image © Mantic Games sculpt © Mantic Games painting © Mantic Games |
Plague Burster for Warpath from Mantic Games |
The Plague Burster for Deadzone and Warpath from Mantic Games is a huge humanoid.
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Details - Plague Burster for Warpath from Mantic Games
Miniature figure: Plague Burster
Product name: Plague Burster, ex: Plague Stage 2B 'Burster'(ex: Plague Stage 2B 'Burster')
Product code: ?
GN Code: ?
Sprue: -
Set: Plague Burster set
Features: Huge (S5) Wild Savage humanoid (Humanoid) brute with empty hands
Humanoid - Humanoid with empty hands / Huge (S5) humanoid - Huge (S5) humanoid with empty hands - Huge (S5) wild humanoid with empty hands
Humanoid alien / Huge (S5) Humanoid alien
Wild humanoid / Huge (S5) wild humanoid
Savage humanoid / Huge (S5) Savage humanoid - Huge (S5) wild savage humanoid - Huge (S5) wild savage humanoid brute
Category: Huge (S5) wild savage humanoid brute with empty hands
Range: Warpath - Plague (Futuristic/ Futuristic fantasy/ Fantasy)
Series: Warpath
Company: Mantic Games
Production: 2017-2021-
It was available for pre-order from 2018.07.
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Species: Modified human (Human)
Gender: ?
Based on: ?
Technology: Wild
Accessories: -
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Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm)
Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale
Size: ca. 50mm high
Material: Metal
Priming: Primer is necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Pre-cut
Posing: Hard
Paintjob: Unpainted
Base: No base
Conceptual design: ?
Sculptor: ?
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Plague Burster head: #1: open mouth, #2, #3, #4: open mouth
Plague Burster body: #1, #2
Plague Burster right arm: #1: swelling, 3 fingers, #2, #3
Plague Burster left arm: #1: swelling, 3 fingers, #2, #3
Plague Burster right leg: #1: tree stump, #2, #3
Plague Burster left leg: #1: tree stump, #2, #3
To build a Plague Burster, you need: 1x body (#1-2), 1x head (#1-4), 1x right arm (#1-3), 1x left arm (#1-3), 1x right leg (#1-3), 1x left leg (#1-3)
2x 40mm Plastic Round Bases
image © Mantic Games |
Plague Burster concept for Warpath from Mantic Games |
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Review - Plague Burster for Warpath from Mantic Games
There are several ways you can assemble the pieces. The head and arm joins are flat, any of them fit both bodies. The legs are designed to go with a specific body, although you can probably put them on the other variant with some work. To help with a seamless join, you'll probably need some modelling putty.
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Size comparison photos - Plague Burster for Warpath from Mantic Games
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Uses for the miniature - Plague Burster for Warpath from Mantic Games
Possible uses
- 1:100 scale: A giant creature.
- 1:72 scale: A very large creature.
- 1:64 scale: A large creature.
- 1:56 scale: A large creature.
- 1:50 scale: A large creature.
- 1:35 scale: A human-sized creature.
Uses for games
- Alkony Wargame: large humanoid creature
- Cthulhu Wars: Great Old One, monster
- Kings of War: Height 2 Infantry, Ogre
- Deadzone: Plague: Plague Burster, Plague Aberration, Plague Gen 1 Mutant
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: Chaos daemon
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Chaos daemon
- Warhammer 40.000: Chaos daemon, Tyranid creature (Broodlord? Carnifex?)
Rules for the model
- Deadzone Ed2: Nexus Psi Sourcebook
Uses on the website
- none yet
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Resources - Plague Burster for Warpath from Mantic Games
Mantic Games: Plague Bursters: Official article.
Bloodbeard's Garage: Warpath Universe: Plague: Review article, with showcase of Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Gen3 Ed2, Zombies, Plague Hound #3, Plague Murderbirds, Plague Aberration, Plague Teraton, Plague Aqissiaq, Plague Burster, Plague Gen 2 Subject 901, Doctor Simmonds v1.
The Other One (from The Other One's Vault of the Undead): Deadzone Plague Stage 2B Bursters: Review article about the Plague Burster, showing multiple builds. Includes conversion, and showcase.
Contents overview
Until Somebody Loses An Eye: The future is here: Contents overview article of the Warpath Ed2 Kickstarter. Includes: Enforcer Interceptor, Enforcer Tank Hunters, Gen3 Ed2, Plague Burster, Plague Murderbirds, Plague Gen 2 Subject 901 v1, Veer-Myn Tangle, Blaine.
Until Somebody Loses An Eye: So what is actually new?: Contents overview article of the Warpath Ed2 Kickstarter. Includes: Tyrant Blaine, Enforcer Heavy Support, Enforcer Tank Hunters, Lt Roca, Ajax Seige Strider, Arbiter Interceptor, Ingulf Krestursson and Padd, Hammer Fist Drop Team, Plague 3rd Gen 'Ghoul', Plague Gen 2 Subject 901, Plague Burster, Plague Murderbirds, Veer-myn Creeper, Hacker Half-Tail, Veer-Myn Tangle, GCPS Major Loren Chard, Major General, GCPS Trooper v2, GCPS Heavy Weapons, Ten'ur, Asterian Marrionate.
Bloodbeard's Garage: Warpath Universe: Plague: Review article, with showcase of Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Gen3 Ed2, Zombies, Plague Hound #3, Plague Murderbirds, Plague Aberration, Plague Teraton, Plague Aqissiaq, Plague Burster, Plague Gen 2 Subject 901, Doctor Simmonds v1.
The Other One (from The Other One's Vault of the Undead): Deadzone Plague Stage 2B Bursters: Review article about the Plague Burster, showing multiple builds. Includes conversion, and showcase.
The Other One (from The Other One's Vault of the Undead): Deadzone Plague Stage 2B Bursters: Review article about the Plague Burster, showing multiple builds. Includes conversion, and showcase.
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Buying the product - Plague Burster for Warpath from Mantic Games
Base price (Plague Burster set): 15 GBP / 18 EUR / 20 USD, Price / model: 7.5 GBP / 9 EUR / 10 USD
Where can you buy it?
Mantic Games: Plague Bursters: Official article.
Buy the Plague Burster for Warpath from Mantic Games from Amazon |
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Buy Deadzone products from Element Games (UK) -10%, ref. code:KAD935 Buy Plague products from Firestorm Games (UK) -10% Buy Plague products from Wayland Games (UK) -20% Buy the Plague products for Deadzone from Noble Knight Games (USA) Buy the Plague products for Warpath from Noble Knight Games (USA) Buy board games from Book Depository |
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Do you have the Plague Burster miniature figure for Warpath from Mantic Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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