image © Hasslefree Miniatures |
Debra (b) from Hasslefree Miniatures |
Article updated: 2022.03.26
The Debra (b) miniature figure from Hasslefree Miniatures is a futuristic human soldier.
The sculpt is based on Debra.
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Details - Debra (b) miniature figure from Hasslefree Miniatures
Miniature: Debra (b), Product name: Debra (b), ex: HFA084 Debra (b), Product code: HFSF011, Sprue: ?, Set: Debra (b) set, Range: Sci-Fi Humans (Futuristic), Series: Alien & Predator, Company: Hasslefree Miniatures, Production: -2011-2022-
Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: female (Human female), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Based on: Alien & Predator likeness - USCM Colonial Marine likeness - inspired by Colette Ferro likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: 32mm high, Material: ?, Priming: ?
Assembly: ?, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: probably Tabbed for Slottabase, Sculptor: Kev White (Hasslefriesian)
Features: Human-sized (S3) Futuristic (Advanced) Human female (Humanoid - Human female) Warrior in modern armour (armour) and modern helmet (helmet), with assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness)
Category: ?
Weight: 9.07 grams
image © Hasslefree Miniatures
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Review - Debra (b) miniature figure from Hasslefree Miniatures
The model is 32mm to the top of the helmet. If it were standing tall, it would be 32mm without the helmet.
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Size comparison photos - Debra (b) miniature figure from Hasslefree Miniatures
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Using the miniature - Debra (b) miniature figure from Hasslefree Miniatures
Uses for games
- Alien vs Predator: Colonial Marine
- Cthulhu Wars: ?
- Kings of War: ?
- Deadzone: Human soldier
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: ?
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: ?
- Warhammer 40.000: Astra Militarum soldier
- a
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Resources - Debra (b) miniature figure from Hasslefree Miniatures
Hasslefree Miniatures: Debra (b): Official webpage.
Mikko Meriläinen (manatic) (for Dawn of the Lead): Colonial Marine miniatures – a review: Review article, with size comparisons.Ł/§
Size comparison
Mikko Meriläinen (manatic) (for Dawn of the Lead): Colonial Marine miniatures – a review: Review article, with size comparisons.Ł/§
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Buying the product - Debra (b) miniature figure from Hasslefree Miniatures
Base price (Debra (b))(2017-2022): 3.75+VAT GBP / EUR / USD, Price/model: 3.75+VAT GBP / EUR / USD
Hasslefree Miniatures: Debra (b): Official webpage.
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Possible substitutes - Debra (b) miniature figure from Hasslefree Miniatures
Hasslefree Miniatures - Sci-Fi Humans - Debra
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Do you have the Debra (b) miniature figure from Hasslefree Miniatures? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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