (Forge World)? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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