image © Mantic Games sculpt © Mantic Games paint © Mantic Games |
Skeleton Command sprue from Mantic Games company |
The Undead Skeleton Command sprue is a sprue, for Kings of War, from Mantic Games.
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Details - Skeleton Command sprue for Kings of War from Mantic Games
Miniature sprue: Undead Skeleton Command sprue, Species: Human skeleton, Range: Kings of War (Fantasy), Company: Mantic Games company
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?, Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece (Tight fit peg), On sprue, Needs cutting, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral base - Fits Mantic base, Sculptor: ?
Features: Skeleton human, armed with melee weapon and shield, or spear and shield
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Contents - Skeleton Command sprue for Kings of War from Mantic Games
Undead Skeleton Command spue contents
- 2x 5 Skeleton Warrior legs, with holes for pegs
- 1x 6 Skeleton Warrior torso holding a one-handed melee weapon and shield (1x sword, 1x hammer, 1x axe, 3x open hand), with pegs
- 1x 2 Skeleton Warrior Command torso with shield, without right arm, without head, without pegs - almost the same as the ones on the Undead Skeleton Troop sprue, with a bit more damage on the shields
- 1x 2 Skeleton Warrior Command torso with open handed arms, without head, without pegs
- 1x 5 Skeleton Warrior Command head
- 1x 3 Skeleton Warrior Command right arm (1x 2 sword, 1x 1 open hand)
- 2x 4 Skeleton Warrior sword
- 1x 7 Skeleton Warrior spear
- 1x 1 Skeleton Warrior broken spear
- 1x 1 Skeleton Warrior Command axe
- 1x 1 Skeleton Warrior Command double headed axe
- 1x 1 Skeleton Warrior Command morning star
- 1x 1 Skeleton Warrior Command bell
- 1x 1 Skeleton Warrior Command cape
- 1x 1 Skeleton Warrior Command hood
- 1x 1 Skeleton Warrior Command shield
- 1x 1 Skeleton Warrior Command standard
- 1x 1 Skeleton Warrior Command horn
From one Undead Skeleton Command sprue you can assemble 10 miniatures in a variety of ways:
Human-sized (S3) skeletal humanoid warrior in armour, with one-handed melee weapon and shield
- 5x Skeleton Warrior with one-handed melee weapon and shield - Easily built with tight-fit pegs + 5 models you need to glue
- 10x Skeleton Warrior with one-handed melee weapon and shield - 5 with tight-fit pegs, 5 needs glue
- 10x Skeleton Warrior with sword and shield - You'll need to cut some weapons from the hands. You'll still have one sword left.
Human-sized (S3) skeletal humanoid warrior in heavy armour, with a one-handed melee weapon in each hand
2x Skeleton Warrior with two one-handed melee weapons and no shield + 8 others
Human-sized (S3) skeletal humanoid warrior in armour, with spear and shield
- 8x Skeleton Warrior with spear and shield - However 1 spear will be shorter, and you'll need to cut the one-handed melee weapons from the hands + 2 others
Human-sized (S3) skeletal humanoid warrior in armour, with army standard
- 1x Skeleton Warrior standard bearer + 9 others
Human-sized (S3) skeletal humanoid warrior in armour, with horn
- 1x Skeleton Warrior musician with horn - Not the best choice of instrument for someone without lungs. + 9 others
I think, a percussion or even a string instrument would fit the skeletons better as a musician.
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Skeleton Warrior Command sprue included in:
Kings of War - Skeleton Command Sprue (1x)
Kings of War - Undead Skeleton Horde (1x)
Kings of War - Undead Skeleton Regiment (1x)
Kings of War - Undead Omens of Death Detachment (1x)
Kings of War - Undead Army v1 (-2015, KoW Ed1)(2x)
Kings of War - Undead Army v2 (2015-, KoW Ed2)(1x)
Kings of War - Undead One Player Battle Set (KoW Ed1)(1x)
Kings of War - Undead Mega Force (2x)
Kings of War - Malak's Endless Hordes (2x)
Kings of War - Undead Warhost (1x)
Kings of War - Undead Colossal Army (1x ?)
Kings of War - Two Player Battle Set (1x)
Kings of War - Mega Two-player Starter Set (2015-2016-)(1x)
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Uses for the miniature - Skeleton Command sprue for Kings of War from Mantic Games
Possible uses
- 1:72 scale: A huge skeleton.
- 1:56 scale: A skeleton.
- 1:48 scale: A small skeleton.
- 1:35 scale: A tiny skeleton.
Uses for games
- Alkony Wargame: Demon possessed skeleton warrior
- Kings of War:
- Abyssal: Lower Abyssal
- Undead: Skeleton Warrior
- Deadzone: ?
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: Skeleton Warrior
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Skeleton Warrior
- Warhammer 40.000: Primitive Skeleton Warrior
Uses on the website
- None yet
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Resources - Skeleton Command sprue for Kings of War from Mantic Games
Mantic Games: Undead Skeleton Horde: Official webpage of the product.
Contents overview
komlo (from Mantic Kings of War EOldal.Hu): Mantic Kings of War Sprue: Sprue photos.
Carpe Noctem - Review of Mantic's Skeletons and Ghouls by Disciple of Nagash: Review article.
dwarf (from Mantic Kings of War Blog): 85 Skeleton & Revenant (in Hungarian): Review article.
Google Translate English version
Joe Kushner (from My Miniature Madness): Skeletons: Wargame Factory Versus Mantic: Review article, comparing Wargames Factory Skeleton Warriors v1 with Mantic Games Skeleton Troops. (2020.04.08: The images are missing.)
the article with images on
Rex "I love trees" Foote (from The Dice Odyssey): Alternate Game Workshop Models: Mantic Games: Review article with comparisons.
Joe Kushner (from My Miniature Madness): Skeletons: Wargame Factory Versus Mantic: Review article, comparing Wargames Factory Skeleton Warriors v1 with Mantic Games Skeleton Troops. (2020.04.08: The images are missing.)
the article with images on
Rex "I love trees" Foote (from The Dice Odyssey): Alternate Game Workshop Models: Mantic Games: Review article with comparisons.
komlo (from Mantic Kings of War EOldal.Hu): 85 Skeleton & Revenant: Showcase gallery article.
komlo (from Mantic Kings of War EOldal.Hu): Undead Army: Showcase gallery article.
Neldoreth (from An Hour of Wolves): Undead Skeletons: Showcase article.
Ubique Matt: Undead Skeleton Troop, Mantic Games: Showcase gallery article.
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Buying the product - Skeleton Command sprue for Kings of War from Mantic Games
Base set price (Undead Skeleton Command sprue): 10 GBP, Price/model: 1 GBP (if you need the other mini)
Base set price (Undead Skeleton Horde set): 30 GBP, Price/model: 0,75 GBP (if you need the other minis)
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Do you have the Skeleton Command sprue for Kings of War from Mantic Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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