image © Mantic Games sculpt © Mantic Games painting © Mantic Games |
Plague Swarm for Warpath from Mantic Games |
The Plague Swarm from Mantic Games is a swarming critter creature, made of centipedes and rodents.
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Details - Plague Swarm for Warpath from Mantic Games
Miniature figure: Plague Swarm
Product code: ?
GN Code: ?
Sprue: -
- Plague Support Booster: contains 1
- Plague Faction Booster Ed2: contains 1
Features: Human-sized (S3) Wild Swarm
Swarm - Wild critter swarm / Human-sized (S3) swarm - Human-sized (S3) Wild critter swarm
Category: Human-sized (S3) swarm
Range: Warpath - Plague (Futuristic/ Futuristic fantasy/ Fantasy)
Series: Warpath
Company: Mantic Games
Production: 2013-2017-
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Species: various Non-humanoid alien
Gender: ?
Based on: ?
Technology: Wild
Accessories: -
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Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm)
Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale
Size: ?
Material: hard PVC - gray
Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, On sprue?, Needs cutting?
Posing: Hard
Paintjob: Unpainted
Base: Integral scenic base
Design: Roberto Cirillo
Sculptor: -
image © Mantic Games artwork © Roberto Cirillo |
Plague Swarm concept for Warpath from Mantic Games |
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Review - Plague Swarm for Warpath from Mantic Games
There is some freedom in their assembly, so you can have slight variations of the model. Using different colours also help to differentiate them.
Pieces: 1x main mass, 1x centipede head #1, 1x centipede head #2, 1x centipede head #3, 1x centipede tail
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Size comparison photos - Plague Swarm for Warpath from Mantic Games
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Using the miniature - Plague Swarm for Warpath from Mantic Games
Possible uses
- 1:100 scale: A large critter swarm.
- 1:72 scale: A large critter swarm.
- 1:64 scale: A critter swarm.
- 1:56 scale: A critter swarm.
- 1:50 scale: A critter swarm.
- 1:35 scale: A critter swarm.
Uses for games
- Alkony Wargame: critter swarm
- Cthulhu Wars: Minion
- Kings of War: Height 1 Infantry, Height 1 Cavalry, proxy Fleabag
- Deadzone: Plague: Plague Swarm
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: Swarm, Orc Squig
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Swarm, Orc Squig
- Warhammer 40.000: Alien creature swarm, Tyranid ripper swarm, Ork Squig
Rules for the miniature
- Deadzone Ed1: Deadzone Ed1 starter set?
- Deadzone Ed2: Deadzone Ed2 Rulebook p51
Uses on the website
- none yet
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Resources - Plague Swarm for Warpath from Mantic Games
Mantic Games: Plague Faction Booster: Official webpage.
Contents overview
Maledrakh (for At the Mountains of Minis): The Punishment Due: Crazy Bobby’s Craaazzy Bonanza Box of Craziness!!!!: Contents overview article of a Crazy Box, that includes a RefBot Mk1, Plague Gen 3 Mutants Ed1, Plague Hounds Ed1, Plague Swarm.~
Stephen Barr (Spydah666): Painting Deadzone Plague Swarm. Part 1: Painting tutorial video.¤
Stephen Barr (Spydah666): Painting Deadzone Plague Swarm. Part 2: Painting tutorial video.¤
Boss Bluddtoof (from Code 40K): Run for the Hills! Deadzone Plague Swarm: Showcase article about Plague Swarm.
Crucium Giger (for Crucium Giger's Miniatures Blog): The Plague - Completed (At Last): Showcase article about Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Gen 1 Mutant #2, Plague Teraton, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Plague Gen 3 Mutants Ed1, Doctor Simmonds v1, Plague Aqissiaq, Plague Enforcer with Experimental Weapon, Plague Hounds Ed1, Plague Swarm, Plague Strider.
Gimgamgoo: Plague: Showcase article of Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Gen 1 Mutant #2, Plague Aberration, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Plague Gen 3 Mutants Ed1, Plague Gen 3 Mutant with Grenade Launcher, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Spotter, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Loader, Plague Mortar, Plague Swarm, Plague Hounds Ed1, Plague Strider, Plague Mule.§/Ł?
G Mort (for GMorts Chaotica): Plague for Warpath - Part 6: Setting article, with lots of showcase photos, about Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Teraton, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Plague Gen 3 Mutants Ed1, Doctor Simmonds v1, Plague Hounds Ed1, Plague Swarm.
Keith (brownk29) (for Keith's Wargaming / Painting Blog): Deadzone - The Plague - Part 2: Showcase article about Plague Gen 1 Mutant #1, Plague Gen 2 Mutants, Plague Gen 3 Mutants Ed1, Plague Gen 3 Mutant with Grenade Launcher, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Spotter, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Loader, Plague Mortar, Plague Hounds Ed1, Plague Teraton, Plague Swarm.
smoothgravy (for File and Brush): Deadzone – Plague Support: Showcase article about Plague Gen 3 Mutant with Grenade Launcher, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Spotter, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Loader, Plague Mortar, Plague Swarm.§
smoothgravy (on Imgur): Plague Support: Showcase article about Plague Gen 3 Mutant with Grenade Launcher, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Spotter, Plague Gen 3 Mutant Loader, Plague Mortar, Plague Swarm.
theotherone42 (for The Other One's Vault of the Undead): Deadzone Plague Swarm: Showcase article about Plague Swarm.
Deadzone The Podcast (on Twitter): Jack created a new Plague Swarm from the blob that was the original: Conversion showcase article.
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Buying the product - Plague Swarm for Warpath from Mantic Games
Base set price (Plague Support Booster): 15 GBP / ? EUR / ? USD
Base set price (Plague Faction Booster Ed2): 25 GBP / 40 EUR / 40 USD
Company | Set price (2017) | Price / mini (2017) |
Mantic Games | Plague Faction Booster Ed2 (?) (40 EUR / 25 GBP / 40 USD) Contains: 17 miniatures 1x Plague Swarm (ca. 2 GBP?) 1x Plastic Plague Teraton (ca. 10 GBP?) 3x Plastic 3rd Gen Troopers with Mortar (Ed1) (ca. 4 GBP?) 5x Hard Plastic 3rd Gen Troopers (ca. 4 GBP) 1x Hard Plastic Plague Hound #3 (ca. 0,5 GBP) 5x Hard Plastic Plague Zombies (ca. 4,5 GBP) 1x Plastic Plague Aberration (13,5 GBP) Sum: 40,5 GBP = 62% |
? EUR / ca. 1 GBP / ? USD |
Where can you buy it?
Mantic Games: Plague Faction Booster: Official webpage.
Buy the Plague Swarm for Warpath from Mantic Games from Amazon |
Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES |
Buy the Plague Swarm for Warpath from Mantic Games on eBay |
eBay US - eBay UK - eBay CA - eBay DE - eBay FR - eBay IT - eBay ES - eBay AU - eBay IE - eBay AT - eBay CH - eBay BE - eBay NL |
Buy the Plague Faction Booster Ed2 from Element Games (UK) -10%, ref. code:KAD935 Buy the Plague Faction Booster Ed2 from Firestorm Games (UK) -10% Buy the Plague Faction Booster Ed2 from Wayland Games (UK) -20% Buy the Plague Faction Booster Ed2 from Noble Knight Games (USA) -15% Buy board games from Book Depository |
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Possible substitutes - Plague Swarm for Warpath from Mantic Games
Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids - Ripper Swarm
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Do you have the Plague Swarm for Warpath from Mantic Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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