Painted USCM Marine #3 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games company |
The USCM Marine #3 from Prodos Games is a 1/56 scale (28mm/32mm) miniature figure, depicting a futuristic human soldier, for the Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins boardgame, set in the Futuristic world of the Aliens vs Predator series. First produced in 2015, in the AvP: The Hunt Begins Ed1 boxed set.
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Details - USCM Marine #3 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games
Miniature figure: USCM Marine #3 with smartgun
Product name: USCM Marine
Product Code: ?
GN Code: -
Kit: -
Sprue: -
Set: USCM Marines set: contains 1, Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins: contains 1
Range: Alien vs Predator (Futuristic)
Setting: Alien & Predator universe
Company: Prodos Games company
Production: 2015-2016- -2019? (out of production)
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Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: modern armour (armour) (Aliens: M3 Pattern Personal Armor likeness), no shield, Helmet: modern helmet (helmet) (Aliens: M10 Pattern Ballistic Helmet likeness), Equipment in hand: R+L: machine gun (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - long firearm) (Aliens: M56 Smartgun likeness), Equipment carried: -, Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness: USCM Colonial Marine likeness
Humanoid - Human / Human-sized (S3) humanoid - Human-sized (S3) Human - Human-sized (S3) Human male -
Advanced miniature - Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with long firearm - Futuristic Human male warrior with machine gun / Human-sized (S3) Advanced humanoid - Human-sized (S3) Futuristic humanoid - Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior with machine gun
Category: Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior in modern armour with machine gun
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Material: Resin
Priming: Primer is not necessary
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale
Proportions: Realistic
Size: ca. 35mm high
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Pre-cut, Needs cutting
Posing: Medium
Paintjob: Unpainted
Base: No base
Conceptual design: ?
3D sculptor: ?
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Review - USCM Marine #3 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games
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Size comparison photos - USCM Marine #3 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games
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Using the miniature - USCM Marine #3 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games
Uses for games
- Alien vs Predator: USCM Marine Smart Gun
- Cthulhu Wars: ?
- Kings of War: ?
- Deadzone: Human soldier
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: ?
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: ?
- Warhammer 40.000: Astra Militarum soldier
- Aliens (Gale Force Nine) system: Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps
- Aliens board game (Leading Edge Games) system: Aliens base set
- Alien vs Predator Ed1 system: Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed1
- Alien vs Predator Ed2 system: Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed2
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Resources - USCM Marine #3 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games
Prodos Games: USCM Marines: Official page.
cruorangelussilicis: NNYPC 2016 - Part 3 - AvP The Paint Begins! Size comparisons and Stalker Aliens: Review video with size comparisons.
cruorangelussilicis: NNYPC 2016 - Part 2 - AvP The Paint Begins! A closer look at the miniatures: Review video.
GMort (from GMorts Chaotica): AvP : The Hunt Begins - Unboxing and Review: Review article with a very thorough content overview.
Contents overview
grailslair: We’re On An Express Elevator To Hell, Going Down: Contents overview article.§
AVP Wargamer: AVP: Colonial Marine Miniatures: Showcase video, with these miniatures: Prodos Games: USCM Marines, USCM Sentry Gun, Dutch Shaefer, Lynn Kurosawa, Power Loader, Dropship; EM4: Marines; Rogue Miniatures: Dogs of War; Hasslefree Miniatures: Marine figures, Ripley, Newt and HFA185 Ace (as Blaine), HFA151 Earl (as Harrigan); WizKids: HorrorClix Minigun guys, HeroClix Black Widow; Crooked Dice: Paranormal Exterminator 2: Ripley; Copplestone Castings: heavy armour marines; Leading Edge: Colonial Marines, Power Loader, APC; Cinemachines: APC; Khurasan Miniatures: APC
cruorangelussilicis: NNYPC 2016 - Part 4 - AvP The Paint Begins! Stop your grinnin and drop your linen - The USCM: Showcase video.
elstonation: Wargames AVP minis showcase: Showcase video.
GMort (from GMort's Chaotica): Aliens Vs Predator Miniatures Game - Painted Miniatures - Updated: Showcase article.
GMort (from GMort's Chaotica): Aliens Vs Pedator - Call the Marines...: Showcase article.
The Cbaggery: AvP: The Hunt Begins – The Marines: Showcase article.§
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Buying the product - USCM Marine #3 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games
Base set price (USCM Marines set)(2015-2019): 15 GBP / 18 EUR / 19,2 USD, Price/model: 3 GBP / 3,6 EUR / 3,8 USD
Where can you buy it?
Prodos Games: USCM Marines: Official page.
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Possible substitutes - USCM Marine #3 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games
None yet
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Do you have the USCM Marine #3 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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