image © Mantic Games sculpt © Mantic Games painting © Mantic Games |
Plague Aqissiaq for Warpath from Mantic Games |
The Plague Aqissiaq for Deadzone and Warpath from Mantic Games is a humanoid with a poleae.
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Details - Plague Aqissiaq for Warpath from Mantic Games
Miniature figure: Plague Aqissiaq
Product name: Plague Aqissiaq
Product code: MGDZP06-1
GN Code: ?
Sprue: -
- Plague Aqissiaq: contains 1: Product code: MANMGDZP06.1
Features: Human-sized (S3) Medieval / Fantasy (Archaic) / (Advanced) Humanoid Warrior, unarmoured, with poleaxe (Weapon - melee weapon - polearm)
Humanoid - Humanoid alien / Human-sized (S3) humanoid - Human-sized (S3) Humanoid alien
Archaic miniature - Archaic humanoid / Human-sized (S3) Archaic humanoid - Human-sized (S3) Medieval humanoid or Human-sized (S3) Fantasy humanoid
Advanced miniature - Advanced humanoid / Human-sized (S3) Advanced humanoid - Human-sized (S3) Futuristic humanoid
Humanoid with melee weapon - Advanced humanoid with melee weapon / Human-sized (S3) humanoid with melee weapon -
Humanoid with polearm - / Human-sized (S3) Humanoid with polearm -
Advanced humanoid warrior - / Human-sized (S3) Futuristic humanoid warrior
Category: Human-sized (S3) medieval humanoid warrior unarmoured, with poleaxe / Human-sized (S3) fantasy humanoid warrior unarmoured, with poleaxe / Human-sized (S3) advanced humanoid warrior unarmoured, with poleaxe
Range: Warpath - Plague (Futuristic/ Futuristic fantasy)
Series: Warpath
Company: Mantic Games
Production: 2014-2016-?
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Species: Humanoid alien (Sphyr)
Gender: ?
Based on: ?
Technology: Futuristic (Advanced)
Armour: no shield
Accessories: -
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Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm)
Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale
Size: ?
Material: Metal
Priming: Primer is necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, On sprue, Needs cutting
Posing: Medium
Paintjob: Unpainted
Base: Integral base (Fits Mantic base)
Conceptual design: Heath Foley
Sculptor: ?
image © Mantic Games
image © Mantic Games artwork © Heath Foley |
Plague Aqissiaq concept for Warpath from Mantic Games |
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Review - Plague Aqissiaq for Warpath from Mantic Games
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Size comparison photos - Plague Aqissiaq for Warpath from Mantic Games
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Using the miniature - Plague Aqissiaq for Warpath from Mantic Games
Possible uses
- 1:100 scale: ?
- 1:72 scale: ?
- 1:64 scale: ?
- 1:56 scale: ?
- 1:50 scale: ?
- 1:35 scale: ?
Uses for games
- Alkony Wargame: ?
- Cthulhu Wars: ?
- Kings of War: Height 1 Infantry
- Deadzone: Plague: Plague Aqissiaq
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: ?
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: ?
- Warhammer 40.000: ?
Rules for the miniature
Uses on the website
- none yet
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Resources - Plague Aqissiaq for Warpath from Mantic Games
Deadzone The Podcast: Deadzone The Podcast 20.0 - News, Views and Reviews: Stat card for Deadzone Ed1.
Bloodbeard's Garage: Warpath Universe: Plague: Review article, with showcase of Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Gen3 Ed2, Zombies, Plague Hound #3, Plague Murderbirds, Plague Aberration, Plague Teraton, Plague Aqissiaq, Plague Burster, Plague Gen 2 Subject 901 v1, Doctor Simmonds v1.
Bloodbeard's Garage: Warpath Universe: Plague: Review article, with showcase of Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Gen3 Ed2, Zombies, Plague Hound #3, Plague Murderbirds, Plague Aberration, Plague Teraton, Plague Aqissiaq, Plague Burster, Plague Gen 2 Subject 901 v1, Doctor Simmonds v1.
Crucium Giger (for Crucium Giger's Miniatures Blog): The Plague - Completed (At Last): Showcase article about Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Gen 1 Mutant #2, Plague Teraton, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Plague Gen 3 Mutants Ed1, Doctor Simmonds v1, Plague Aqissiaq, Plague Enforcer with Experimental Weapon, Plague Hounds Ed1, Plague Swarm, Plague Strider.
Keith (for Keith's Wargaming / Painting Blog): From The Painting table #17: Showcase article, including Strider, and Plague Aqissiaq.
NTRabbit (on DakkaDakka): Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis: Showcase article.
The Other One (for The Other One's Vault of the Undead): Deadzone: Aqissiaq, Plague Specialist.: Showcase article.
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Buying the product - Plague Aqissiaq for Warpath from Mantic Games
Base price (Plague Aqissiaq): 6,5 GBP, Price/model: 6,5 GBP
Where can you buy it?
Buy the Plague Aqissiaq for Warpath from Mantic Games from Amazon |
Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES |
Buy the Plague Aqissiaq for Warpath from Mantic Games on eBay |
eBay US - eBay UK - eBay CA - eBay DE - eBay FR - eBay IT - eBay ES - eBay AU - eBay IE - eBay AT - eBay CH - eBay BE - eBay NL |
Buy Deadzone products from Element Games (UK) -10%, ref. code:KAD935 Buy the Plague Aqissiaq from Firestorm Games (UK) -20% Buy Plague products from Wayland Games (UK) -20% Buy the Plague products for Deadzone from Noble Knight Games (USA) Buy the Plague products for Warpath from Noble Knight Games (USA) Buy board games from Book Depository |
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Possible substitutes - Plague Aqissiaq for Warpath from Mantic Games
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Do you have the Plague Aqissiaq miniature figure for Warpath from Mantic Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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