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Modern gangster with submachine gun in 1/56 scale (Blitzer for the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game) from Warlord Games - Miniature figureimage © Warlord Games
sculpt © Warlord Games

The Mobster Blitzer miniature figure for Judge Dredd from Warlord Games is an 1/56 scale mobster with a sub-machine gun.

Details - Mobster Blitzer miniature figure from Warlord Games

Miniature: Mobster Blitzer


Mobster Blitzer set (JD20114)

Judge Dredd Mobsters set (JD109)

Species: Human

Gender: male (Human male)

Role: Civilian (gangster)

Technology: Modern / Futuristic (Advanced)

Range: Judge Dredd Miniatures Game (Modern / Futuristic)

Company: Warlord Games

Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale

Proportions: Realistic

Size: ?

Material: White metal

Priming: ?

Assembly: ?

Posing: ?

Paintjob: Unpainted

Base: Tabbed for Slottabase

Sculptor: ?

Accessories: None.


Features: Heavily built brute or gangster boss in hat with submachine gun (medium-sized firearm).
Features: Human-sized (S3) Modern (Advanced) Human male (Human male) Civilian (gangster) with submachine gun (medium-sized firearm).
Category: Human-sized (S3) Modern Human male warrior with submachine gun

Features: Heavily built brute or gangster boss in hat with submachine gun (medium-sized firearm).

Features: Human-sized (S3) Modern (Advanced) Human male (Human male) Warrior with submachine gun (medium-sized firearm).

Advanced miniature - Advanced humanoidAdvanced humanoid with medium-sized firearm / Human-sized (S3) Advanced, Human-sized (S3) Modern, Human-sized (S3) Futuristic,

Category: Human-sized (S3) Modern Human male warrior with submachine gun

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Using the miniature - Mobster Blitzer miniature figure from Warlord Games

Uses for games

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Resources - Mobster Blitzer miniature figure from Warlord Games

Official - Mobsters set

Warlord Games: Mobsters - Blitzer and Gangster: Official webpage. (2020.03.29: Article is offline.)

Official - Mobster Blitzer

Warlord Games: Mobster Blitzer: Official webpage. (2020.03.29: Article is offline.)

Painting - Mobster Blitzer

Blaxkleric (from Fantorical): Judge Dred Mobster Blitzer: Painting progress articles.

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Buying the product - Mobster Blitzer miniature figure from Warlord Games

Where can you buy it?

Base price (Mobster Blitzer): ? GBP, Price/model: ? GBP

Base set price (Judge Dredd Mobsters set): 10 GBP, Price/model: 5 GBP (if you need the other figure)

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Do you have a Mobster Blitzer miniature figure for the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game from Warlord Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend them to others? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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