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Large ethereal winged humanoid (Soulshredder #060) from WizKidsimage © Kadmon
sculpt © WizKids
paint © WizKids
Factory painted Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids company

The Soulshredder #060 from WizKids is a large ethereal winged creature, for the Mage Knight wargame, set in the Mage Knight setting.

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Details - Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids

Miniature figure: Soulshredder #060

GN Code: ?

Sets: ?

Features: Wings

Archaic miniature, Archaic humanoidLarge (S4) Archaic humanoid, Large (S4) Fantasy humanoid,

Species: ?

Technology: FantasyAncientMedieval (Archaic)

Armour: no shield

Range: Mage Knight (Fantasy)

Company: WizKids

Production: ?

Material: Soft plastic, Transparent soft plastic (red)

Priming: Primer is not necessary

Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale

Proportions: RealisticHeroic scale

Size: ?

Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, No cutting required, No assembly

Posing: Medium

Paintjob: Painted

Base: Integral flat base - HeroClix base

Sculptor: ?

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Review - Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids


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Size comparison photos - Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids

Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids - 1:72 (25mm) comparison with Zvezda Greek Hoplite (left) and Zvezda Greek archer (right).
Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids company in 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale - 1:72 (25mm) comparison with Zvezda Greek Hoplite (left) and Zvezda Greek archer (right).


Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids - 1:56 (28/32mm) comparison with Renegade Miniatures Orc with spear #2 (left) and Games Workshop Bretonnian Bowman #1 (right).
Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids company in 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale - 1:56 (28/32mm) comparison with Renegade Miniatures Orc with spear #2 (left) and Games Workshop Bretonnian Bowman #1 (right).


Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids - 1:35 (54mm) comparison with 40mm high shepherd and 54mm high soldi
Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids company in 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale - 1:35 (54mm) comparison with 40mm high shepherd and 54mm high soldier.

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Using the miniature - Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids

Uses for games

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Resources - Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids

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Buying the product - Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids

Where can you buy it?

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Possible substitutes - Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids

None yet

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Do you have the Soulshredder #060 for the Mage Knight from WizKids? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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