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Rags tabards from Spellcrowimage © Spellcrow
sculpt © Spellcrow

The Rags Skirt aprons / Tabards from Spellcrow are clothes for 28mm / 32mm scale, realistic or Heroic scale miniatures, that feature a torn, raggy pattern. Some could also fit 35mm, or larger 1/72 (20mm) minis. When they are hanging from the hip, they are good for skirt aprons, tabard skirts, loinclothes. They can be used as conversion bits.

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Details - Rags Tabards miniature skirt apron accessory from Spellcrow

Miniature accessory set: Rags Tabards (SPCB5401)Miniature accessory: skirt apron - rags skirt apron, Range: Historical / Fantasy / Modern / FuturisticFuturistic fantasy - Spellcrow Space - Plague Legions, Company: Spellcrow company, Production: -2015-2016-
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic / Heroic, Size: ?, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Posing: ?, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: -, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: Piotr Pirianowicz
Features: 10 rags skirt aprons (rags skirt aprons), 2x5 sculpts.

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Buying the product - Rags Tabards miniature skirt apron accessory from Spellcrow

Base set price (2015-2016): 8 EUR, Price/model: 0,8 EUR

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