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Futuristic humanoid warrior in 1/56 scale - Matsudo Tectonics Guard #1 for DreadBall from Mantic Games, 2018image © Mantic Games
sculpt © Mantic Games
painting © Mantic Games

Painted Matsudo Tectonics Guard #1 from Mantic Games company

The Matsudo Tectonics Guard #1 miniature figure for the DreadBall  board game from Mantic Games is a futuristic humanoid warrior. It was first produced in 2018.

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Details - Matsudo Tectonics Guard #1 miniature figure for DreadBall from Mantic Games

Miniature: Matsudo Tectonics Guard #1, Product name: Matsudo Tectonics Guard, Product code: ?, Sprue: -, Range: Warpath rangeDreadBall rangeMatsudo TectonicsDreadBall Guardfantasy football (Futuristic), Series: Warpath universe, Company: Mantic Games company, Production: 2018.03.19-2021-

Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Matsudan (Humanoid - Humanoid Reptilian), Gender: ?, Technology: Medieval/Fantasy (Archaic) / Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: armour, no shield, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: empty hands, Equipment carried: none (no weapon), Based on: ?

Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: soft PVC - pale green, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece (Multi-piece - Pre-assembled), Sprueless, No cutting needed, No assembly, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral flat base - Fits Mantic base, Conceptual design: Roberto Cirillo, 3D Sculptor: ?

Set: Matsudo Tectonics - Matsudan Team set: contains 2

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Review - Matsudo Tectonics Guard #1 miniature figure for DreadBall from Mantic Games

Every miniature in the DreadBall Ed2 base set is either a one-piece cast, or pre-glued multi-piece, so you don't need any preparations before your first game. The glue doesn't show, most of the miniatures are so finely crafted it's hard to realise whether or not it is a multi-piece cast. Most of the joins are hidden well, and that also helps the pieces to stay together. I haven't seen any of these minis come apart, unless they were put to a heavy stress.

There is no flash on the miniatures, but the mould lines are visible, and they will be need removal before you start painting.

The player figures are bigger than most previous teams, they are comparable in size to the orx and grogans. Their dynamic poses cause this big miniatures to reach beyond their own hex, and this might be problematic in some situations.

DreadBall Ed2 boardgame base set from Mantic Games, 2018The DreadBall Ed2 base, with the DreadBall v2 inserted

All the miniatures in the retail set are glued on their transparent bases. The glue is uneven, many of the miniatures are tilted, and they are not always aligned forward, and this is especially problematic as the new bases have a distinct front edge.

DreadBall Ed2 boardgame base set from Mantic Games, 2018 DreadBall Ed2 boardgame base set from Mantic Games, 2018

The minis are probably glued to their bases because they do not stay there if I push them on. Some of the minis are glued in strange angles, some of them are glued with not enough glue, so they fall off. The superglue used unfortunately mars the transparent acrylic material, and I couldn't find an easy way to remove the glue without damage.

The problem seems to be that the hole in the DreadBall Ed2 base is slightly bigger than the one of the original. The original bases take the new minis easily, without glue. You push them in, they stay in. If the new bases weren't better in every other way, I'd just use the old ones instead.

The miniatures from the Kickstarter pack came separate from their bases, so you need to glue them first before you start playing. This also means that the Kickstarter Exclusive miniatures are all separate.

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Size comparison photos - Matsudo Tectonics Guard #1 miniature figure for DreadBall from Mantic Games


For further comparison images: Mantic Games-DreadBall-Matsudo Tectonics Guard #1 comparison images

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Using the miniature - Matsudo Tectonics Guard #1 miniature figure for DreadBall from Mantic Games

Uses for games


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Resources - Matsudo Tectonics Guard #1 miniature figure for DreadBall from Mantic Games


Mantic Games Shop: Matsudo Tectonics Matsudan Team: Official webpage of the product.

Contents overview

Mike Carter (from Unt l Somebody Loses An Eye): DreadBall II Striker Pledge: Contents overview article about the Kickstarter edition.

Sam Poots (dracs) (from The Beasts of War): DreadBall 2nd Edition: Matsudo Tectonic – Team Chat: Rules overview video of the team. Includes contents overview.

the video on YouTubeŁ

the video on Facebook

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Buying the product - Matsudo Tectonics Guard #1 miniature figure for DreadBall from Mantic Games


Base price (Matsudo Tectonics - Matsudan Team set)(2018-2021): 35 EUR / 25 GBP / 40 USD

Where can you buy it?

Mantic Games Shop: Matsudo Tectonics - Matsudan Team: Official webpage of the product.

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Possible substitutes - Matsudo Tectonics Guard #1 miniature figure for DreadBall from Mantic Games

Matsudo Tectonics Guard #2

Matsudo Tectonics

DreadBall Guard

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Do you have the Matsudo Tectonics Guard #1 miniature figure for DreadBall from Mantic Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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