image © Papo sculpt © Papo painting © Papo |
Running T-Rex from Papo |
The Running T-Rex miniature creature from Papo is a Giant biped carnivore from the Tyrannosaurus Rex species. It is the third version of the Running T-Rex models from Papo. It is pre-painted in a yellow and purple colour, that's called "Rainbow colour" by the collectors.
The model has three different versions.
v1: Brown Running T-Rex (2012)
Has stability problems due to its posture.
v2: Green Running T-Rex (2012-2017-)
Green repaint of the Brown version. Has stability problems due to its posture.
v3: Running T-Rex (2016-)
Altered model, with a rainbow repaint. More upright, 14cm high. It's more stable, as it doesn't lean to the right as the previous versions.
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Details - Running T-Rex from Papo
Miniature figure: Running T-Rex
Product Code: 55057
GN Code: -
Sprue: -
Set: -
Range: Nature
Series: -
Company: Papo
Production: 2016-2017-
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Species: Tyrannosaurus Rex
Gender: -
Based on: Tyrannosaurus Rex from Jurassic Park
Technology: Wild
Features: Super Giant (S9) Wild Reptilian Biped carnivore creature lizard (Tyrannosaurus Rex)
Carnivore creature, Biped carnivore creature
Category: Super Giant (S9) Wild Reptilian biped carnivore creature
Accessories: -
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Scale: ca. 1:32 (54mm scale), Mike Walley (from Everything Dinosaur) suggests 1:42, probably 1:40 by the makers, HappyHenToys suggest 1:20 scale, on WikiPedia an average T-Rex is 12,3m long, so that would be about 1:37 if this one is an average size adult.
Proportions: Realistic
Size: ca. 140mm high, ca. 330mm long
Priming: Primer is not necessary / Primer is necessary
Assembly: One-piece
Posing: Medium
Paintjob: Painted
Base: No base
Design: ?
Sculptor: ?
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Review - Running T-Rex from Papo
The miniature is hand painted. It can be washed, the paintjob won't come off, unless you scrub it very hard.
The model is solid, but it has one point of articulation, the jaws move, so you can open the mouth to reveal a very nice, detailed inside.
The solid material of the model doesn't allow it to be reposed or reshaped with the help of heating it, even if you use boiling water. Panther10 recommends the extreme dry heat of a heat gun (or a powerful hair dryer) if you really want to repose it.
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Size comparison photos - Running T-Rex from Papo
As I do not have the Rainbow coloured Running T-Rex miniature, I used my copy of the Green Running T-Rex, as the two models are pretty similar.
My comparison photos are made with a recast by Unikatoy. These are done for size and pose comparison purposes only, do not judge the quality of the Papo original by these photos.
Green Running T-Rex from Papo - 1:56 (28/32mm) comparison with Shock Troopers in Greatcoat for Alien Suns from Wargames Factory (photo of a recast by Unikatoy). |
Green Running T-Rex from Papo - 1:56 (28/32mm) comparison with Shock Troopers in Greatcoat for Alien Suns from Wargames Factory (photo of a recast by Unikatoy). |
Green Running T-Rex from Papo - 1:56 (28/32mm) comparison with Seraphon Saurus for Warhammer from Games Workshop (photo of a recast by Unikatoy). |
Green Running T-Rex from Papo - 1:35 (54mm) comparison with 40mm high shepherd and 54mm high soldier (photo of a recast by Unikatoy). |
Green Running T-Rex from Papo - 1:35 (54mm) comparison with 40mm high shepherd and 54mm high soldier (photo of a recast by Unikatoy). |
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Using the miniature - Running T-Rex from Papo
Possible uses
- 1:100 scale: A .
- 1:72 scale: A .
- 1:64 scale: A .
- 1:56 scale: A .
- 1:50 scale: A .
- 1:35 scale: A .
Uses for games
- Alkony Wargame: XXX
- Cthulhu Wars: XXX
- Kings of War: Height N XXX
- Deadzone: XXX
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: XXX
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: XXX
- Warhammer 40.000: XXX
Uses on the website
- none yet
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Resources - Running T-Rex from Papo
Official - v3: Running T-Rex
Papo: Running T-Rex: Official webpage.
Review - v3: Running T-Rex
Ajeet Prabu (ex: green tyrannosaur): Papo T-Rex dinosaur collection figure review green, brown, rainbow - standing, running, baby: Showcase video about Papo T-Rex models, including Green Running T-Rex, and Running T-Rex.Ł
JurassicCollectables: Papo® NEW Running T.REX Review | 2016: Review video, with comparison of Green Running T-Rex and Rainbow Running T-Rex, and also with the standing Rainbow T-Rex.
Mike Walley (from Everything Dinosaur): JurassicCollectables Reviews the Colour Variant Papo T. rex: Review article.§
Suspsy (from Dinosaur Toy Blog): Tyrannosaurus rex (Rainbow Running Version by Papo): Review article.
Victoria's Cantina: Papo 2016 Rainbow Running Tyrannosaurus Rex Review: Review video, with comparison of Green Running T-Rex and Rainbow Running T-Rex, and also with the standing Rainbow T-Rex.
Review - v1: Brown Running T-Rex
Baptiste Coudert (for Jurassic Bap): Video Review: 2012 Papo Dinosaur Toy Rare Brown Running Tyrannosaurus rex T-rex: Review video about Brown Running T-Rex and Green Running T-Rex.Ł
DansDinosaurs: Tyrannosaurus Running by Papo (2012 Brown Version): Review video.
Suspsy (from Dinosaur Toy Blog): Tyrant Twosome (Brown Running T. rex and Rainbow T. rex by Papo): Review article.
Official - v2: Green Running T-Rex
Papo: Green Running T-Rex: Official webpage.
Unikatoy: T-Rex: Official webpage for a recast version.
Reviews: Articles - v2: Green Running T-Rex
Marc Vincent (from Dino Toy Blog): Tyrannosaurus rex (Running) (Papo): Review article.
Mike Walley (from Everything Dinosaur): Review of the Papo Running T. rex: Review article.§
Reviews: Videos - v2: Green Running T-Rex
Ajeet Prabu (ex: green tyrannosaur): Papo T-Rex dinosaur collection figure review green, brown, rainbow - standing, running, baby: Showcase video about Papo T-Rex models, including Green Running T-Rex, and Running T-Rex.Ł
Aniruddha Vishnu Chittapuram: The Lost World Jurassic Park Papo Running Tyrannosaurus Rex: Review video. I think it's about counterfeit ones, the paintjob doesn't match, and the material looks more rigid. (2020.12.09: The video is offline.)
Baptiste Coudert (for Jurassic Bap): Video Review: 2012 Papo Dinosaur Toy Rare Brown Running Tyrannosaurus rex T-rex: Review video about Brown Running T-Rex and Green Running T-Rex.Ł
Ethan Nelson: Papo Green Running Tyrannosaurus Rex Model Review: Review video.Ł
Eu coleciono dinossauros: Comparação T.rex Papo Original vs. T.rex Papo Pirata: Comparison video of a Papo original with a counterfeit copy.§
Flow (ex: BerserkFlow): Papo Running Tyrannosaurus Rex: Review video, zooming on the details of the model.
JurassicCollectables: Jurassic Park Papo Running T Rex Review: Review video.
Mike Walley (from Everything Dinosaur): A Review of the Papo Running T. rex Model: Review video.§
Not so Gross Lemonade (ex: Even P.): #2 Review - Jurassic World Papo T-Rex & Jada Jeep Wrangler 1:32 Diecast: Review video.§
Omega Primus: Papo Running T-Rex Review: Review video.
TheGeek41: Papo Running Tyrannosaurus Rex review: Review video.
Victoria's Cantina: Papo Green Running Tyrannosaurus Rex Review: Review video.
Wawo (ex: BusyPetKeeping 101): Dinosaur World-Dinosaur Revive Tyrannosaurus Rex toy: Review video made with a recast by Unikatoy. (2020.12.09: The video is offline.)
WD Toys: Papo Green Walking T-Rex Dinosaur Compare Jurassic World Unboxing, Review By WD Toys: Review video.Ł
Showcase - Custom
Panther10: Custom Female Papo T-Rex: Showcase article of a reposed custom repaint.
Panther10: Custom Male Papo T-Rex: Showcase article of a reposed custom repaint.
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Buying the product - Running T-Rex from Papo
Base price (Running T-Rex): ? EUR / 22 GBP / 30 USD
Where can you buy it?
Papo: Running T-Rex: Official webpage.
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Possible substitutes - Running T-Rex from Papo
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Do you have the Running T-Rex miniature creature from Papo? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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