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Amorphous blob in 1/56 scale - Colossal Shoggoth from Fenris Games, 2011 - Miniature creature reviewimage © Fenris Games
sculpt © Fenris Games
Painted Colossal Shoggoth for Cthulhu Mythos from Fenris Games company

The Colossal Shoggoth miniature creature from Fenris Games is an amorphous blob. The model is 1/56 (28mm/32mm) scale, has realistic proportions, made of resin.

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Details - Colossal Shoggoth for Cthulhu Mythos from Fenris Games

Miniature figure: Colossal Shoggoth

Product name: Colossal Shoggoth, Product code: FGCM02, Kit: -, Sprue: -, Range: Cthulhu (Fantasy / Modern Fantasy), Setting: Cthulhu Mythos, Series: ?, Company: Fenris Games company, Production: -2011-2020-

Size: Extra Giant (S7), Species: Shoggoth (Non-humanoid alien - Amorphous blob), Gender: ?, Technology: Wild, Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour:  unarmoured, no shield, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: -, no weapons, Equipment carried: -, Based on: Shoggoth

Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ca. 150mm x 80mm in size, 55mm high, Material: resin, Priming: primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, No cutting required, No assembly, Posing: Hard, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?

Set: Colossal Shoggoth set: includes 1

"150 x 80 x 55 mm in size, this protoplasmic gribbly is big enough to consume a whole party of investigators at one sitting. This is a one piece urethane resin casting. A separate pack of 10 pseudopod tentacles will be released shortly to allow for those who want to make their shoggy even more loathsome."

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Review - Colossal Shoggoth for Cthulhu Mythos from Fenris Games


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Size comparison photos - Colossal Shoggoth for Cthulhu Mythos from Fenris Games


Size comparison of Colossal Shoggoth miniature with 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale figure from Fenris Games company. From left to right: Shoggoth Rising, APEX Agent Fuchs.image © Fenris Games
Size comparison of Colossal Shoggoth miniature with 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale figure. From left to right: Colossal Shoggoth, from Fenris Games company, APEX Agent Fuchs from Fenris Games company.


Size comparison of Colossal Shoggoth miniature with 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale figure from Fenris Games company. From left to right: Shoggoth Rising, APEX Agent Fuchs.image © Fenris Games
Size comparison of Colossal Shoggoth miniature with 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale figure. From left to right: Colossal Shoggoth from Fenris Games company, 28mm high Madge from Hasslefree Miniatures company.

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Uses for the miniature - Colossal Shoggoth for Cthulhu Mythos from Fenris Games

Possible uses

  • 1:72-1:100 scale: A giant shoggoth.
  • 1:48-1:56 scale: A very large shoggoth.
  • 1:35 scale: A normal shoggoth.

Uses for games

Uses on the website

  • None yet

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Resources - Colossal Shoggoth for Cthulhu Mythos from Fenris Games


Fenris Games: FGCM02 - Colossal Shoggoth: Official webpage.

Size comparison

supervike (on Lead Adventure Forum): Shoggoths - who makes the best LARGE one: Size comparison image to a 28mm scale Hasslefree miniature.


Fenris Games Gallery: Showcase image.

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Buying the product - Colossal Shoggoth for Cthulhu Mythos from Fenris Games


Base price (Colossal Shoggoth)(2020): 15 GBP, Price/model: 15 GBP 

Where can you buy it?

Fenris Games: FGCM02 - Colossal Shoggoth: Official webpage.

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Similar models - Colossal Shoggoth for Cthulhu Mythos from Fenris Games

Fenris Games - Shoggoth Rising

Petersen GamesCthulhu Wars - Flying Polyp

Petersen GamesCthulhu Wars - Shoggoth

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Do you have a Colossal Shoggoth miniature from Fenris Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend them to others? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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