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Humanoid skeleton in heavy armour (Ancestrals Skeleton #3 for the Ancestrals team of Fantasy Football) from RN Estudio - Miniature figure reviewimage © RN Estudio
sculpt © RN Estudio
Ancestrals Skeleton #3 from RN Estudio

The Ancestrals Skeleton #3 from RN Estudio is a Humanoid skeleton, wearing heavy armour, with empty hands.

Number 03 is shown on its back.

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Details - Ancestrals Skeleton #3 from RN Estudio

Miniature figure: Ancestrals Skeleton #3 running

Product Code: -

GN Code: -

Sprue: -

Set: Ancestrals Skeletons set (REF00068): contains 1

Range: Fantasy Football - Ancestrals / fantasy football miniatures range (Fantasy)

Series: -

Company: RN Estudio

Production: 2016-2017-

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Species: Human skeleton

Gender: -

Based on: Fantasy Egyptian warrior

Technology: Ancient (Archaic)

Armour: no shield

Features: Human-sized (3) Ancient (Archaic) Humanoid skeleton Warrior in heavy armour (armour) (Fantasy Egyptian style), with empty hands

Archaic miniature, Archaic humanoid, , , ,

Humanoid - humanoid skeleton / Human-sized (S3) humanoid skeleton - Human-sized (S3) archaic humanoid skeleton - Human-sized (S3) archaic humanoid skeleton warrior - Human-sized (S3) archaic humanoid skeleton warrior with empty hands - Human-sized (S3) archaic humanoid skeleton warrior in heavy armour, with empty hands

Category: Human-sized (S3) ancient humanoid skeleton warrior in heavy armour, with empty hands

Accessories: -

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Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm)

Proportions: ?

Size: 40mm high

Material: Resin

Priming: Primer is not necessary

Assembly: Multi-piece, On sprue, Needs cutting, Needs glue

Posing: Medium, with Multi-pose arms

Paintjob: Unpainted

Base: No base

Design: -

Sculptor: -

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Review - Ancestrals Skeleton #3 from RN Estudio


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Size comparison photos - Ancestrals Skeleton #3 from RN Estudio


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Using the miniature - Ancestrals Skeleton #3 from RN Estudio

Possible uses

  • 1:100 scale: A giant skeleton.
  • 1:72 scale: A huge skeleton.
  • 1:64 scale: A larger than usual skeleton.
  • 1:56 scale: A skeleton.
  • 1:48-1:50 scale: A small skeleton.
  • 1:35 scale: A tiny skeleton.

Uses for games

Uses on the website

  • none yet

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Resources - Ancestrals Skeleton #3 from RN Estudio


RN Estudio: Ancestrals Skeletons: Official webpage.

Indiegogo: RN estudio Revenants vs Ancestrals Teams: The crowdfunding campaign.

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Buying the product - Ancestrals Skeleton #3 from RN Estudio


Base set price (Ancestrals Skeletons set): 30 EUR / ? GBP / ? USD, Price/model: 7,5 EUR / ? GBP / ? USD

Company Set price (2017) Price/model (2017)
RN Estudio Ancestrals Skeletons set (REF00068) (30 EUR / ? GBP / ? USD)
1x Ancestrals Skeleton #1 with empty hands
1x Ancestrals Skeleton #2 with empty hands
1x Ancestrals Skeleton #3 running
1x Ancestrals Skeleton #4 pointing
7,5 EUR / ? GBP / ? USD

Where can you buy it?

RN Estudio: Ancestrals Skeletons: Official webpage.

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Possible substitutes - Ancestrals Skeleton #3 from RN Estudio

Human-sized (S3) archaic humanoid skeleton warrior with empty hands

Human-sized (S3) archaic humanoid skeleton warrior in heavy armour, with empty hands

Human-sized (S3) ancient humanoid skeleton warrior in heavy armour, with empty hands

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Do you have the Ancestrals Skeleton #3 from RN Estudio? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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