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Primaris Space Marine Captain #5, in Mark X Gravis armour, with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus setimage © Games Workshop
sculpt © Games Workshop
painting © Games Workshop
Painted Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 in Mk10 Gravis armour, with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle and power sword for Warhammer 40,000 from Games Workshop company

Article updated: 2021.03.17

The Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 for Warhammer 40,000 Ed9 from Games Workshop is a 1/64 scale (28mm/32mm) model of a futuristic warrior, wearing heavy armour, holding a long firearm, and carrying a sword. It was first produced in 2021, in the Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set.

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Details - Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 miniature figure for Warhammer 40,000 Ed9 from Games Workshop

Miniature figure: Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 in Mk10 Gravis armour, with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle and power sword

Miniature name: Primaris Captain with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle

Product Code: ?

GN Code: ?

Sprue: Primaris Space Marine Captain with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle sprue


Range: Warhammer 40,000 (Ed9) - ImperiumAdeptus Astartes (Space Marines)Primaris Space MarinesPrimaris Captains (Futuristic fantasy)

Series: Warhammer 40,000 universe

Company: Games Workshop company

Production: pre-order: 2021.02.27-, release: 2021.03.06-

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Species: Primaris Space Marine (Humanoid - Human - Modified human)

Gender: ?

Based on: -

Technology: Futuristic (Advanced)

Size: Large (S4), Species: Primaris Space Marine (Humanoid - Human - Modified human), Gender: ? , Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: futuristic full armour (armour - futuristic armour) (Warhammer 40,000 likeness: Space Marine power armour likeness - Mk10 Gravis armour likeness), no shield, Helmet: futuristic full helmet (helmet / full helm - futuristic helmet), Equipment in hand: R: long firearm (Weapon - ranged weapon - firearm)(WH40K heavy bolt rifle), L: -, Equipment carried: sword (weapon - melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon)(WH40K power sword), Based on: Primaris Space Marine

Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with melee weapon - Advanced humanoid with one-handed melee weapon - Advanced humanoid with sword

Advanced miniature, Advanced humanoid, Large (S4) Advanced humanoid, Large (S4) Futuristic humanoid

Advanced humanoid with handgun

Category: ?

Accessories: -

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Scale: 1:64 (28mm/32mm) scale

Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale

Size: ?mm

Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene)

Priming: Primer is not necessary

Assembly: Multi-piece, On sprue, Needs cutting, Needs glue, Needs assembly

Posing: Medium

Paintjob: Unpainted

Base: no base, scenic elements

Conceptual design: ?

3D sculptor: ?

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Review - Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 miniature figure for Warhammer 40,000 Ed9 from Games Workshop



The cape comes in two pieces and it will require some filling to make the join seamless. Even the official showcase photo on the GW site shows this problem, as the join is still visible.

Primaris Space Marine Captain #5, in Mark X Gravis armour, with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus setimage © Games Workshop Primaris Space Marine Captain #5, in Mark X Gravis armour, with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus setimage © Games Workshop
Problem with the cape of the Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 in Mk10 Gravis armour, with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle and power sword for Warhammer 40,000 from Games Workshop company

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Size comparison photos - Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 miniature figure for Warhammer 40,000 Ed9 from Games Workshop


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Uses for the miniature - Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 miniature figure for Warhammer 40,000 Ed9 from Games Workshop

Possible uses

  • 1:100 scale: A giant armoured fantasy or futuristic warrior.
  • 1:72 scale: A huge armoured fantasy or futuristic warrior.
  • 1:64 scale: An armoured fantasy or futuristic warrior.
  • 1:56 scale: An armoured fantasy or futuristic warrior.
  • 1:50 scale: An armoured fantasy or futuristic warrior.
  • 1:35 scale: A small armoured fantasy or futuristic warrior.

Uses for games

Uses on the website

  • none yet

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Resources - Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 miniature figure for Warhammer 40,000 Ed9 from Games Workshop


Games Workshop: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team Pariah Nexus (UK): Official webpage of the WH40K Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set.


Faeit 212: Kill Team Pariah Nexus Preorders + Unboxing Videos: Preview article, with linked videos.

Foyble Games: Is Kill Team Pariah Nexus really worth it for YOU?: Video about the pricing of the set.

Warhammer Community: The Codex Show: Preview article about the miniature figures - Primaris Captain #5, Heavy Intercessors, Chronomancer, Flayed Ones.

Warhammer Community: How Kill Team: Pariah Nexus makes your Necrons deadlier than ever: Preview article about the Necron rules for Kill Team.

excrepts on Faeit 212

Warhammer Community: Even the new terrain wants you dead in Kill Team: Pariah Nexus: Preview article about the Pariah Nexus set for 40K Kill Team.

excrepts on Faeit 212


Adam Potts (for Techraptor): Kill Team Pariah Nexus Preview: Compensated review article. Includes photos of the built models.

Afternoon Stipple / Gutrot Bloom (for The Unrelenting Brush): Kill Team: Pariah Nexus – Skirmish with an Identity Crisis: Compensated review article about Kill Team Pariah Nexus. Includes showcase of models.

mirrored on Tableop Games UK

Atom Smasher (for Tabletop Minions): Pariah Nexus Problems - Kill Team: Short review video about the contents and pricing of the set.

Charlie Hall (for Polygon): Warhammer 40K: Kill Team Pariah Nexus gives Space Marines and Necrons powerful new units: Compensated review article about the Pariah Nexus boxed set. Includes showcase of some miniatures.

Liam Dempsey: Kill Team: Pariah Nexus - Review - Is it worth it?: Review video about the pricing of the Pariah Nexus set.

Liam "Corrode" Royle (for Goonhammer): Unboxing Kill Team: Pariah Nexus: Review article.§

Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones & Chucat (for Goonhammer): Kill Team Pariah Nexus Review, Part 2: The Rules: Review article.§

Rob Hebblethwaite (VoltorRWH) (for Fauxhammer): Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Pariah Nexus Review: Review article. Includes contents overview, rules overview, gameplay report.

Contents overview

Drake Seta (for Battle Bunnies): Kill Team: Pariah Nexus our first week: Contents overview article.

Kaelo Rylanus (for Age of Warhammer): Warhammer 40,000 - Kill Team Pariah Nexus Review: Contents overview article.§

NornQueenAlexis: Kill Team Pariah Nexus UNBOXING: Contents overview video about the Warhammer 40K Kill Team: Pariah Nexus.Ł

Sprues & Brews: New Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Pariah Nexus Review and Unboxing: Contents overview article and video about the Kill Team: Pariah Nexus boxed set.

the video on YouTube: Includes a good view of the assembly guide.Ł

StrikingScorpion82: KILL TEAM: Pariah Nexus Unboxing / Review SS82 OFFICIAL REVIEW: Contents overview video about the Kill Team: Pariah Nexus for Warhammer 40K.

The Dark Artisan: Pariah Nexus Kill Team Unboxing and Review: Contents overview video.

The Glacial Geek: Kill Team: Pariah Nexus Unboxing!: Contents overview video about the Warhammer 40K Kill Team: Pariah Nexus.

Contents overview - French

HiigyTV: Unboxing et présentation de Kill Team Nexus Pariah en FR. Vaut elle le coup pour le coût ? (in French): Contents overview video about the French edition of Pariah Nexus, in French. Includes a page-through of the rulebook and the assembly guide. Shows built models of Necron figures.Ł

Contents overview - Spanish

El Jardin de Nurgle YT: UNBOXING: KILL TEAM NEXUS PARIA🤙 (in Spanish): Contents overview video about the Spanish edition of Pariah Nexus, in Spanish.§





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Buying the product - Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 miniature figure for Warhammer 40,000 Ed9 from Games Workshop


Base price (Primaris Space Marine Captain with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle set)(2021): 30 EUR / 23.5 GBP / 35 USD. Price/model: 30 EUR / 23.5 GBP / 35 USD

Base price (Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set)(2021): 95 GBP / 125 EUR / 160 USD. Price/figure: 7.9 GBP / 10.4 EUR / 13.3 USD, Price/model: 1.6 GBP / 2.1 EUR / 2.7 USD

Where can you buy it?

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Similar models - Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 miniature figure for Warhammer 40,000 Ed9 from Games Workshop

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Primaris Space Marine Captain #4 build #1 in Mk10 Tacticus armour with Iron Halo, with power sword and storm shield, carrying heavy bolt pistol

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Do you have the Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 miniature figure for Warhammer 40,000 from Games Workshop? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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