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Crate in 1/56 scale - Crate for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine, 2020 - Miniature scenery reviewimage © Gale Force Nine
sculpt © Gale Force Nine
painting © Gale Force Nine

Painted of Crate from Gale Force Nine company

Article updated: 2020.12.21

The Crate miniature scenery from Gale Force Nine is a futuristic crate in 1/56 scale (28mm/32mm). It will be first produced after 2020.10, in the Aliens: 3D Gaming Set.

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Details - Crate miniature scenery for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine

Miniature scenery: Crate

Product name: Crate / Weyland-Yutani Crate, Product Code: set: GF9-ALIENS04, Sprue: GF9 Aliens - Assets and Hazards sprue, Range: Aliens (Gale Force Nine) range (Futuristic), Company: Gale Force Nine company, Production: 2020.12.05-

Type: modern crate, Size: Probably Tiny (S0) /Very small (S1), Technology: Modern/Futuristic (Advanced), Based on: Alien & Predator likeness - Weyland-Yutani crate

Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic / Heroic, Size: ca. 24x24mm at the bottom, ca. 20mm high, Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, On sprue, Needs cutting, Posing: Hard, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?

Set: Aliens: Assets and Hazards: contains 16

Crate in 1/56 scale - Crate for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine, 2020 - Miniature scenery reviewimage © Gale Force Nine
sculpt © Gale Force Nine

3D design of Crate from Gale Force Nine company

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Review - Crate miniature scenery for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine

The bottom is missing, the model is hollow.

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Size comparison photos - Crate miniature scenery for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine


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Uses for the miniature - Crate miniature scenery for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine

Possible uses

  • 1:100 scale: A large crate.
  • 1:72 scale: A large crate.
  • 1:64 scale: A crate.
  • 1:56 scale: A crate.
  • 1:50 scale: A small crate.
  • 1:35 scale: A very small crate.

Uses for games




Uses on the website

  • none yet

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Resources - Crate miniature scenery for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine


Gale Force Nine: Aliens: They're Coming Out Of The Walls: Article on the GF9 official website about the Aliens board game.

Gale Force Nine online store: Aliens: Official webstore of the GF9 Aliens board game.

Content overview




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Buying the product - Crate miniature scenery for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine


Base price (Aliens: Assets and Hazards)(2020): 11 GBP / 20 USD / 13 EUR / ? AUD. Price/model: 0.3 GBP / 0.6 USD / 0.4 EUR / ? AUD

Where can you buy it?

Gale Force Nine online store: Aliens: Official webstore of the GF9 Aliens board game.

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Similar models - Crate miniature scenery for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine

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Mantic GamesWarpath range - Crate #2

Mantic GamesWarpath range - Crate #3

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Do you have the Crate miniature scenery from Gale Force Nine? How do you like it? Would you recommend them to others? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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