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Barbarian warrior with axe and dagger (Kairic Acolyte #3 for Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower) from Games Workshop - Miniature figureimage © Games Workshop
sculpt © Games Workshop
painting © Games Workshop
Painted Kairic Acolyte #3 for Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower from Games Workshop

The Kairic Acolyte #3 from Games Workshop is a barbarian warrior with axe and dagger, for the Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower boardgame, set in the Warhammer Fantasy world.

The Kairic Acolytes from the Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower set (2016) are very similar, but not the same miniatures as the figures from the Kairic Acolytes set (2017).

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Miniature: Kairic Acolyte #3 with axe and dagger

GN Code: -

Set: Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower: contains 2

Features: Human-sized (3) Human male (Human male) Warrior in full helm, with with axe (R) and dagger (L).

Archaic miniature, Archaic humanoid, Human-sized (S3) Archaic humanoid, Human-sized (S3) Fantasy humanoid, Human-sized (S3) Ancient humanoid,

Category: Human-sized (S3) human male warrior in full helm, with axe and dagger

Species: Human

Technology: FantasyAncient (Archaic)

Armour: no shield

Range: Warhammer: Age of Sigmar (Fantasy)

Setting: Mortal Realms (Warhammer: Age of Sigmar)

Company: Games Workshop company

Production: 2016-

Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene)

Priming: Primer is not necessary

Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale

Proportions: Realistic / Heroic

Size: ?

Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, On sprue, Needs cutting

Posing: Medium

Paintjob: Unpainted

Base: No base

Conceptual design: John Blanche

Sculptor: David Waeselynck & Steve Buddle

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Size comparison photos



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Using the miniature

Uses for games


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Official - Kairic Acolytes

Games Workshop: Warhammer Quest - Silver Tower (UK): Official page. (2020.04.24: The webpage is offline.)

the article on

Creation - Kairic Acolytes

Gothic Punk: John Blanche Kairic Acolyte Early concept work for Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower: Concept art article.

Painting tutorials - Kairic Acolytes

Games Workshop Tutorial: How To Paint Age of Sigmar Kairic Acolytes: Painting tutorial video.

Dice & Brush: Miniature Monday: Kairic Acolytes Wip: Painting tips article.

Stylus (from The WoffBoot Chronicle): What does 'Kairic' mean anyway?: Showcase article, with conversions of the models, and painting tips.§

Conversion - Kairic Acolytes

bigbossredskullz: Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower #21: Conversion article, with showcase of the finished models.

bigbossredskullz: Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower #22: Conversion article, with showcase of the finished models.

Stylus (from The WoffBoot Chronicle): What does 'Kairic' mean anyway?: Showcase article, with conversions of the models, and painting tips.§

Wilhelm (from WilhelMiniatures): AoS28: Kairic Acolytes for Silver Tower: Conversion article, with showcase of the finished models.

Showcase - Kairic Acolytes

Caladors (on Deviant Art): Kairic acolytes skin tones: Showcase article.

frankcastlerip (from Metal Miniatures): Silver Tower: Kairic Acolytes / Mistweaver: Showcase article.

Groje (The Grand Alliance Community): Kairic Acolytes: Showcase article.

iisuperhands: Kairic Acolytes: Showcase article. (2020.04.26: The website is offline.)

iisuperhands: The other two Kairic Acolytes: Showcase article. (2020.04.26: The website is offline.)

Ivankaiser (for Gangeek Style): Warhammer Quest partie 7 : Kairic Acolytes (in French): Showcase article in French.§

Kevin Barrett (from Kevin's Miniatures & Hobby Table): Starting Into Silver Tower: Showcase article.

Madrilous: Silver Tower Kairic Acolyte (Painting tutorial in description): Showcase article.

Nick Wirtz (from Spiraling Cadaver): Building A Religion- Silver Tower Acolytes: Showcase article.§

Pie Masters: Warhammer Quest: Kairic Acolytes: Showcase video.

SouthPawStudio: Silver Tower Kairic Acolytes: Showcase article.

Stylus (from The WoffBoot Chronicle): What does 'Kairic' mean anyway?: Showcase article with painting tips.

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Buying the product

Base set price (Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower set)(2016-2017): 95 GBP / 150 USD / 125 EUR, Price per model: ? EUR (if you also need the others)

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Possible substitutes

None yet

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Do you have the Kairic Acolyte #3 for Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower from Games Workshop? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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