image © Prodos Games sculpt © Prodos Games painting © Prodos Games |
Painted Marine Powerloader from the Alien vs Predator range from Prodos Games company |
The Marine Powerloader from Prodos Games is a 1/50 scale (35mm) miniature figure, operating an industrial walker, for the Alien vs Predator game, set in the futuristic world of the Alien & Predator series. It was first produced in 2015, in the Marine Powerloader set.
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Details - Marine Powerloader miniature figure for Alien vs Predator from Prodos Games
Miniature figure: Marine Powerloader
Product name: Marine Powerloader
Product Code: ?
GN Code: -
Kit: -
Sprue: -
Set: Marine Powerloader set: contains 1
Range: Alien vs Predator range (Futuristic)
Setting: Alien & Predator universe
Company: Prodos Games company
Production: 2015-2018- -2019? (out of production)
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Figure size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: no weapons, Armour: modern armour (armour), no shield, Helmet: modern helmet (helmet), Equipment in hand: -, Equipment carried: -, Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness: USCM Colonial Marine likeness, P-5000 Powered Work Loader likeness
Vehicle size: probably Huge (S5), Vehicle type: walker (Aliens: P-5000 Powered Work Loader likeness), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Weapons: R: mechanical arm (melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon), underslung medium flamethrower (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm - flamethrower), L: mechanical arm (melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon)
Humanoid - Human / Human-sized (S3) humanoid - Human-sized (S3) Human -
Advanced miniature - Advanced humanoid / Human-sized (S3) Advanced humanoid - Human-sized (S3) Futuristic humanoid -
Category: ?
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Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale
Proportions: Realistic
Size: ?mm high
Material: resin
Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs assembly, Pre-cut, Needs glue, Needs cutting
Posing: Hard
Paintjob: Unpainted
Base: No base
Conceptual design: ?
3D sculptor: ?
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1x Powerloader cockpit with operator torso
1x Powerloader legs with operator legs
1x cockpit cabin frame
1x piston arms
1x Powerloader right arm with operator right hand and flamer
1x Powerloader left arm with operator left hand
image © Prodos Games |
3d design of Marine Powerloader from the Alien vs Predator range from Prodos Games company |
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Review - Marine Powerloader miniature figure for Alien vs Predator from Prodos Games
The operator is fully integrated to the Powerloader. The legs are generic futuristic legs, so they could be used for anything. You might be able to cut the torso of the operator from the cockpit to replace it with some other model. You just need to position the new arms to fit the hands on the Powerloader arms.
Although I don't have the model to check this, as the torso sits on a ball join, I assume you might be able to position the cockpit in multiple poses, although you'll probably need some additinal wires and rods to attach the cockpit to the legs if the gap between them gets too wide.
The Kickstarter edition from blue resin is more rigid and prone to breaking.
The flamer looks like it's easy to remove if you'd like your model without it, or if you'd like to change the weapon. You just have to cut the flamer from the bottom of the arm, and you might also cut the fuel tank, but I think you can even leave the tank in its place, it wouldn't look out of place.
I've seen a copy of this model with the flamer separate from the Power Loader arm. I'm not sure whether that was a variant version, or if the flamer just broke off.
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Size comparison photos - Marine Powerloader miniature figure for Alien vs Predator from Prodos Games
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Uses for the miniature - Marine Powerloader miniature figure for Alien vs Predator from Prodos Games
Uses for games
- Alien vs Predator: Colonial Marine in Powerloader
- Cthulhu Wars: Monster
- Kings of War: ?
- Deadzone: Human soldier in walker
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: ?
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: ?
- Warhammer 40.000: Astra Militarum Sentinel, Imperial Guard Dreadnought, Ecclesiarchy Penitent Engine, small Nemesis Dreadknight
- Aliens (Gale Force Nine) system: Aliens: Get Away From Her, You B***h!
- Aliens board game (Leading Edge Games) system: Aliens base set
- Alien vs Predator Ed1 system: Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed1?
- Alien vs Predator Ed2 system: Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed2?
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Resources - Marine Powerloader miniature figure for Alien vs Predator from Prodos Games
Prodos Games: Marine Powerloader: Official page - out of production.
GMort (from GMort's Chaotica): Aliens Vs Predator Kickstarter - Prodos Visit Titan...: Minature preview article.
Contents overview
grailslair: Get Away From Her, You Bitch!: Contents overview article.§
Justin (from Beasts of War): Unboxing: AVP – USCM Powerloader: Contents overview video.
cruorangelussilicis: NNYPC 2016 - Part 2 - AvP The Paint Begins! A closer look at the miniatures: Review video.
cruorangelussilicis: NNYPC 2016 - Part 3 - AvP The Paint Begins! Size comparisons and Stalker Aliens: Review video with size comparisons.
Size comparison
cruorangelussilicis: NNYPC 2016 - Part 3 - AvP The Paint Begins! Size comparisons and Stalker Aliens: Review video with size comparisons.
DLC Studio: Prodos Games AVP: Tutorial y presentación del canal (in Spanish): Painting tutorial video about the Alien Praetorian, Alien Warrior, Human WY Commandos, Power Loader, Predator Hellhound, in Spanish.§
AVP Wargamer: AVP: Colonial Marine Miniatures: Showcase video, with these miniatures: Prodos Games: USCM Marines, USCM Sentry Gun, Dutch Shaefer, Lynn Kurosawa, Power Loader, Dropship; EM4: Marines; Rogue Miniatures: Dogs of War; Hasslefree Miniatures: Marine figures, Ripley, Newt and HFA185 Ace (as Blaine), HFA151 Earl (as Harrigan); WizKids: HorrorClix Minigun guys, HeroClix Black Widow; Crooked Dice: Paranormal Exterminator 2: Ripley; Copplestone Castings: heavy armour marines; Leading Edge: Colonial Marines, Power Loader, APC; Cinemachines: APC; Khurasan Miniatures: APC
GMort (from GMort's Chaotica): Aliens Vs Predator Miniatures Game - Painted Miniatures - Updated: Showcase article.
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Buying the product - Marine Powerloader miniature figure for Alien vs Predator from Prodos Games
Base set price (Marine Powerloader set)(2015-2019): 15 GBP / 18 EUR / 19,2 USD, Price per model: 15 GBP / 18 EUR / 19,2 USD
Where can you buy it?
Prodos Games: Marine Powerloader: Official page - out of production.
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Similar models - Marine Powerloader miniature figure for Alien vs Predator from Prodos Games
Gale Force Nine - Aliens (Gale Force Nine) - Ripley in Powerloader
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Do you have the Marine Powerloader for Alien vs Predator from Prodos Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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