Wargames - Kings of War - Tactics
I've collected some ideas about Kings of War tactics.
Tactics - Kings of War
Tactics - Resources
Daedle: Anti-Flyer Tactic: A good article about defending against flyer units. (2020.04.06: The forum is offline.)
Kyle Przelenski (from Master Crafted Gaming): The Rock, Paper, Scissors of Kings of War: Article about how to use Kings of War unit types.
Kyle Przelenski (from Master Crafted Gaming): Why there isn't a "best army" in Kings of War: An article about Kings of War unit types.
Caleb Watson (from Master Crafted Gaming): How to conquer your friends objections to Kings of War...: An article about how to counter attacks against the Kings of War rules.
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Armies - Kings of War
Kingdoms of Men - Resources
- Kelemen Gábor (MeyilKree) (from Terepasztalos és egyéb stratégiai játékok): Overview of my Kings of War army, review of units, development plans (in Hungarian): Article about using the army.
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Magic - Kings of War
Wind Blast
Uses for Wind Blast:
- Push a unit out of charge range / line of sight / away from an objective
- If you'd like your unit to remain on an objective, and still be out of charge range, you can push an enemy unit out of charge range.
- Push a unit into difficult ground so they can't move At the double
- Push a unit behind obstacles so they can't move At the double
- Push a ranged unit behind blocking terrain to lose their Line of Sight
- Push a unit into the Line of Sight of ranged units
- Push a unit into the charge line of other units
- Push a unit out of hiding
Wind Blast - Resources
- Kings of War Fanatics: Benefits of Wind Blast (Facebook): Tactics conversation about the Wind Blast spell. You have to be a member of the Kings of War Fanatics group to read this topic.
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Do you know further tactics for Kings of War? Tell us in the comments!
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