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Huge brute with carapace armour in 1/56 scale (Plague Teraton for Warpath) from Mantic Games - Miniature figure reviewimage © Mantic Games
sculpt © Mantic Games
painting © Mantic Games
Plague Teraton for Warpath from Mantic Games

The Plague Teraton for Deadzone and Warpath from Mantic Games is a giant humanoid.

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Details - Plague Teraton for Warpath from Mantic Games

Miniature figure: Plague Teraton

Product code: ?

GN Code: ?

Sprue: -


Features: Huge (S5) Futuristic (Advanced) Savage humanoid (Humanoid) brute with empty hands

Humanoid - Humanoid with empty handsHuge (S5) humanoid - Huge (S5) humanoid with empty hands -

Humanoid alien / Huge (S5) Humanoid alien

Advanced - Advanced humanoid - Huge (S5) Advanced humanoid

Savage humanoid / Huge (S5) Savage humanoid -  -

Category: ?

Range: WarpathPlague (Futuristic/ Futuristic fantasy/ Fantasy)

Series: Warpath

Company: Mantic Games

Production: 2013-2021-

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Species: Humanoid alien - Teraton

Gender: ?

Based on: turtle

Technology: Futuristic (Advanced)

Accessories: -

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Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm)

Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale

Size: ca. 50mm high

Material: hard PVC - gray

Priming: Primer is not necessary

Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Pre-cut

Posing: Medium

Paintjob: Unpainted

Base: No base

Conceptual design: ?

Sculptor: ?

Huge brute with carapace armour in 1/56 scale (Plague Teraton for Warpath) from Mantic Games - Miniature figure reviewimage © Mantic Games
Plague Teraton concept for Warpath from Mantic Games

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Review - Plague Teraton for Warpath from Mantic Games

Pieces: 1x body, 1x head, 1x right arm, 1x left arm, 1x tail, 1x codpiece, 1x shoulder armour

The pieces have pegs to help gluing them together.

The Plague Teraton is bigger than the original Teraton soldier. The legs are the same in size, but the upper body of the model is bulkier. The sculptor probably used the original model as the base for the sculpt, as some parts of the original remained the same. Even parts of the backpack can be seen under the bony plates on its back.

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Size comparison photos - Plague Teraton for Warpath from Mantic Games


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Using the miniature - Plague Teraton for Warpath from Mantic Games

Possible uses

  • 1:100 scale: A giant creature.
  • 1:72 scale: A very large creature.
  • 1:64 scale: A large creature.
  • 1:56 scale: A large creature.
  • 1:50 scale: A large creature.
  • 1:35 scale: A human-sized creature.

Uses for games

Rules for the model

Uses on the website

  • none yet

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Resources - Plague Teraton for Warpath from Mantic Games


Mantic Games: Plague Faction Booster: Official webpage.


Bloodbeard's Garage: Warpath Universe: Plague: Review article, with showcase of Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Gen3 Ed2, Zombies, Plague Hound #3, Plague Murderbirds, Plague Aberration, Plague Teraton, Plague Aqissiaq, Plague Burster, Plague Gen 2 Subject 901 v1, Doctor Simmonds v1.

Contents overview


Size comparison

DarkSylann: Plague: Showcase article about Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Plague Gen 3 Mutants Ed1, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Spotter, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Loader, Plague Mortar, Plague Hounds Ed1, Plague Teraton, Doctor Simmonds v1. Includes size comparison of Plague Teraton to Teraton.


Bloodbeard's Garage: Warpath Universe: Plague: Review article, with showcase of Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Gen3 Ed2, Zombies, Plague Hound #3, Plague Murderbirds, Plague Aberration, Plague Teraton, Plague Aqissiaq, Plague Burster, Plague Gen 2 Subject 901 v1, Doctor Simmonds v1.

Crucium Giger (for Crucium Giger's Miniatures Blog): The Plague - Completed (At Last): Showcase article about Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Gen 1 Mutant #2, Plague Teraton, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Plague Gen 3 Mutants Ed1, Doctor Simmonds v1, Plague Aqissiaq, Plague Enforcer with Experimental Weapon, Plague Hounds Ed1, Plague Swarm, Plague Strider.

DarkSylann: Plague: Showcase article about Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Plague Gen 3 Mutants Ed1, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Spotter, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Loader, Plague Mortar, Plague Hounds Ed1, Plague Teraton, Doctor Simmonds v1. Includes size comparison of Plague Teraton to Teraton.

G Mort (for GMorts Chaotica): Plague for Warpath - Part 6: Setting article, with lots of showcase photos, about Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Teraton, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Plague Gen 3 Mutants Ed1, Doctor Simmonds v1, Plague Hounds Ed1, Plague Swarm.

Keith (brownk29) (for Keith's Wargaming / Painting Blog): Deadzone - The Plague - Part 1: Showcase article about Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Plague Gen 3 Mutants Ed1, Plague Gen 3 Mutant with Grenade Launcher, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Spotter, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Loader, Plague Mortar, Plague Hounds Ed1, Plague Teraton, Doctor Simmonds v1.

Keith (brownk29) (for Keith's Wargaming / Painting Blog): Deadzone - The Plague - Part 2: Showcase article about Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Plague Gen 3 Mutants Ed1, Plague Gen 3 Mutant with Grenade Launcher, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Spotter, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Loader, Plague Mortar, Plague Hounds Ed1, Plague Teraton, Plague Swarm.

The Other One (for The Other One's Vault of the Undead): Deadzone: Plague Teraton: Showcase article about the Plague Teraton.




Deadzone Battle Report - Enforcers vs. Forge Fathers vs. Plague: Gameplay article, featuring mostly unpainted Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Teraton, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Plague Gen 3 Mutants Ed1, Plague Hounds Ed1. System: Deadzone Ed2, Points: 150.

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Buying the product - Plague Teraton for Warpath from Mantic Games


Base price (Plague Teraton)(2017): 13,5 GBP, Price / model: 13,5 GBP

Base set price (Plague Monsters Booster)(2017): ? GBP / ? EUR / ? USD

Base set price (Plague Faction Booster Ed2)(2021): 25 GBP / 35 EUR / 40 USD

Base set price (Plague Faction Booster Ed2)(2017): 25 GBP / 40 EUR / 40 USD

Where can you buy it?

Mantic Games: Plague Faction Booster: Official webpage.

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Possible substitutes - Plague Teraton for Warpath from Mantic Games


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Do you have the Plague Teraton miniature figure for Warpath from Mantic Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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