image © Games Workshop
sculpt © Games Workshop
paint © Games Workshop
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Details - Chaos Gargant Scaly Loincloths miniature accessory from Games Workshop
Miniature accessory: Scaly loincloth of the Chaos Gargant / Scaly capes/cloaks, Set: Mancrusher Gargants (2020-), ex: Aleguzzler Gargant (2017-2020), Aleguzzler Gargants Colossal Crushers, Chaos Gargant (-2017), Warhammer Giant, Range: Warhammer range / Warhammer: Age of Sigmar range - Sons of Behemat (Fantasy), Setting: Warhammer World / Mortal Realms (Warhammer: Age of Sigmar), Company: Games Workshop company, Production: -2016-2020-
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic / Heroic, Size: ?, Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Posing: ?, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: -, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: ?
Features: 1x 1 Giant loincloth (capes/cloaks), 1x 1 Giant scaly loincloth / capes/cloaks (scaly capes/cloaks)
The Chaos Gargant Scaly Loincloths from Games Workshop for Warhammer Fantasy Battles are loinclothes for giant miniatures, or capes or cloaks for 28mm / 32mm scale, Heroic scale miniatures, that feature a drakescale / dragonscale pattern. They could also fit 35mm, or larger 1/72 (20mm) minis. They can be used as conversion bits.
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Resources - Chaos Gargant Scaly Loincloths miniature accessory from Games Workshop
Games Workshop: Chaos Gargant (on Official page. (2019-: offline)
Games Workshop: Aleguzzler Gargant (on Official page. (2020-: offline)
Games Workshop: Mancrusher Gargants: Official page.
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Buying the product - Chaos Gargant Scaly Loincloths miniature accessory from Games Workshop
Base set price (Mancrusher Gargants)(2020.10-): 75 GBP, Price/model: 18.75 GBP/cloak if you only need the cloaks
Base set price (Aleguzzler Gargant)(-2019.12-2020.07-): 40 GBP, Price/model: 20 GBP/cloak if you only need the cloaks
Base set price (Chaos Gargant)(-2016-2019.05-): 32,5 GBP, Price/model: ca. 16 GBP/cloak if you only need the cloaks
Where can you buy it?
Games Workshop: Mancrusher Gargants: Official page.
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Do you have a Chaos Gargant Scaly Loincloths miniature accessory from Games Workshop? How do you like it? Would you recommend them to others? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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