image © Games Workshop
sculpt © Games Workshop
paint © Games Workshop
The Black Ark Fleetmaster Scaly Cloak from Games Workshop for Warhammer Fantasy Battles are capes or cloaks for 28mm / 32mm scale, Heroic scale miniatures, that feature a drakescale / dragonscale pattern. They could also fit 35mm, or larger 1/72 (20mm) minis. They can be used as conversion bits.
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Miniature accessory: Scaly cloak of the Black Ark Fleetmaster
Range: Warhammer range (Fantasy), Company: Games Workshop company, Production: 2004-2016-
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic / Heroic, Size: ?, Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Posing: ?, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: -, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?
Features: 1x scaly capes/cloaks (scaly capes/cloaks).
Set: Black Ark Fleetmaster
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The Black Ark Fleetmaster cloak is probably fused together with the backs of the Dark Elf torso, so you might need to remove that before use.
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Games Workshop: Black Ark Fleetmaster: Official page.
Adam Wier (from Between the Bolter and Me): Dark Eldar: Duke Sliscus conversion complete: Tutorial article about using the Black Ark Fleetmaster cloak for conversion.
Jonathan Hart (on Putty and Paint): Kaelleth Flayheart - Dark Elf Black Ark Fleetmaster: Showcase article, showing the Black Ark Fleetmaster cloak.
JackMcWaffle (on imgur): Black Ark Fleet Master: Showcase article, showing the Black Ark Fleetmaster cloak.
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Buying the product
Base set price (Black Ark Fleetmaster): 12 GBP, Price/model: 12 GBP/mini, 12 GBP/cloak
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Do you have a Black Ark Fleetmaster Scaly Cloaks miniature accessory from Games Workshop? How do you like it? Would you recommend them to others? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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