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Medieval urban & rural game tile kit in 1/50 scale - Zombicide: Green Horde Base Set game tiles for Zombicide: Green Horde from CMON, 2018 - Miniature scenery reviewimage © CMON

The Zombicide: Green Horde Base Set game tiles is a 1/50 scale medieval urban game tile kit for Zombicide: Green Horde from CMON that contain pieces to build a complete 2D medieval urban or rural battlefield.

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Details - Zombicide: Green Horde Base Set game tiles for Zombicide: Green Horde from CMON

Miniature scenery: Zombicide: Green Horde Base Set game tiles, Product type: Game expansion: game mat (Game expansion: scenery - Game expansion: playing area), Company: CoolMiniOrNotGuillotine Games, Production: 2018-2019-

Product name: Zombicide: Green Horde tiles, Product Code: ?, Sprue: -, Range: Zombicide: Black Plague range, Setting: Zombicide: Black Plage

Scenery type: playing areaflat terrain: Urban area & rural area, Size: 9 x 25x25 cm, Technology: Medieval/Fantasy (Archaic), Based on: urban streets and houses, rural farms

Miniatures - Game tile
1:50 (35mm), Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale, Size: 250x250mm, Material: cardboard (paper), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, No cutting needed, No assembly, No connector, Storage: stores flat, Posing: ?, Paintjob: printed, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, Design: ?

Set: Zombicide: Green Horde Base Set: contains 1, Zombicide: Green Horde Extra Tiles: contains 1

Grid size: 8,5x8,5 cm

Featured terrain & scenery: Medieval streets with litter and rubble, some submerged in water. Houses with furniture (often damaged). Rural farms and agricultural areas with hedges.

Marked elements: None.

Medieval urban & rural game tile kit in 1/50 scale - Zombicide: Green Horde Base Set game tiles for Zombicide: Green Horde from CMON, 2018 - Miniature scenery reviewimage © CMON

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Contents - Zombicide: Green Horde Base Set game tiles for Zombicide: Green Horde from CMON

9 tiles - double sided cardboard tiles

Zombicide: Green Horde game tile #1

Zombicide: Green Horde game tile #2

Zombicide: Green Horde game tile #3

Zombicide: Green Horde game tile #4

Zombicide: Green Horde game tile #5

Zombicide: Green Horde game tile #6

Zombicide: Green Horde game tile #7

Zombicide: Green Horde game tile #8

Zombicide: Green Horde game tile #9

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Review - Zombicide: Green Horde Base Set game tiles for Zombicide: Green Horde from CMON

There are 9 double-sided tiles in one set.

The surface of the tiles is matte. The tiles will stay flat if you store them properly.

The number of the tile is printed on the corners of the tiles. As they are intended as board game pieces, this is something I can live with. If it really bothers you, put some scatter terrain on the corners to cover the numbers.

The artwork is nice, it depicts a wrecked medieval urban area. There are signs of combat, blood, and destroyed furniture. The streets are one zone wide (8,5 cm), and as most of them are in the middle of the tiles, you can't create wide roads with these tiles. The narrow streets might hinder miniature movement in a 3D environment, but here you can just place the miniatures on the board, and even if the base of the mini overlaps a wall slightly, that won't stop you from placing it there.

The design of the Zombicide: Green Horde tiles is completely modular, so you can use both sides of any tiles to create a seamless gaming area. There might be a gap between the tiles, but you can use self-adhesive stickers under the tiles to prevent them from moving apart.

Possible uses

Beyond games of Zombicide, you can use these for any zone-based tactical wargames or board games, like Conan, Deadzone, or Massive Darkness. Deadzone is scaled for 7,5x7,5 cm zones, but it's still a close fit.

You can use extra tiles to create a urban area that covers a large gaming table.

The artwork depicts a wrecked place - it's ideal for unoccupied places, or cities under siege.

You can use the submerged areas as mere puddles, with no additional game effect.

Possible improvements

At the moment I couldn't come up with anything.

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Size comparison - Zombicide: Green Horde Base Set game tiles for Zombicide: Green Horde from CMON



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Resources - Zombicide: Green Horde Base Set game tiles for Zombicide: Green Horde from CMON



Contents overview




Size comparison





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Buying the product - Zombicide: Green Horde Base Set game tiles for Zombicide: Green Horde from CMON


Base set price (Zombicide: Green Horde Base Set): ? EUR / 90 GBP / 100 USD

Base set price (Zombicide: Green Horde Extra Tiles): ? EUR / 25 GBP / ? USD

Where can you buy it?

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Do you have the Zombicide: Green Horde Base Set game tiles for Zombicide: Green Horde from CMON? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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