image © Mantic Games sculpt © Mantic Games painting © Mantic Games |
Painted Doctor Simmonds v2 for Warpath from Mantic Games |
The Doctor Simmonds v2 for Deadzone and Warpath from Mantic Games is a 1/56 scale model, depicting a humanoid with a handgun.
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Details - Doctor Simmonds v2 for Warpath from Mantic Games
Miniature figure: Doctor Simmonds v2
Product name: Doctor Simmonds
Product code: ?
GN Code: ?
Sprue: -
- Nexus Psi Expansion: contains 1
Features: Human-sized (S3) Futuristic (Advanced) Savage humanoid (Humanoid) female Warrior with handgun (L)
Humanoid - Humanoid alien / Human-sized (S3) humanoid - Human-sized (S3) Humanoid alien
Advanced miniature - Advanced humanoid / Human-sized (S3) Advanced humanoid - Human-sized (S3) Futuristic humanoid
Advanced humanoid warrior - Advanced humanoid with handgun / Human-sized (S3) Futuristic humanoid warrior
Savage humanoid / Human-sized (S3) Savage humanoid - Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior
Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid warrior with handgun
Category: Human-sized (S3) futuristic savage humanoid female warrior with handgun
Range: Warpath - Plague (Futuristic/ Futuristic fantasy)
Series: Warpath
Company: Mantic Games
Production: -2016-2017-
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Species: Modified human (Human)
Gender: female
Based on: ?
Technology: Futuristic (Advanced)
Accessories: -
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Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm)
Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale
Size: ?
Material: Metal
Priming: Primer is necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Pre-cut
Posing: Medium
Paintjob: Unpainted
Base: No base
Conceptual design: ?
Sculptor: ?
image © Mantic Games |
Doctor Simmonds v1 concept for Warpath from Mantic Games |
image © Mantic Games | image © Mantic Games |
Doctor Simmonds v1 | Doctor Simmonds v2 |
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Review - Doctor Simmonds v2 for Warpath from Mantic Games
Pieces: 1x body with legs, 1x head, 1x right arm, 1x left arm with handgun
The pieces have pegs to help the assembly.
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Size comparison photos - Doctor Simmonds v2 for Warpath from Mantic Games
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Using the miniature - Doctor Simmonds v2 for Warpath from Mantic Games
Possible uses
- 1:100 scale: ?
- 1:72 scale: ?
- 1:64 scale: ?
- 1:56 scale: ?
- 1:50 scale: ?
- 1:35 scale: ?
Uses for games
- Alkony Wargame: ?
- Cthulhu Wars: ?
- Kings of War: Height 1 Infantry
- Deadzone: Plague: Doctor Simmonds
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: ?
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: ?
- Warhammer 40.000: ?
- Deadzone Ed2: Nexus Psi Sourcebook
Uses on the website
- none yet
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Resources - Doctor Simmonds v2 for Warpath from Mantic Games
Dave (from Mantic Blog): Deadzone: Nexus Psi Sourcebook: Preview article.
Deadzone The Podcast: Deadzone The Podcast 60.0 - Tasty Unboxing: Article, with showcase of Doctor Simmonds v2.
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Buying the product - Doctor Simmonds v2 for Warpath from Mantic Games
Base price (Doctor Simmonds v2): ? GBP, Price/model: ? GBP
Base set price (Nexus Psi Expansion): 35 GBP / ? EUR / ? USD, Price/model: ca. 1 GBP
Where can you buy it?
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Possible substitutes - Doctor Simmonds v2 for Warpath from Mantic Games
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Do you have the Doctor Simmonds v2 miniature figure for Warpath from Mantic Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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