image © Games Workshop modified by Kadmon sculpt © Games Workshop painting © Games Workshop |
Painted Primaris Space Marine Captain #6 in Mk10 Gravis armour build #1.3, with power sword and boltstorm gauntlet, without helmet for Warhammer 40,000 from Games Workshop company |
The Primaris Space Marine Captain #6 for Warhammer 40,000 Ed9 from Games Workshop is a 1/64 scale (28mm/32mm) model of a futuristic warrior, wearing heavy armour, carrying a sword and a mechanical fist. It was first produced in 2022.
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Details - Primaris Space Marine Captain #6 miniature figure from Games Workshop
Miniature figure: Primaris Space Marine Captain #6 in Mk10 Gravis armour build #1.3, with power sword and boltstorm gauntlet, without helmet
Miniature name: Captain in Gravis Armour
Product code: set: GW-99070101077
GN Code: ?
Sprue: 1x Primaris Space Marine Captain in Gravis Armour sprue #1, 1x Primaris Space Marine Captain in Gravis Armour sprue #2
Range: Warhammer 40,000 (Ed9) - Imperium - Adeptus Astartes (Space Marines) - Primaris Space Marines - Primaris Captains (Futuristic fantasy)
Series: Warhammer 40,000 universe
Company: Games Workshop company
Production: pre-order: 2022.01.22-28, release: 2022.01.29-
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Species: Primaris Space Marine (Humanoid - Human - Modified human)
Gender: ?
Based on: -
Technology: Futuristic (Advanced)
Size: Large (S4), Species: Primaris Space Marine (Humanoid - Human - Modified human), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior leader (Warrior), Features: -, Armour: futuristic full armour (armour - futuristic armour) (Warhammer 40,000 likeness: Space Marine power armour likeness - Mk10 Gravis armour likeness), no shield, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: R: sword (weapon - melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon)(WH40K power sword), L: mechanical fist (melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon)(WH40K boltstorm gauntlet) with under-slung medium-sized firearm (Weapon - ranged weapon - firearm)(WH40K bolter), Equipment carried: -, Based on: Primaris Space Marine
Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with melee weapon - Advanced humanoid with one-handed melee weapon - Advanced humanoid with sword
Advanced miniature, Advanced humanoid, Large (S4) Advanced humanoid, Large (S4) Futuristic humanoid
Advanced humanoid with handgun
Category: Large (S4) Futuristic Humanoid warrior in futuristic heavy armour, with sword and mechanical fist with under-slung gun
Accessories: -
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Scale: 1:64 (28mm/32mm) scale
Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale
Size: ?mm
Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene)
Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, On sprue, Needs cutting, Needs glue, Needs assembly
Posing: Medium
Paintjob: Unpainted
Base: No base, scenic elements
Conceptual design: ?
3D sculptor: ?
image © Games Workshop
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Review - Primaris Space Marine Captain #6 miniature figure from Games Workshop
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Size comparison photos - Primaris Space Marine Captain #6 miniature figure from Games Workshop
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Uses for the miniature - Primaris Space Marine Captain #6 miniature figure from Games Workshop
Possible uses
- 1:100 scale: A giant armoured fantasy or futuristic warrior.
- 1:72 scale: A huge armoured fantasy or futuristic warrior.
- 1:64 scale: An armoured fantasy or futuristic warrior.
- 1:56 scale: An armoured fantasy or futuristic warrior.
- 1:50 scale: An armoured fantasy or futuristic warrior.
- 1:35 scale: A small armoured fantasy or futuristic warrior.
Uses for games
- Alkony Wargame: Warrior in heavy armour
- Cthulhu Wars: XXX
- Kings of War: Height 1 or 2 Infantry
- Deadzone: Enforcer Peacekeeper Captain
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: XXX
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Stormcast Eternal
- Warhammer 40,000:
- Space Marines: Captain, Terminator Captain
- Primaris Space Marine Captain in Mk10 Gravis armour, with power sword and boltstorm gauntlet
Warhammer 40,000 Ed9 system: Games Workshop: Captain in Gravis Armour and the Primaris Ancient Datasheets (PDF)
Uses on the website
- none yet
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Resources - Primaris Space Marine Captain #6 miniature figure from Games Workshop
Games Workshop: Captain in Gravis Armour (UK): Official article.
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Buying the product - Primaris Space Marine Captain #6 miniature figure from Games Workshop
Base price (Primaris Space Marine Captain in Gravis Armour set)(2022): 23.5 GBP / 35 USD / 30 EUR
Where can you buy it?
Games Workshop: Captain in Gravis Armour (UK): Official article.
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Similar models - Primaris Space Marine Captain #6 miniature figure from Games Workshop
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Mk10 Gravis armour, with power sword and boltstorm gauntlet:
Primaris Space Marine Captain #1 in Mk10 Gravis armour, with power sword and boltstorm gauntlet
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Do you have the Primaris Space Marine Captain #6 in Mk10 Gravis armour, with power sword and boltstorm gauntlet miniature figure for Warhammer 40,000 from Games Workshop? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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