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Decomposing human male undead in 1/72 scale (Zombie #1 for Zombies!!!) from Twilight Creations - Miniature figure review
Zombie #1 miniature figure for Zombies!!! from Twilight Creations

The Zombies!!! Zombie #1 from Twilight Creations is a decomposing zombie miniature for the Zombies!!! Ed1-2 boardgame.

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Details - Zombie #1 miniature figure for Zombies!!! from Twilight Creations

Miniature figure: Zombie #1 - Male Zombie #1, Species: Human (Undead Human), Range: Zombies!!! (Modern), Company: Twilight Creations, Production: 2001-2006- (Out of production)
Scale: 1:72, Proportions: Realistic with a huge left arm, Size: ?mm high, Material: Soft plastic, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral flat base, Sculptor: ?
Features: male, decomposing
Accessories: None.

Set: Zombies!!! Ed1: contains 100; Zombies!!! Ed2: contains 100; Bag O' Zombies: contains 100

Features: Small (S2) Archaic / Advanced decomposing Humanoid with empty hands

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Review - Zombie #1 miniature figure for Zombies!!! from Twilight Creations


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Size comparison photos - Zombie #1 miniature figure for Zombies!!! from Twilight Creations

Zombies!!! Zombie #1 from Twilight Creations - 1:72 (25mm) comparison with Zvezda Greek Hoplite (left) and Zvezda Greek archer (right).
Zombies!!! Zombie #1 from Twilight Creations - 1:72 (25mm) comparison with Zvezda Greek Hoplite (left) and Zvezda Greek archer (right).


Zombies!!! Zombie #1 from Twilight Creations - 1:64 (28mm) comparison with Renegade Miniatures orc #2 (left) and Pigeon Guard Games' Big T (right).
Zombies!!! Zombie #1 from Twilight Creations - 1:56 (28mm) comparison with Renegade Miniatures orc #2 (left) and Pigeon Guard Games' Big T (right).


Zombies!!! Zombie #1 from Twilight Creations - 1:35 (54mm) comparison with 40mm high shepherd and 54mm high soldi
Zombies!!! Zombie #1 from Twilight Creations - 1:35 (54mm) comparison with 40mm high shepherd and 54mm high soldier.


Zombies!!! Zombie #1 from Twilight Creations - comparison with Doom (FFG), Kings of War (Mantic) and Zombicide (CoolMiniOrNot) zombies
Zombies!!! Zombie #1 from Twilight Creations - comparison with Doom (FFG), Kings of War (Mantic) and Zombicide (CoolMiniOrNot) zombies

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Using the miniature - Zombie #1 miniature figure for Zombies!!! from Twilight Creations

Uses for games

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Resources - Zombie #1 miniature figure for Zombies!!! from Twilight Creations


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Buying the product - Zombie #1 miniature figure for Zombies!!! from Twilight Creations


Base set price (Zombies!!! Ed2): 30 USD, Price/miniature: 0,3 USD (if you also need the others)

Base set price (Bag O' Zombies): 13 USD, Price/miniature: 0,13 USD (if you also need the others)

Where can you buy it?

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Possible substitutes - Zombie #1 miniature figure for Zombies!!! from Twilight Creations

None yet

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Do you have a Zombie #1 miniature figure for Zombies!!! from Twilight Creations? How do you like it? Would you recommend them to others? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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