Painted Crowe with pulse rifle from the Aliens (Gale Force Nine) range from Gale Force Nine company |
Article updated: 2021.01.17
The Crowe from Gale Force Nine is a 1/56 scale (28mm/32mm) miniature figure, depicting a futuristic human soldier, for the Aliens board game, set in the futuristic world of the Alien & Predator series. It will be first produced in 2020.12, in the Aliens: Ultimate Badasses boxed set.
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Details - Crowe miniature figure for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine
Miniature figure: Crowe with pulse rifle
Product name: Crowe
Product Code: set: GF9-ALIENS02, GF9-ALIENS05
GN Code: -
Kit: -
Sprue: GF9 Aliens - Marines 2
Set: Aliens: Ultimate Badasses: contains 1, Aliens: Heroes of Hadley's Hope: contains 1
Range: Aliens (Gale Force Nine) range (Futuristic)
Setting: Alien & Predator universe
Company: Gale Force Nine company
Production: 2020.12.05-
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Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: modern armour (armour) (Aliens: M3 Pattern Personal Armor likeness), no shield, Helmet: modern helmet (helmet) (Aliens: M10 Pattern Ballistic Helmet likeness), Equipment in hand: R+L: assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness), Equipment carried: -, Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness: USCM Colonial Marine likeness - Tim Crowe likeness
Humanoid - Human / Human-sized (S3) humanoid - Human-sized (S3) Human - Human-sized (S3) Human male -
Advanced miniature - Advanced humanoid - Advanced humanoid with medium-sized firearm - Futuristic Human male warrior with assault rifle / Human-sized (S3) Advanced humanoid - Human-sized (S3) Futuristic humanoid -
Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human warrior in modern armour with assault rifle
Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior with assault rifle - Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior in modern armour with assault rifle
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Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene)(green)
Priming: Primer is not necessary
Scale: probably 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale
Proportions: Realistic
Size: ?mm high
Assembly: Multi-piece, On sprue, Needs assembly, Needs glue, Needs cutting
Posing: Hard
Paintjob: Unpainted
Base: No base
Conceptual design: ?
3D sculptor: ?
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1x Crowe head and pulse rifle
1x Crowe body
1x Crowe base
3D design of Crowe with pulse rifle from the Aliens (Gale Force Nine) range from Gale Force Nine company |
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Review - Crowe miniature figure for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine
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Size comparison photos - Crowe miniature figure for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine
![]() |
Size comparison of the miniatures in the Aliens: Ultimate Badasses expansion set from Gale Force Nine company (left to right): Apone, Dietrich, Crowe, Drake, Wierzbowski, Burke |
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Uses for the miniature - Crowe miniature figure for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine
Uses for games
- Alien vs Predator: Colonial Marine
- Cthulhu Wars: ?
- Kings of War: ?
- Deadzone: Human soldier
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: ?
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: ?
- Warhammer 40.000: Astra Militarum soldier
- Aliens (Gale Force Nine) system: Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps, Aliens: Ultimate Badasses
- Aliens board game (Leading Edge Games) system: Aliens base set
- Alien vs Predator Ed1 system: Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed1
- Alien vs Predator Ed2 system: Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed2
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Resources - Crowe miniature figure for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine
Gale Force Nine: Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps: Official article about the base set of the Aliens game.
Gale Force Nine: What is Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps?: Official article about the contents of the GF9 Aliens core set.
Gale Force Nine: Aliens: They're Coming Out Of The Walls: Article on the GF9 official website about the Aliens board game.
Gale Force Nine online store: Aliens: Official webstore of the GF9 Aliens board game.
AvPGalaxy Forum: Topic: Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps - A Cooperative Board Game: Forum compiling the available information about the Aliens board game from Gale Force 9.
Barry Ashcroft (for The Gamer): Alien Miniatures Game Coming in October from Gale Force Nine: Preview article about the Gale Force 9 Aliens board game products.
brennon (for OnTableTop): New Aliens Board Game Details Drop From Gale Force Nine!: Preview article about the Aliens from Gale Force 9.
Gale Force 9: Preview articles with images about the miniatures and cards: article1, article2, article3
Gale Force Nine Facebook page: Preview images about the game: image1, image2, image3, image4
the same images on Instagram: image1, image2, image3, image4
the same images on Twitter: image1, image2, image3, image4
Gale Force 9 Facebook page: Preview images about the miniatures: post1, post2, image1: Alien (playtest version), image2: Hicks (playtest version)
Gale Force 9 Facebook page: ATTENTION MARINES: Preview article about the release of the game.
the same info on Instagram, Twitter
Gale Force 9 Facebook page: We know loads of you are waiting for ALIENS information...so here it is!: Preview article about the products of the Aliens GF9 board game.
Gale Force Nine Twitter: Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corp is landing with TWO expansions to supplement your gaming experience and let you bring the film to your tables.: Preview article about the products of the Aliens GF9 board game. Mostly the same information as the FB article.
Gamerati: Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps!: Preview video about the Gale Force 9 Aliens board game.
Pair Of Dice Paradise: Top 5 Eye-Catching Board Games: December 2018: Preview video about an overview of the rules and models of the GF9 Aliens board game, at the state they were in 2018.12.
Peter Ray Allison (for Geek Pride): Phil Yates on Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps: Interview article about the develeopment of the GF9 Aliens game.
Robert N. Adams (for TechRaptor): Gale Force Nine's Aliens Board Game Arrives in October 2020: Preview article about the Aliens game from GF9.
Rogue Hippo (for Outside is Overrated): News: Aliens Board Game Scheduled for 2020 (but who knows at this point?): Preview article collecting information about the Gale Force Nine Aliens.§
previous version of the article
Roll For Crit: Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps Impressions | Gen Con 2019: Preview video about the rules of the Aliens board game from Gale Force 9, at the state it was in 2019.08.
Travis Pasch (for Spikey Bits): 3 New Aliens Board Games: Gale Force 9: Preview article about the contents of the Gale Force 9 Aliens game products.§
ubarose (for There Will Be Games): Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps - New Release Date and Expansions Announced Hot: Preview article about the GF9 Aliens game.
Phil ‘Windebieste’ Wlodarczyk (for Hideous Plastic): 2018 Toy Fair – Galeforce Nine Board Game: Preview article about a brief overview of the Gale Force 9 Aliens board game, and photos of the miniatures, at the state they were in 2018.02.
Preview - Playtests before production
Gale Force 9 Facebook page: Playtest photos showing the players - image1, image2, image3, image4, image5, image6
Gale Force Nine Facebook page: Playtest photos showing the game:
- image1: Aliens (playtest version), Hicks (playtest version with shotgun and motion tracker), Ripley, Vasquez
- image2: Aliens (playtest version) are the ones that are visible
- image3: Aliens (playtest version) are the ones that are visible
Hahnarama (on Twitter): Played #AliensAnotherGloriousDayintheCorps! on 2019-08-03 with 4 players: Article about the playtest, with some photos of the Aliens GF9 board game, miniatures and cards.
Mark Chaplin: At #Gencon2019, @Quahogmire took these pics of the upcoming ALIENS: ANOTHER GLORIOUS DAY IN THE CORPS! cooperative miniature wargame.: Photos of the playtest.
trask (for Living Dice): Gencon 2019 Games Played Report Part 2: Playtest gameplay article about the Aliens game. Includes a photo of the playtest Alien models of the Gale Force 9 Aliens.
Contents overview
David Leavitt: Mysterious packages 📦 📦 just arrived: Contents overview video.
FortNerdDotCom: Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps Unboxing: Contents overview video.
Mark (for Gamers Web): Another Glorious Day in the Corps. Gale Force Nine: Contents overview video.
Meet Me At The Table: Aliens Another Day in the Corps Unboxing: Contents overview video.
Mighty Lancer Games: Aliens - Unboxing Gale Force 9 New Aliens Game & Expansion | What’s In The Box | Show Me Everything: Contents overview video about Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps and Aliens: Get Away From Her, You B***h!.Łđ
OnTableTop: Unboxing – Aliens: Another Glorious Day In The Corps | Gale Force Nine: Contents overview video.
Steve Tassie (for The Board Game Guy): Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps Unboxing by the Board Game Guy: Contents overview video.Łđ
The Other One (for The Other One's Vault of the Undead): ‘Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps’, Co-operative Survival Boardgame by Gale Force Nine: Review article about the GF9 Aliens board game. Includes contents overview.
The Other One (for The Other One's Vault of the Undead YouTube channel): Aliens - Another Glorious Day in the Corp Unboxing, Gale Force Nine Co-Operative Survival Boardgame: Contents overview video about the Aliens game from Gale Force 9.Łđ
Trueflight Silverwing: Aliens: Another Glorious Day In The Corps: Compensated review video, with contents overview.§
Michael Barnes (There Will Be Games): GF9’s Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps Loses its Aim - Review Hot: Playtest review article.
Ronny Alexander (for Co-op Board Games): Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps Review: Compensated playtest review article.§
The Other One (for The Other One's Vault of the Undead): ‘Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps’, Co-operative Survival Boardgame by Gale Force Nine: Review article about the GF9 Aliens board game. Includes contents overview.
Trueflight Silverwing: Aliens: Another Glorious Day In The Corps: Compensated review video, with contents overview.§
Preview - Miniatures
Gale Force Nine Facebook page: First look at some of the models for our upcoming Aliens boardgame: Preview photos of the GF9 Aliens board game miniatures. Models: Aliens (that look very different from the final looks), Ripley, Hicks variant (shotgun and motion tracker), Apone, Dietrich, Wierzbowski, Drake, Crowe, 2 marines with pulse rifle. All of the models are at least slightly different from their current versions.
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Buying the product - Crowe miniature figure for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine
Base price (Aliens: Heroes of Hadley's Hope)(2020): 20 GBP / 25 USD / 25 EUR / ? AUD. Price/model: 1.5 GBP / 1.9 USD / 1.9 EUR / ? AUD
Base price (Aliens: Ultimate Badasses)(2020): 16 GBP / 30 USD / 20 EUR / 60 AUD. Price/model: 2,7 GBP / 5 USD / 3,3 EUR / 10 AUD
Where can you buy it?
Gale Force Nine online store: Aliens: Official webstore of the GF9 Aliens board game.
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Similar models - Crowe miniature figure for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine
None yet
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Do you have the Crowe for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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