image © Prodos Games sculpt © Prodos Games painting © Prodos Games |
Painted Alien Infant for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games |
The Alien Infant #1 from Prodos Games is a humanoid alien carnivore, for the Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins boardgame, set in the Futuristic world of the Aliens vs Predator series.
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Miniature: Alien Infant v1 #1
GN Code: -
Sprue: -
Set: Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins: contains 10, Alien Infants set: contains 5
Range: Alien vs Predator (Futuristic)
Series: Alien & Predator universe
Company: Prodos Games
Production: 2015-2016- -2019? (out of production)
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Size: Large (S4), Species: Aliens Xenomorph with clawed hands, stinger tail (Humanoid - Humanoid alien - Humanoid alien carnivore), Gender: ?, Technology: Wild, Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: unarmoured/ carapace armour, Helmet: no helmet / carapace helmet, Equipment in hand: empty hands, Equipment carried: none, Based on: Alien & Predator likeness - Alien Xenomorph likeness - Alien Drone likeness - "Infant" likeness
Humanoid - Humanoid alien - Humanoid alien carnivore
Large (S4) humanoid - Large (S4) Humanoid alien - Large (S4) Humanoid alien carnivore - Large (S4) humanoid alien carnivore, with claws and stinger tail - Large (S4) humanoid alien carnivore, with claws and stinger tail, with empty hands
Humanoid with empty hands, Large (S4) humanoid with empty hands
Large (S4) wild Aliens Xenomorph - Large (S4) wild humanoid Aliens Xenomorph, with empty hands - Large (S4) wild humanoid Aliens Xenomorph Drone, with empty hands
Category: Large (S4) wild humanoid alien carnivore, with claws and stinger tail, with empty hands
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Material: Resin
Priming: Primer is not necessary
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale
Proportions: Realistic
Size: ca. 40-42mm high
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Pre-cut, Needs cutting
Posing: Medium
Paintjob: Unpainted
Base: No base
Conceptual design: ?
3D sculptor: ?
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Uses for games
- Alkony Wargame: Alien creature, Possessed humanoid
- Alien vs Predator: Alien Infant, Alien Warrior (proxy), Alien Stalker (proxy)
- Cthulhu Wars: Alien creature
- Kings of War: Height 1 / Height 2 Infantry.
- Abyssal: Flamebearer, Lower Abyssal, Tortured Soul, Abyssal Champion, Abyssal Harbinger, Efreet, The Lord of Lies
- Forces of Nature: Forest Shambler
- Goblins: Troll
- Night Stalkers: Doppelganger, Spectre, Mind-screech, Screamer, Banshee, Horror, The Dream Hunter
- Salamanders: Salamanders - need to be equipped with weapons, Tyrants
- The Herd: Guardian Brute, Guardian Champion
- Trident Realms: Naiads - need to be equipped with weapons, Placoderm, Thuul, Depth Horror, Depth Horror Eternal
- Undead: Ghoul, Werewolf
- Deadzone: Alien creature
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: Chaos daemon
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Chaos daemon
- Warhammer 40.000: Alien creature, Chaos daemon
- Aliens (Gale Force Nine) system: Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps
- Aliens board game (Leading Edge Games) system: Aliens base set
- Alien vs Predator Ed1 system: Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed1
- Alien vs Predator Ed2 system: Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed2
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Prodos Games: Alien Infants: Official page.
Review - Alien Infants
Painting - Alien Infants
elstonation: AVP The hunt Begins Infant alien painting tutorial: Painting tutorial video about the Alien infants.
grailslair: They’re Coming Outta The Walls. They’re Coming Outta The Goddamn Walls: Showcase article and painting tips about the Alien Infants and Alien Stalkers.§
Showcase - Alien Infants
elstonation: Wargames AVP minis showcase: Showcase video.
GMort (from GMort's Chaotica): Aliens Vs Predator - Some Aliens... : Showcase article about the Alien Infants and Alien Stalkers.
grailslair: They’re Coming Outta The Walls. They’re Coming Outta The Goddamn Walls: Showcase article and painting tips about the Alien Infants and Alien Stalkers.§
The Cbaggery: AvP: The Hunt Begins – The Aliens: Showcase article about the Alien Infants and Alien Stalkers.§
Official - Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed1
Prodos Games: Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins boardgame: Official page. (2020.04.27: The article is offline.)
the article on (2018.03.02)
Preview - Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed1
GMort (from GMort's Chaotica): Aliens Vs Predator Kickstarter - Prodos Visit Titan...: Minature preview article.
Contents overview - Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed1
GMort (from GMorts Chaotica): AvP : The Hunt Begins - Unboxing and Review: Review article with a very thorough content overview.
grailslair: We’re On An Express Elevator To Hell, Going Down: Content overview article.§
Miniatures: Review - Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed1
cruorangelussilicis: NNYPC 2016 - Part 2 - AvP The Paint Begins! A closer look at the miniatures: Review video.
cruorangelussilicis: NNYPC 2016 - Part 3 - AvP The Paint Begins! Size comparisons and Stalker Aliens: Review video with size comparisons. Includes showcase of Alien Stalker.
GMort (from GMorts Chaotica): AvP : The Hunt Begins - Unboxing and Review: Review article with a very thorough content overview.
Miniatures: Painting - Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed1
DLC Studio: Prodos Games AVP: Tutorial y presentación del canal (in Spanish): Painting tutorial video about the Alien Praetorian, Alien Warrior, Human WY Commandos, Power Loader, Predator Hellhound, in Spanish.§
Miniatures: Showcase - Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Ed1
elstonation: Wargames AVP minis showcase: Showcase video about the USCM Marines, Alien Infants, Alien Stalkers, and Predators.
GMort (from GMort's Chaotica): Aliens Vs Predator Miniatures Game - Painted Miniatures - Updated: Showcase article.
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Base set price (Alien Infants set): 15 GBP / 18 EUR / 19,2 USD, Price/model: 3 GBP / 3,6 EUR / 3,8 USD
Base set price (Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins): 75 GBP / 96 USD / 90 EUR, Price/model: ? EUR (if you also need the others)
Where can you buy it?
Prodos Games: Alien Infants: Official page.
Prodos Games: Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins: Official page.
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None yet
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Do you have the Alien Infant #1 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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