Chelsea from Happy Games Factory company |
The Chelsea miniature figure from Happy Games Factory is a futuristic human soldier.
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Details - Chelsea miniature figure for Eden from Happy Games Factory
Miniature: Chelsea, Product name: Chelsea, Product code: EDE-BL-CHE, Sprue: ?, Set: Chelsea set: contains 1, Resistance Starter Box v2 - Pilots set: contains 1, Range: Eden range - Resistance (Futuristic), Series: ?, Company: Happy Games Factory company, Production: 2012.02-2017- -2020? (out of production)
Size: Human-sized (S3+), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: female (Human female), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: mace (melee weapon - one-handed melee weapon), shield, Equipment carried: none, Based on: ?
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: 38mm tall, Material: Metal, Priming: Primer is necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Sprueless, No cutting needed, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Tabbed for Slottabase, Conceptual design: Loic "Greencat" Muzy, Sculptor: Gael Goumon
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Review - Chelsea miniature figure for Eden from Happy Games Factory
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Size comparison photos - Chelsea miniature figure for Eden from Happy Games Factory
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Using the miniature - Chelsea miniature figure for Eden from Happy Games Factory
Uses for games
- Alkony Wargame: Human warrior with mace and shield
- Eden system: Resistance: Chelsea
- Alien vs Predator: Human soldier
- Cthulhu Wars: ?
- Kings of War: ?
- Deadzone: Human soldier
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: ?
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: ?
- Warhammer 40.000: Adeptus Arbites, Astra Militarum soldier with melee weapon
- a
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Resources - Chelsea miniature figure for Eden from Happy Games Factory
Happy Games Factory: Starter Box Resistance V2 (English): Official webpage. (2021: offline)
Happy Games Factory: Starter Box Resistance V2 (French): Official webpage. (2021: offline)
Size comparison
Barbouille (for Barbouilleblog): Eden : Chelsea et Duncan.: Showcase article of Chelsea and Duncan, with size comparison to each other.
Galahad Painting (on Skyrock): Eden Chelsea et Ingrid: Showcase article of Chelsea and Ingrid, with size comparison to each other.§
Le Bazar de Jinn: Eden: image4: Size comparison of Chelsea and other Resistance models.§
Minus (on DakkaDakka): Eden : Resistance 001: Size comparison image of a converted Alice/Chelsea, Duncan, and other Resistance models.
Minus (on DakkaDakka): Eden : Resistance 002: Size comparison image of a converted Alice/Chelsea, Duncan, and other Resistance models.
Minus (on DakkaDakka): Eden : Resistance 006: Size comparison image of a converted Alice/Chelsea, Duncan, and other Resistance models.
Lucas Massa (for Lord of the Miniatures): Painting Workshop: Chelsea: Painting tutorial of the resin version of Chelsea.
Minus (on DakkaDakka): Eden : Alice: Showcase image of a converted Alice/Chelsea.
Barbouille (for Barbouilleblog): Eden : Chelsea et Duncan.: Showcase article of Chelsea and Duncan, with size comparison to each other.
Figouze Miniature Painting: Taban Miniatures - Eden / Eden Resistance - Chelsea 1 (from Taban Miniatures): Showcase image. (2021.02.26: The article is offline.)
Figouze Miniature Painting: Taban Miniatures - Eden / Eden Resistance - Chelsea 2 (from Taban Miniatures): Showcase image. (2021.02.26: The article is offline.)
Galahad Painting (on Skyrock): Eden Chelsea et Ingrid: Showcase article of Chelsea and Ingrid, with size comparison to each other.§
Hawk02 (on Tabletop Sachsen e.V. - Forum): [Eden] - Hawkie`s Kämpfer der Apokalypse (in German): Showcase article in German. (2021.02.26: The images are missing.)
Le Bazar de Jinn: Eden: Showcase gallery: image1, image2, image3, image4 .§
MathMathonwy (from Stoogewood): Eden: a post-apocalyptic skirmish game – introduction and review: Game review with showcase photos.§
Rafal Maj (for BloodyBeast): Eden Resistance Chelsea: Showcase article of Chelsea.§
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Buying the product - Chelsea miniature figure for Eden from Happy Games Factory
Base price (Chelsea)(2017): GBP / 10 EUR / USD, Price/model: GBP / 10 EUR / USD
Base set price (Resistance Starter Box v2 - Pilots set)(2017): ? GBP / 39 EUR / ? USD. Price/model: GBP/ 7.8 EUR / USD
Where can you buy it?
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Possible substitutes - Chelsea miniature figure for Eden from Happy Games Factory
None yet
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Do you have the Chelsea miniature figure for Eden from Happy Games Factory? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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