I've collected some sample army lists for Kings of War armies. I suppose these are valid lists for Kings of War Ed2 (published in 2015), I'm not sure about Kings of War Ed3 (published in 2019).
Abyssals - Abyssal Dwarfs - Basilea - Dwarfs - Elves - Empire of Dust - Forces of Nature - Goblins - Kingdoms of Men - Night Stalkers - Ogres - Orcs - Ratkin - Salamanders - The Brotherhood - The Herd - The League of Rhordia - Trident Realms - Twilight Kin - Undead - Varangur |
You can create your own armies using the Kings of War - Easy Army website
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Points: 1,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Demo Army : Forces of the Abyss
Points: 2,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Nashcon 2016 - from the other side!: Robert Brandon's army, with Goblin allies.
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Abyssal comparison: Two armies based on the Dungeon Saga Abyssal set.
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Points: 1,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Demo Army : Abyssal Dwarfs
Points: 2,000pt
Christopher Nicholls (for Beasts of War): Kings of War List Building: Goblins & Abyssal Dwarfs!: An army for Clash of Kings.
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Nashcon 2016 - from the other side!: Mike Carter's army.
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Points: 1,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Demo Army : Basileans
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Points: 2,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Nashcon 2016 - from the other side!: Billy Smith's army.
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Points: 1,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Demo Army : Dwarves
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Points: 1,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Demo Army : Elves
Points: 2,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Nashcon 2016 - from the other side!: Keith Randall's army.
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Points: 1,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Demo Army : Forces of Nature
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Points: 1,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Demo Army : Goblins
Points: 2,000pt
Christopher Nicholls (for Beasts of War): Kings of War List Building: Goblins & Abyssal Dwarfs!: An army for Clash of Kings.
Points: 1,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Demo Army : Kingdoms of Men
Points: 1,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Demo Army : Ogres
Points: 2,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Nashcon 2016 - from the other side!: Todd Perkins' army.
Points: 1,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Demo Army : Orcs
Points: 2,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Nashcon 2016 - from the other side!: Seth Cook's army, with Ogre allies.
Points: 1,500pt
Hordes of Things: Kings of War: Review - plus Herd vs Undead game
Points: 1,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Demo Army : Twilight Kin
Points: 1,000pt
Mike Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Demo Army : Undead
Points: 1,500pt
Hordes of Things: Kings of War: Review - plus Herd vs Undead game
Kieron (from Cheaphammer): Kings of War: Report & Review: Review article with gameplay, and Undead army list. Scenario: Pillage.
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Do you know further sources of sample armies for Kings of War? Tell us in the comments!
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